However, returning the ball in the next second made the ball explode faster, and the swing speed was still very fast.

The tennis ball falls out of bounds.

! Score, the odds are 30.

Take the second point.

The audience showed dull eyes, not understanding what happened in this short moment.

Yuezhi Yueguang, who was scoring consecutively just now, lost consecutive points in a blink of an eye, and his counterattack speed was several times faster than before.

"Is it the speed of the wind, although it is not as fast as the moonlight, but it is very natural, just like..."

"It's the same as normal basic movements."

Watanabe's pupils turned slightly, and his eyes revealed an unbelievable color.

Boom!! Score 40.

....Boom!! Score, the odds are 1.

In the voice of the crowd, with the improvement of the ball speed, he once again won the next game.

"Okay... so strong, have you made progress, or made a breakthrough on the spot."

"It shouldn't be like, I always feel that... it's going to happen. You see his movements, it's like the basic movements have become: faster."

"Did the game start to turn around, great!"

There was an uproar around the audience, and everyone looked at him.

It was still in a state of being crushed just now, and in the blink of an eye, it was one point from the more intelligent moonlight.

The occupation of this contrast creates a very visual impact on everyone.

But everyone forgot... The end is Yuezhi Yueguang's serve.

The fifth game, Yuezhi Yueguang serving game.

Huh! Tennis grandma, in the sound of hitting, disappeared instantly.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The triple-layered sound reverberated through the court, the tennis ball pierced through the net and flew out of bounds.

.................................When everyone looked at the court again, they found that the tennis ball had been rolling out of bounds.

The people who were still cheering at first stopped laughing and fell silent again.

They only thought about winning the score in their own serve, but ignored Yuezhi Yueguang's serve, which was still so powerful.

In Yuezhi Yueguang's serve, Yuezhi Yueguang is equivalent to invincibility.

!The more intelligent moonlight score, the score is 15.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The overlapping sound was deadly long, and the tennis ball swept past him again and again and rushed out of bounds.

Relying entirely on the ball sense, the reaction speed has surpassed the visual sense, but still unable to counterattack Mach's serve.

!The more intelligent moonlight score, the score is 30.

....Bang! Boom! Boom!! Yuezhi Moonlight scores, the score is 40.

....Bang! Boom! Boom!! Yuezhi Moonlight scores, the score is 4.

Yuezhi Yueguang easily won his serve... 0, but not to be outdone, in his own serve, he used the perfect style of play with a faster return speed to suppress Yuezhi Yueguang.

Boom!! Score, score 2....Bang!! Yuezhi Moonlight score, score 5.

....Boom!! Score, the odds are 3.

Tennis betting love flies out of bounds.

The more intelligent moonlight is ahead.

In the ninth inning, it was Yuezhi Yueguang's serve again.

Swish! The tennis ball rose in the air, and the racket slammed out the moment it fell.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The trio of sounds echoed across the court, and when the tennis reappeared, he was already out of bounds.

!The more intelligent moonlight score, the score is 15.

The scoring trend of Mach's serve is still unstoppable.

"There is no absolutely invincible serve."

"Since you can't rely on your skills to fight back, you should start with your own abilities."

Thinking of this, I still simulate in my mind Polk's state of breaking through the limit, as well as the state of the five-dimensional increase shown by the opponents he has experienced before.

Including Tezuka's selfless state, all presented in his mind.

The frequency of muscle movement, the movement curve, the return curve, everything comes to mind for analysis, pouring into the style of the ball, and transforming it into the most suitable way for you.

Bang! Bang! Bang!.

! Yuezhiyue score, odds: 30.

Yuezhi Yueguang continued to play the ball.

"Are you ready to give up your resistance? In this case... I can't give you the singles position."

A cold voice echoed in the arena.

He didn't show his real strength in this game, but he has gained his approval, but at the end of the game, he wanted to see if there was any... better changes.

"If you move muscle activation like this...with minimal side effects, then I have a better chance of fighting back."

Bang! The moment Yuezhi Yueguang hit the ball, he opened his eyes.

................................................................................................................................................................................ ......................................

Chapter 377: Longya Calls (6 More)

Chapter 37: Long Yalai's second year's national competition will not detail weak teams, most of which are based on the plots of Makinoto, Li Haida, Yamabuki, and Qingxue.

"It's now."

Suddenly, a speed far beyond normal erupted, and at the moment when the tennis ball was about to fly out of bounds, he swung the racket to make an interception.

But unfortunately, the tennis ball hit the edge of the racket, and the tennis ball did not fly back to the court.

Tennis is out of bounds.

!The more intelligent moonlight score, the score is 40.


"It's counterattacking!! It's really counterattacking."

"My God, did he do it, he reacted, unbelievable, he really did it."

"It didn't score, but...the racket intercepted the tennis ball."

"Isn't anyone paying attention to his movement speed?"

"It's really amazing."

There was a moment of silence, and there were exclamations from the members around. Unexpectedly, at the end of the game, they suddenly responded to Maher's serve.

"Interesting, the frequency of this muscle movement is to keep the body in a state of continuous bursting of 30 rounds."

Lin Bing looked at the arena with great interest, and with her extreme eyesight, she suddenly gained insight into the state she was in.

"Good job!"

Yuezhi Yueguang's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a faint smile.

Although he didn't know how, he was happy as long as he could fight back.

There is no more unnecessary nonsense, Yuezhi Yueguang throws his hand and hits the ball again.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The stack sounded, but the last tail sound was not outside the field, but on the racket.

After a mistake on the previous ball, he finally completely intercepted the 245 ball speed on the racket.

"To end the game as soon as possible."


He just drives his muscles autonomously, he doesn't really put himself into a new state, and he can't keep it for too long.

In other words, he couldn't last long in this state.

Bang! Bang! Bang! With the change, the situation on the field changed again.

Boom!! Score 4.

....Boom!! Score, the odds are 5.

....Bang!! Yuezhi Moonlight scored a score of 6.

....Bang!! Yuezhi Moonlight scored a score of 7.

The final score was fixed at 7, and there was no way to maintain that...muscle explosive state, and the score was lost at the last moment.

"Did you lose..."

Tighten the racket, but reluctantly let it go...

This game he lost convincingly, Yuezhi Yueguang suppressed him from the beginning of the game.

Even if he had new resistance, he didn't handle it well.

"Don't be discouraged, the singles position is yours."

Yuezhi Yueguang evoked a faint smile.

"It's still mine for..."

Just wanted to ask the reason, but saw Yuezhi Yueguang turn around and walk off the arena, and a cold voice slowly came out: "Become the pillar of the Ice Emperor."

....."Minister, .....very good."

Yuezhi Yueguang stood beside Lin Bing, showing a faint smile.

The surrounding members were slightly stunned, including Mitsugu and others.

It was the first time they saw the moonlight smile.

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