He never imagined that he could actually hit the ball with light.

Boom! Rotation, air waves, speed, and impact are vividly reflected at this moment. As said, they are flawless, and no flaws can be found.

Although all attributes are not as powerful as a single attribute such as a home run, the flawless light hitting the ball makes people unable to find a way to hit back.

The air was surging on the arena, there was a roar in the air, and the breath of despair enveloped the arena.

Golden rays of light enveloped the arena, rushing towards the immortal iron man.

A strong wave of air slammed into the Iron Man, causing his breathing to stagnate.

"Come on! Ahhhh!!!"

In the roar, without breaking the iron man, he did not retreat but advanced, and ran towards the light 1.

6. The muscles of the arms are arched and the veins are beating.

The moment the tennis ball flew, the racket slapped violently.

Boom! The racket hit the tennis ball, and the golden light erupted like the sun, covering the court.

The backcourt wall was the first to be cracked by the air wave, and a box of amazing depressions appeared on the wall.

There were also cracks in the solid ground.

Debris splattered everywhere, and under the air waves, it sputtered around like bullets.

Dust and mist filled the place.


There was a scream in the dust mist.

The entire audience looked towards the arena.

................................................. SUBSCRIBE..... .................................Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 422: Can't let q?p leave (3 more)

Chapter 42: Can't Let: Leaving 3 The ultimate power surged, raging on the arms of the Unbreakable Iron Man, making him feel tear-like pain.

The power of light hitting, even most high school students may not be able to hit back.

Even if he didn't break the iron man and had... talent, he was still in the first country, and he couldn't bear the ravages of this ball at all.

Before he could react, his fingers subconsciously loosened due to the severe pain... The racket, the racket came out of his hand, and the tennis ball also bombarded him.

Boom! The roar exploded, the ground shook, and there was dust and mist all around.

! Score, the odds are 30.

Score again.

The audience widened their eyes and stared at the field in disbelief.

"Light... The so-called foreign boy who only hits the ball will hit the ball lightly!"

"My God, it's terrible. How could this kind of ball skill be able to continue? I just seemed to see the Bumbo Iron Man being hit by a light ball, and the talent flew out."

"I don't know if I can still stand up. The air wave alone can smash the wall into pieces. I guess people have to be sent to the hospital."

"It seems that 30 in the six corners will be killed by 3 seconds, alas... the same result when I met the Ice Emperor last year, it's so miserable."

An uproar broke out in the audience, and the audience returned to their senses, only to feel their hands and feet are cold, and their eyes were full of fear.

The power of light hitting the ball is too amazing.

It would be fine if he never passed Iron Man, but the ball hit him directly, causing his body to collapse.

"...I've already hit the ball with the bare hands."

"Is his light hitting flawless? It really fits his style of play, and he shows it incisively and vividly in every aspect."

Watanabe shook his head and smiled, calmly looking at the arena.

The use of light hitting now means that there will be no suspense in the next game, and it will be a completely one-sided situation.

"Light hitting is recognized as a world-class skill, and one more person who has mastered it... This guy is really a genius."

Mitsugu Yakuto took a deep breath and said in shock.

He also touched the sweet spot early on, but has yet to master the light hit.

Most of it is because the physical strength and the basic five dimensions can't keep up, but this also shows how good his own talent is.

In the arena, the Iron Man's arms trembled violently, and blood flowed from his fingertips.

Although he only received a light shot, the damage to his arm has already exceeded the limit.

"There is no suspense about losing this game."

Yuezhi Moonlight looked cold.

Although the talent shown by the Iron Man is amazing, the existence of the mirror pupil allows them to see its potential.

But the talent is also high and low, and the strength is also different.

An unequal match seemed meaningless in itself, and the Ice Emperor had the idea of ​​withdrawing from the arena early.

"What kind of power does our next opponent have?"

Rin Bing asked coldly.

"No, except... Takei Toshio, there is one level left, weak in strength, and belongs to cannon fodder."

Mitsugu glanced at the battle table on the big screen and said immediately.

"Then just abstain in the remaining two games. There is no need to fight. It's a waste of time. Saving strength is the best choice."

Lin Bing said.

Watanabe on the side nodded.

He still has an impression of Toshi Takei, his strength is really not too strong, there is no need to play the game.

After all, there are risks in the game, and it is best to leave the strength to the final.

................................. on the field.

Unbreakable Iron Man's arms trembled violently.

The power of the light hitting the ball was too terrifying, and just one shot made his arm fall into a state of collapse.

Feeling the severe pain of tearing from the fingertips, Bupu Iron Man's face turned pale.

"Light...Light hitting the ball is well-deserved...so strong, so strong."

The danger of hitting the ball is self-evident, and if he doesn't have the strength to bear it, forcing it to catch it will only hurt himself.

What's embarrassing is that if you don't catch the ball, you can only watch yourself drop points.

He is already 2 behind in the Hexagon, and if he loses this game, he will be eliminated, and his real debut will be the laughing stock of everyone.

"Damn...give me points!"

The Iron Man roared angrily, forced the pain, and hit the ball.

With a dull crashing sound, the tennis ball exploded and flew out.

Instead of suppressing his own strength, he began to show amazing suppressing power.

The light is flickering, and the light strike is only a scoring method, more of a skill and suppression on the five circumferences.

In this one-sided situation, the scores of the two sides gradually opened up, and the expressions of the audience gradually stiffened.

Boom!! Score 2.

....Boom!! Score, the odds are 3.

....Boom!! Score, the odds are 4.

....Boom!! Score, the odds are 5.

.... Twenty minutes passed, and the game came to the tiebreaker.

The arena presents a one-sided situation, not breaking the opponents that Iron Man is not at all, can only constantly lose points.

Unbreakable Iron Man is indeed talented, but that's all.

Although today's is not as powerful as the original, but in the first stage of the country, it is definitely far stronger than the original.

"Rin Bing, if you put it back in Germany, then you are really... a sinner."

Irie Kanata watched the game in the audience and muttered.

With the strength and talent shown now, he must be a strong man in the future. If he really wants to let him return to Germany, the consequences will be unimaginable.

But what he can think of, and what Lin Bing can think of, will definitely not let him return to his own country.

When the time is almost up, Rin Bing will let the Atobe Consortium build momentum, causing the elite club to boycott together.

Even if you don't beat him, you won't be able to go back to Germany...................................... .....Request an order ................................................. ...

Chapter 423: Tokugawa's Challenge (4 more)

Chapter 43: Tokugawa's battle 4 Hexagon finally lost to the Ice Emperor with a score of 3.

There was no accident in the game, easily crushed without breaking the Iron Man, and won the game.

After the game, Rin ice and Watanabe announced to abstain from the game due to physical discomfort.

With a total score of 3, the Ice Emperor finally won the place to enter the Kanto final.

There is still a week left in the final, and Lin Bing did not ask everyone to practice, nor did he teach any special skills.

At this age, everyone's strength has grown far more than their physical strength, which is not a good thing and is prone to problems.

In the past, Lin Bing only knew how to make everyone stronger faster.

But it was only after he became stronger that he discovered that his strength was too strong, and it was also a kind of torture for the future.

Unlike him, Yuma Mutsu and others have systematic protection, once the strength exceeds the limit of their own tolerance.

Maybe if you don't have time to play on the field, the game will fall into a losing situation.

........Yamabuki——Although Yamabuki was eliminated, they are still there: They were actively preparing for the resurrection, and they did not neglect their training.

Today, however, the Yamabuki Tennis Club welcomed an uninvited guest, with a cold expression and a hint of chill in his eyes.

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