"This is secondly, the opponent actually has the best hitting spot. Captain, you actually took this skill with you when you went to Germany."

Echizen Ryuya said with interest.

Lin Bing ignored it and continued to focus on the arena.

Boom! ...... In the public's discussion, the Byodoin Phoenix has already made a counterattack.

Another destruction struck, with great power.

Gandolsk Khaki did not evade, and rushed towards the tennis ball.

The two fought against each other on the court, and the game gradually became: fierce.

Boom!.....Boom!.....Boom!.....Only the sound of hitting the ball back and forth is the only thing left in the entire arena.

Every shot was accompanied by an extremely loud sound, causing the ground to scream, and dust and mist swept the audience.

Shock again and again.

Let the site continue to shatter, and a series of cracks appear.

The venue has just been repaired with special materials, and soon it began to become: hideous.

"Gandorsk Khaki, your strength is far more than that, show some strength that I can look up to."

Byodoin Phoenix unceremoniously taunted the break.

The next second, the clap-holding arm waved forward.

Boom!... The purple-black light filled the sky, and the aura of destruction continued to shroud the hearts of everyone, making people unable to breathe.

Everyone's eyes narrowed, and they realized that the power of destruction was stronger on the right.

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Gandorsk Khaki stopped, his eyes fixed on the tennis ball.

He sensed danger from the ball.

It seems that this ball is far more powerful than the previous ones.

There is momentum in the destruction! Boom!... The racket swung suddenly and hit the tennis ball that flew straight in.

Boom!...... The purple and black light became more intense, but it spread all over the line in an instant.

The aura of destruction continued to flow, making people extremely shocked.

Boom!......"So strong!"

Tennis is straight back.

Gandolsk Khaki's eyes were fixed, and the tennis ball he pressed kept getting bigger and bigger.

In an instant, it turned into a towering mountain with amazing power.

"So strong, the power of destruction is constantly competing for strength, Phoenix..."

Looking at the powerful tennis ball in front of him, Gandalfsk's khaki's breath turned into a condensed and condensed.

Facing the tennis ball that flew straight in, he did not choose to retreat, but took a sudden step towards the front.

Gandorsk Khaki exerted force with both hands, swung the racket, and took the initiative to hit the tennis ball.

The muscles of the arms are arched, the blue veins are clearly visible, and they are as hard as steel.

Boom!...a thunderous explosion sounded.

The dust on the ground suddenly shook, and a strong wave of air ravaged Gandalf's bangs and the corners of his clothes.

Boom!...... The roar is constant, but the power of the ball is getting smaller and smaller, and the power it contains is getting weaker and weaker.

After a while, it became what it used to be.

"Since you are so late, let's try this trick! Byodoin Phoenix"

Gandolsk Khaki shouted, and the racket snapped back.

........Bang!.....The moment the racket hit the tennis ball, a sharp breath spread from the middle of the racket.

In an instant, the sphere was cut in half and flew towards different positions.

Both angles are very extreme positions.

The moment the ball hit the ground, a strong air wave erupted.

These air waves slapped on Phoenix and it hurt a little.

The scene is very similar to the samurai slam of the Echizen family.


Byodoin Phoenix didn't respond in time, and tennis balls rushed out from the left and right sides in an instant.

When he reacted, the tennis ball had already landed.

He said nothing, immediately.

Boom to the left position and hit the half ball back first.

But when he rushed to the other side, the ball had landed a second time and went out of bounds.

........"This is it! Is this the top game in the country?"

The entire audience turned pale, everyone was speechless, and the atmosphere of the game was like a biting cold, constantly affecting their hearts.

The degree of danger and intensity of the competition is even more exaggerated than before the entire national competition.

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Chapter 465: The Egyptian Phoenix Comes Out in Advance (4 More)

Chapter 465: The Egyptian Phoenix came out ahead of schedule 4 "Hmph..."

Byodoin Phoenix looked at the half tennis ball that flew out and stopped.

He didn't take the ball completely, and as a rule, it was a loss.

!Gandorsk Khaki scored 15.

Gandorsk Khaki is ahead.

Byodoin Phoenix looked solemnly at Gandorsk Khaki, his eyes constantly sliding.

Able to strike back his destruction with a very strange draw.

This level is enough to attract his attention.

"Hmph, not bad, you have the qualifications to make me serious."

Huh!...The tennis ball flies into the air again, and Byodoin bends his knees and jumps.

At the moment when the tennis ball fell, the muscles of the arm holding the racket arched, and the racket surface hit hard.

Boom!...The roar is heard.

The dust and mist all around suddenly swept into the sky.

When the ball hit the ground, the entire court shook.

The impact point immediately spread out several cobweb-like cracks, and countless debris ejected.

Losing a point % did not make the Byodoin Phoenix give up, but instead stimulated the inner fighting spirit, and the offensive change became stronger.

"This guy's strength...something special."

Gandolsk Khaki frowned, the phoenix is ​​obviously a monster that is more and more brave in Vietnam.

He gradually felt the pressure, and his face was full of seriousness.

Gandor's strength is very strong, there is no doubt about this.

But in the face of the storm-like attack of the Byodoin, he still felt an indescribable pressure from it.

The racket swings and will hit back.

Boom!...Boom!...Boom!...The two sides still maintain a high-intensity confrontation.

Boom!...a roar sounded.

The powerful air waves spread layer by layer.

The dust and mist that filled the sky were pushed towards the auditorium by these air waves.

The audience not only did not have the slightest opinion, on the contrary, the eyes of the audience were getting brighter and brighter.

"Watch it, Snake!!!!"

Byodoin Phoenix suddenly shouted angrily.

His face was full of murderous intent, and his expression was full of frightening coldness.

The racket swung, and great force poured out from the point of impact.

Tennis off the racket.

In an instant, the ball disappeared completely, and even Gandor couldn't see where the ball was.

"Is this... a high-speed ball hit back?"

Gandor frowned, his eyes constantly scanning the field.

The speed of this ball burst out far beyond his imagination, and if he didn't deal with it seriously, he couldn't capture the trajectory at all.

His face sank, and his eyes kept flowing around.

Bang!... The next second, a loud crash sounded, Echizen Ryoma immediately woke up, and immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

Without the slightest hesitation in the movement of his feet, he followed his sight and ran out.

Tatata!... The movement speed is very fast, and several afterimages are pulled out from behind.

After rushing to the direction of the sound, Er was keenly aware of a shadow of the ball.

Boom!...Seeing this, Gandor said nothing, immediately.

Return the racket to the tennis ball.

But when the racket approached again, the tennis ball changed shape and disappeared again.

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