It seems that he is unwilling to be scored like this by Shiraishi, and Kaji will fight hard to launch a fierce attack in the next riveting foot, but the effect is minimal, although he can stop Shiraishi's attack to a certain extent, but he can't suppress Shiraishi!



White Stone scores


Five minutes later, the game came to the end of the game in Shiraishi, and it only took one more goal to secure the victory!


Gaji clenched his teeth, quite unwilling, he was so fierce that it was difficult to suppress the other party, and he was also won the match point in advance by this kid!

"The winner has been decided!".

Long Ze smiled faintly.

"Why do you say that?".

The ghost asked.

"Kaji's current mentality is close to collapse, and on the other hand, Shiraishi is still calm and calm, and this gap in mentality is destined to not be won by Kaji in the next step!".

Long Ze said with a smile.


In the middle of the field, Kaji and Shiraishi continue to fight!

Just like what Ryuzawa said, Kaji, who had a big collapse in his mentality, began to become impatient and eager to attack!

Such an impatient attack, although it seems that the offensive has become stronger, has exposed a lot of flaws in itself.

"It's now!".

In the middle of the court, Shiraishi's eyes flashed, and he grabbed a flaw in Kaji and slammed the tennis ball away.

"Not good!".

Gaji's face changed and he hurriedly ran to catch the ball, but it was too late, he was a beat slower, and the tennis ball hit the ground one step ahead of him.

When the ghost saw this, he couldn't help but say, "You're really right!"

In the middle of the field, Kaji stood there with a dull expression: "I actually lost!".

Long Ze beckoned to Baishi: "Baishi!


Shiraishi nodded, put away his racket and ran towards Long Ze.

"Who the hell are you?".

Kaji stared at Long Ze, and with his eyesight, he naturally saw that Long Ze was the leader of these four people!

"If you want revenge, come to Osaka! I'm at the end of Shizuoka Road, and I'm always waiting for you to take on the challenge!".

After saying this, Long Ze left with Xiao Jin and Bai Shi.

"Osaka! is it at the end of Shizuoka Road?".

Looking at the back of Long Ze and his party leaving, Kaji secretly wrote down this place.


On the way back, Ryuzawa opened the properties panel of Shiraishi.

Like Xiaojin, Baishi's reputation has also increased a lot, by 1800, although it is not as good as Xiaojin's increase of 2000 points, but it is also very good!

After all, Shiraishi is older than Xiaojin, so it is normal for him to naturally gain prestige points that are not as good as Xiaojin.

At this time, the ghost sitting next to Long Ze spoke: "Although Kojin and Shiraishi defeated Munoto this time, I'm afraid that with the character of that guy in Byodoin, I am afraid that he will not give up!".

Although the ghost had never seen or fought against Byodoin, he had heard some rumors about Byodoin.

He is very domineering!

If you know that Kaji Futa and Atsukyo Tono were defeated by Shiraishi and Kogane, they will definitely come to the door!

"Don't worry about this!Hell! Even if Byodoin comes, it's the only way to lose!".

Long Ze said lightly.

If he was outside, he might not be the opponent of Byodoin, but inside the dojo, it was ugly to say, even ten Byodoin were not his opponents!


Makinoto tennis club!

Within half an hour of their departure from Ryuzawa, Byodoin also came to the tennis club.

"It's the minister, you're here, the minister!"

When the members saw the arrival of Byodoin, they suddenly had a backbone in their hearts!

Byodoin walked over, looked at Tono, who was seriously injured and unconscious, and Kaji, who looked frustrated, and asked, "What's going on?"

"That's right!".

A member of the club told Byodoin about what had happened earlier, including the fact that Tono and Kaji were defeated by two imps!

"Defeated by two imps?".

Byodoin frowned.

He knows the strength of Kaji and Tono, although they are not as strong as him, but they are also real national players!

Lost to two little ghosts?

"Kaji, is this true?".

Byodoin asked toward Kaji.

Although Kaji was very reluctant to admit this fact, he finally nodded helplessly.



Byodoin breathed a sigh of relief, and even Kaji admitted it, it seems to be true!

"Did the other party identify themselves?".

Byodoin asked, his tone also vaguely becoming a little lower.

"No, but when he left, he said that if you want revenge, come to the end of Shizuoka Road in Osaka, where he is waiting for us!"

When Byodoin heard this, his eyes suddenly turned cold: "Waiting for us there, it's really arrogant! I'll see who dares to say such things!"

After speaking, Byodoin turned to look at Kaji: "Tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, the official team members will gather here and follow me to Osaka!".


When the official team members heard this, their faces suddenly became happy.

Is this going to happen?

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