Neta Chara

Episode XIV: Heaven Bath *


I have droplets on my forehead. I felt cold, I opened my eyes. Soon I was immersed in the bath. And there was a naked woman in front of me. Green eyes with brown hair, crying black child under right eye.

You've seen it somewhere lately... I close my eyes and start thinking... Mr. Annabella!!

Open your eyes again for confirmation. There was Annabella, who looked unwrapped.

"Observer, what are you doing!!

'Excuse me, I'll search now!

'I didn't know you'd notice until you got so close! That's a hell of a punishment!

"Silhouette data coming. Look, the enemy ship looks like a D-cup.

"Death class? (D-cup)... Well, that's long shelled, real firepower is E-cup. '

"Well, the data suggests... we're approaching the enemy ship at high speed."

"Become, fast!! Enemy ships are like battleships of war."

"Enemy ships, speed up too!! Keep it up and you'll bump into it!

"If I get shot at zero distance, I'll have as much armor as my ship has!!

Annabella whispered in her ear as I woke up and pressed my chest next to her.

"Are you awake, Master Kent, may I flush you? Or should I console you?

"Captain!! It's a lightning strike!! Engine damage!! It's flooding. '

"Silly! Thunder strike! The enemy was predicting where we were going!

"Enemy ship fire!! It's a zero distance!! I'm landing!!

"No way this is happening... there's nothing more I can do."

I'm upset by Annabella's whispers.

"A., Mr. Annabella, what are you saying..."

I turn to the other side with Gikshak and Mr. Annabella. There was Millie.

"Guys, are you all right! Situation report! '

'I'll report! I have a G (G cup)!!

"Stupid! When! More damage reports than that!

"I'm coming for a damage report! Engine Stopped (Thoughts Stopped)! All Main Artillery Destroyed (Reason Collapsed)! Flood in Central Section (Sexuality)! I'm drifting right now. No more. I'm pinched... '

"My ship doesn't have the earliest fighting power... power surrender to the enemy ship."

Millie comes next to me, too.

"Kent, isn't it terrible to sleep with your word?

Millie's chest feel is transmitted to her arms.

"Sorry, I couldn't beat the sleeper"

"Well, it was easy to carry Master Kent to the bath... huhuhuhuhu"

"Instead I saw Kent in every corner... huffy"

I can't believe you're naked peeling me asleep! Did they do something while you were peeling? I'm too scared to listen to the two people laughing.

I was prompted to go to the washroom like a cow being taken to the market.

In front of me, Mr. Annabella is kneeling, not hiding anything. There was no need for breasts or important places.

Its body was skinny but very fleshy where it needed to be and seemed soft when I held it.

"Sorry for the crude body... I hope I didn't get Kent's eyes dirty..."

Silly! Mr. Annabella, if you say that, you'll lose half the position of women in the world.

"Oh no, that's not true. It's nice."

Millie hugs me from behind in panic. It conveys a soft feeling and a slightly stiff feeling on the back.

"Mr. Millie... that's a hit."

"Hmm? 'Cause you're washing your body now, so it's natural to hit it, right?

Huh? What did you say? Where's the body wash?

Annabella in front of me also put soap on her body and began to foam.

"Lady Kent, if you'll excuse me"

Mr. Annabella starts washing my arms in the valley of her chest.

"Hey! Ma..."

Oh... what a feeling! Shit! Shit, yo! Oh, shit!


Mr. Annabella leaks a troubled voice.

"Mr. Annabella, running out is cheating."

Millie also goes up and down my back with a loss and a big chest. Russia in the service of the two, my son gets better.

"That's about it for both of us to wash our bodies..."

"So you'd better clean up the cochlear?

Annabella's hand holds the important place.

Customer NO Touch! No touching!

"I'll do it myself!

It's embarrassing. It's against the rules to touch.

I couldn't have been unilaterally ravaged either, so I went out to fight back.

"Now I'll wash it."

Rub Annabella's chest in front of her. The tip became a little stiff when I carefully applied the foam and continued to rub it.

"Dear Kent, Ha..."

Then I also tried rubbing my hips and buttocks in turn.

Even though I worked for the widow's maid of honor that I first met today (activating her sexuality skills), I was excited about what I could do.

After bubbling Mr. Annabella, he rubs it out of his chest in the same way toward Millie. My fingers eat into a chest the size of which I can't fit in my hand.

"Hih... don't be strong"

Millie resists weakly.

"No... I mean maybe not"

I don't get tired of rubbing it with soap bubbles and Millie's chest softness.

No, I can't. I might not be able to stop...

After a while I regained control, I got Milly all bubbled up and done. The three of them flushed their friendly, bubbly bodies beautifully with hot water and washed their hair off in turns. And then dip it in the tub at the end.

Phew. Here it is. If you're Japanese, take a bath!

I let up the women who were not in the habit of long water first, and I enjoyed the bath alone for a while.

When I got out of the bath, I had two people wearing negligees made of fabric that would make my complexion clear enough to wear gowns. Afterwards, Millie asked as she modged.

"After this... you can work, right?

Um, is this an invitation from Ale (sexually active)... an invitation from Millie, right?

"Dear Kent, I offer you my sympathy. I will serve you all the best, too."

Annabella also greets him with a groan, but his face gleams with joy. I don't want to die either, and I can't shame two beautiful women, so I'll take it and stand.

I walked out to the bedroom with them.

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