Neta Chara

Lesson 19: Teacher Miriam Aria

When I got home from shopping in the "mall" and finished eating lunch for three, I decided to ask Millie to start educating me about the letters she was asking for.

Millie told me to take the blackboard and the white ink (chalk) and wait in the study before leaving.

He moved to the study with tools and placed books, blackboards and white ink (chalk) on the table awaiting Millie's arrival.

I had a little time, so I'm going to paralyze the textbook substitute book, but I still couldn't decipher the letters that Mimizu cursed.


Whoa. I wonder if Millie's here.

"Go ahead, it's open."

Coming in with the door open was Millie in a tight skirt with blonde hair wrapped up behind her and black edged glasses, a white thin blouse with a good understanding of the shape of her chest and a gluteal line.

But although there were horns of goats on his head, there were no wings of bats he was used to seeing. For a moment, I thought you were wrong, but it's Millie.

"Uh... it's Millie, isn't it? What happened to the wing on your back?

"Cohon! Mr. Kent. You're Dr. Milliaria, not Millia!

Apparently, he's starring in the role of teacher. Blonde and that body... you're an English teacher and you make up your mind.

Or is that what teachers look like in the Koch world? No, no, is there a school more than that? But you seem to have about a tutor.

I don't do anything wild like watering down Millie's festivities, I'm gonna play the student role here.

"Bye, Dr. Migliaria! Question. How come you don't have back wings?

"Hmm? Because I got in the way of wearing these clothes because of magic."

"What? It was a wingspan."

"The wings of the Dream Demons are the same as the arms of the Asura, and they can come and go by magic. Kent, you've studied."

Did you? Millie's uncle, Arborest, had six hands because he was an Asura. Is that hand ready?

"One thing is smarter thanks to Dr. Migliaria. Can you do a letter class at the place?

"Mr. Kent. You're serious. Doctor, I'm so glad."

And the classes of letters by the female teacher Dr. Migliaria began. According to Millie, we are able to speak at the moment, so it is the first stage that we learn the form of letters corresponding to words such as' A ',' Y ',' U ', etc.

"Well, this is the form of Western characters that correspond to 'ah'"

A letter is written on the mini blackboard that means' A '. I felt a sense of vision when I saw the written letter.

When I looked closely, I felt like it was pretty disintegrating but looked like an 'a' in the alphabet. Write to imitate Millie's written words.

"Mr. Kent, you can't keep that line long."

There are additions to the written text. Erase the added words with a cloth and imitate and write again.

"Is it like this? Dr. Migliaria."

"Mmm, Kent, you're pretty good. Doctor, do I have to think about a reward?

Nano! Reward! The price of a reward from a female teacher is set as a special class in health and physical education! You have to accept the student's exposure to youth with your body!

I saw Millie adding in front of me and swallowed the gokuri and the saliva. In my head comes the AV title, "Teacher Millie's Special Class of the Night."

Ican, now concentrate on writing!!

"Hehe. Kent, when you heard about the reward, you must have been jerking off.

"Dr. Migliaria! Please prohibit sexual harassment speech because it is distracting.

"Eh, boring."

Am I the only one who sounds like Millie's said yall feels different?

Get your mind back on it and ask them to write the letter 'I'. Again, this was also quite disintegrating but similar to the 'i' of the alphabet.

Then 'uhh' was' u 'and' eh 'was' e 'and' oh 'was' o '. Millie has added a few times, but I'm surprised I can write them down two or three times.

Because I know the letters on which it is based, I ended 'Akane' quite easily because it just emulates the way it collapsed.

"Oh, you can write now. But it's gonna be hard next time."

or the line writing began. 'Ka' was a collapsed letter of 'ka'. Now I'm sure. He said Western characters are characters that are written quite disintegrating Romans.

When it comes to it, it's pretty easy to read.

"... and... but... but" J "or" J "? Ugh... no... this says" I'll put it on very quickly "!

"What? Can you read it? Why?"

Millie can suddenly read letters, surprised at me.

"What, but... no," kka, "so" eh, "hold on tight."

"Kent, isn't that awesome? Even though I'm just getting started... I guess I'm still a genius."

Whatever you care, Milly's lover. While listening to silly remarks, I will decipher the text written in a Roman collapse.

"'Let me... let me... let me... let me... let me... let me remind you... Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... that's different"

Nevertheless, it is difficult to read, use effort, albeit readable, the text denoted in Roman.

Furthermore, in the brain, it was found difficult to distinguish whether it was "sugar and salt" when it was written as "Saito" because it was converted into Japanese.

I miss Japanese using Kanaya Kanji. I thought the only way to get lost in judgment was to judge by the text before and after.

If you are a reader, you can do it in quite a few parts now, so focus on the writer.

And I can't write difficult sentences by sundown, but I can write about the sentences and names I need on a daily basis.

"Though a simple sentence. No. I can't believe I can do it in a day, practically half a day, or until I've assembled the sentence... I have a plan"

"No, actually, I discovered it resembled a letter I'd seen, and I just read and wrote it as it was."

I said to comfort Millie because she was a little disappointed. I'm sure he stepped on it saying he could do sexual harassment classes with that cosplay for days.

I felt a little sorry for myself, but I must have been able to read and write. Also disturbing about the text is the rhetorical expression and the noun of the product that is only found in Grimoire.

"Thank you so much for today, Dr. Migliaria"

I finished the day's class by thanking Millie. The log window opens automatically when you are satisfied after class.

> Reading: I got western.

> Documentation i skills freed up.

> Job Level Up: Citizen LV1 LV5

> Get 4 Skill Points

Whoa, I level up. Was there an experience gained by study? Will skill points be awarded with 1 point per level increase?

When I looked in the Skills section, it was floating white because there were no points until now and the skills that were black scored points. Read skill description

[Document preparation i] … I can create the necessary sentences on a daily basis. Some language substitutions occur when activated. Skill point 5 consumption at acquisition

[Floor moves i]... Enjoy the opponent with quite a few moves. This toon has +10% Affinity Rate when activated. Skill point 5 consumption at acquisition

Um, the only remaining points awarded are five, even if combined with one point at the time of job acquisition.

It will be decided here by [document preparation i]. That's all I have. [Floor moves i] is a trap skill. I'll be good enough to get it when I can afford the point.

However, I was activating [Floor moves I] skills contrary to my own will.

Why! I'm activating [Floor Tricks I]! You're an idiot!

> [Floor moves i] Skill acquisition

> Get a Job [Male Whore]

> Skill Points Get 1 Point

> Job Correction Stamina Up

Whore! And I stamina up! You mean more encouragement? What are you doing to me? What do you mean, after you get trap skills, you get a pretty job?

I'm ashamed of myself for not being able to stand my erotic desires. I feel like reason tends to loose after I come to Koch.

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