Neta Chara

Episode XXVI: Vittoria Chamber of Commerce

"World's Best Vittorian Chamber of Commerce with Magic Tools"

Read the letter of the sign hanging at the end of the building. It's the magic tool shop that Lina recommended. A magnificent shopkeeper-like man talked to me as I entered the building.

"Welcome! Welcome to the world's most Vittorian Chamber of Commerce with our assortment of magic tools! My name is Hector, the store owner."

The shopkeeper just greets me with a tall voice and tension.

"We invite Master Black Dagger and Master Dorman to come to the store and we are at the ultimate in pleasure! Hi!"

Hector is rubbing his hands to the point where he wonders if he can rub it off.

"Dear Dawman, how was your breast augmentation device (bust up) the other day?

Lina's face is boggling red.

"Bye! What are you talking about! I don't know that!

Lina, I surprisingly like your A-status too.


Lina has a seizure (fireball).

"You, what are you niggling at!

I just snorted back.

"Oh? Different... does Master Black Dagger have something for you?

"Mm-hmm. Do you have any seductive magic tools? That... right. A man."


Millie, you remember what you're looking for? Are you going to be yucky and naughty?

"Dear Migliaria, that's no good. Anyway, you should look for allusion magic tools..."

Annabella makes a scary statement.

No! Implication No Zetai!

"Is it an allusion tool… I don't really have it… I've actually been in my hands lately"

"Mr. Hector, no. I don't need the implying tools!

No alarm or gap at all. We are all completely oblivious to our purpose. I'll talk to Hector to get him to find what he wants.

"Mr. Hector, I have the magic tools I'm looking for..."

"Hi! We are proud to meet your request as we are the best assortment of products in the world!

"[Handsome] Do you have any magic tools to seal your skills?

Hector's face is tense and his gaze begins to swim.

"Yes, [handsome]... skill sealing magic tools are also rare... when it comes to sealing more unique skills..."

Hector clouds his words.

Still no? And when that happens, is that the only way for me to gain self-control of the iron?

"After all, there isn't, is there? Excuse me. I'll look for something else.

Hector grabs my hand.

"Please wait. There is no falsehood in the signs of our Vittorian Chamber of Commerce! Please wait."

Hector's back at the store, looking for Gossogoso. Lina and the others have forgotten their purpose (skill seal) to find magic tools in the store.

"Sister, why don't you put this on your bed? It's so sparkling and beautiful."

All Lina has in her hand is a mirror ball, no matter how she looks at it. Besides, it even has a politely pink 'light fire (torch)'.

It's Lina. Where's the love hotel? For once, it's my bed.

"Isn't this spinning bed better than that, Lina, Mr. Annabella?

Millie, a spinning bed... so which Love Hotel?

"Dear Migliaria, I was wondering if I should put this in the bathroom!

Annabella... what do you use magic mirrors for...

"Uh, you just have to look in person"

"Dear Migliaria, some people are excited by the peek. I was wondering if Kent would be more pleased with you."

... I will not deny it. To see through my sexuality, Annabella, horrible girl.

When I was thinking about it, Hector came back with those things.

"Master Kent. It's called" The Mask of Ugliness, "which Cochilla seems to be able to seal the [handsome] skills you're looking for."

Seriously. I didn't expect it, but I didn't know it really was...

Hector has a visor-style mask in his hand.

"Do you feel like you said that this' mask of beauty and ugliness' would more than seal off [handsome] skills? What do you say we put it on?

"I'd love to try it"

I'll get Hector to put on the Beauty Mask. A black visor came down when I pressed the button.

Jijiji... Bari! Bon!

Smoke rises and explodes from the attached visor.

"Oops! It exploded!

"Ahhh!" Ugly Mask "! This is one item! I can't believe it broke!"

Hector is crying.

But I didn't break it because I wanted to, too.

"I knew you couldn't..."

"Behold! Master Kent! You'll have trouble playing the world's most Vittorian Chamber of Commerce."

Hector replied half nasty and headed back to the store again. The next thing Hector brought was a ring and glasses.

"First of all, it's this ring, but wouldn't it be [handsome] deactivated if it was a 'ring of sexual conversion', equipped with this, and Master Kent became a woman?

"Whoa, I see... then put it on quickly"

Put on the "Sexual Transformation Ring" and speak the activation language (command word). Wrapped in the light emitted from the ring, when the light subsided, there was no object attached below, and there was no object attached above.

You have surprisingly big tits.

I rub my chest.

I'm going to feel weird.

Looking at the skill section for confirmation, it was changed from [handsome] to [beautiful girl]. However, the skill content is the same but does not seem arbitrary. Because Hector in front of me is looking at me in the eyes of a hungry beast.

"Dear Kent, how about it? If you don't mind, we'll have a business meeting in a separate room..."

Hector's trying to get me into a separate room. I rushed to speak the deactivated language (command word).

"Ha! What the hell am I doing with a nani!

"There is no 'ring of sexual conversion'! I want you to give me a break for getting attacked by a man!

I'll stick the ring back to Hector.

"Dear Kent, Thank you very much for your disrespect. Next up is Cochilla's Hallucinating Eyeglasses."

"" Hallucinating Glasses "? What kind of stuff?

"Hi! It looks like eyeglasses originally made for people with extreme feminine phobia, and they make everything look like men except the person designated by the user."

I speak the activated language (command word) with my dreaded glasses on. Looking around at the hit, Lina looks like a little boy. Millie looks like a young man. Annabella looks like a bearded young man.

Sure, I wouldn't favor this...

"Sure you can not activate this..."

"Dear Kent, how about that?

"Doesn't look like anything else?

"Right... so far... only about here in stock..."

Do you want to secure it as a first aid means…

I called Millie and the others.

"In the meantime, I'm going to try to delude you with 'hallucinating glasses'"

"Heh, so that a woman can look like a man. If only Kent were a man..."

"I just hope your girlfriend's cured."

"Mr. Lina, do you think you can do that to Master Kent?

What a terrible thing to say. I am the owner of a delicate heart.

I decided to negotiate a purchase with Hector, even though I was hurt by everyone's words.

"How much will 'Hallucinating Eyeglasses' sell me"

Hector began his calculations by removing the Soroban-like object with a smiling face.

"That's right, I'd like to introduce you to Master Black Dagger and Master Dorman, so if it's supposed to be five gold coins, let's make up to three gold coins and five big silver coins"

"Hector, you surprise me. No matter how you look at it, two gold coins and five big silver coins would be a good place, right?

Lina pays for Hector. I don't know the monetary value of this world, so I'm not sure if it's expensive or cheap.

"Master Dorman! It's intact. The cochlear is ruined by the ugly mask. Three gold coins and three large silver coins, including repair costs, please!

"Well, that would be nice, wouldn't it? Annabella, you're gonna be okay, right?

"Yes, I don't think it's a problem. They'll probably get paid in a while."

"I'll buy it."

Millie told Hector to buy it.

"So, are you sure the settlement is at the end of the month?

"Right. Here, I'll keep it up, but that's good."

"Hi! Please bring"

I received "Hallucinating Eyeglasses" and decided to ask the Hunter Guild Feria to have lunch, including demonstration experiments to see if [handsome] would be underdeveloped after making Millie, Annabella and Lina optional subjects.

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