Neta Chara

Lesson 37: Marital Conditions in Grimoire

When I went home and opened the front door, Millie and Lina were waiting there.

"Kent! It's Kent! It's Kent!

Millie hugs me. I was scratching the algae with my face pinched in Millie's chest valley and I couldn't move.

It's only been three days, but I've missed the smell of Millie. Millie seems to smell me, too, and I can hear Sung Sung sipping his nose. I just pulled my face out of Millie's confinement.

"Pfft, welcome back, Millie. Me, I'm on my way home from training, so I smell like sweat."

"No, it smells like Kent, so it doesn't smell like Kent in three days."

Millie made a slightly dangerous statement, but I was relieved that the two of them came back safely to fulfill their request (quest) without injury.

"Hey, you! Stay away from your sister. Besides, I worked hard too, so hey! Give me a compliment, too."

As I was hugging Millie, she came between me and Millie like Lina was cracking.

"Oh, thank you too, Lina."

I'll stroke Lina's head. It heals me when I look at Lina, who is blushing.

"Ah, silly! I'm not happy you just stroked me."

"Well, I have to serve both of you when you work today (activate your sexuality skills). I'll do whatever I can."

"" Why not!

The voices of Millie and Lina were hammered. The two faces who heard my words are losing their tightness, and their mouths are drooling as they twist their bodies.

I feel right horrible about what the hell kind of brain paranoia you would be...

"I'm scared of Migliaria and Lina's face, it kind of feels like a 'kedamono'"

It seemed like Felia was donning to see how the two of them were delayed by paranoia.

"Dear Kent, wouldn't it be better if we reported the earlier incident to Miriaria and Lina?"

Annabella urges Millie and the others to tell her about the accident.

I wanted to put it behind me as much as possible, but I want to refrain from putting it behind me and being obstinate, so I decided to share the facts early.

I'm traveling to another world. I tell Millie and Lina that I have something important to tell them.

"Millie, Lina. Before you go to work, I need to talk to you about something important."

"Ha, what, important story about Kent. Could it be... Yeah, it's important, it's very important."

"What? Important story? You might have done it again..."

Millie seemed to interpret my words differently, but Lina just sensed the fact that it was a wild inquiry or an instinct.

You just don't think the subject is your own sister...

We decided to move to the reception room.

"Hey! Why are you doing that?! What are you doing to me?

Lina comes swinging hard with my collar.

Millie, who usually stops, also seemed to be burning white with relief whether it was a shock that she wasn't expecting the story or whether the story she was told was a shock.

"Kent... because it's for Kent..."

I'm sorry, Millie's expecting a story because I will when I get to work properly. Until then, I'll take care of you.

While I apologized to Millie in my heart, I saw Lina turn into a wild rabid dog in front of me.

"Sorry, it was an accident. I mistook Lana for Lina and I hugged her."

"You must be wearing hallucinating glasses! He must be converted to a man as long as he's wearing it."

"The opponent stuns me in a mock fight and takes me off when I'm asleep..."

"I'm sorry. I removed Master Kent's hallucinating glasses. I was moving, too. I wish Kent had called you when he noticed."

Annabella seems sorry for Lina, she talks about that time.

"Ah, it's not just Mr. Annabella's fault - if Lana had warned Mr. Kent before he was hugged"

Feria seemed to feel responsible for that accident, too.

"Lina, I'm really sorry. I'm just glad I thought I was Lina and I hugged her. That's all for sure."

Lina's face turns red in an instant in my confession.

Shh, shh, shh.

A sucker pendant sucks away Lina's magic.


A red glowing stone was expelled from the pendant. It is a demonic stone. It must have been generated by storing Lina's magic. Without a pendant, I'd be out of charcoal.

"Ba, bah! Do that to me. Yo! Why did your sister do it? Besides, you hate your sister man. I'm crying eggs at home by now. Maybe. If you touch a man, he won't be out of the house for a week."

"Oh, I hated you so much, I thought you hated men because of your attitude"

I feel guilty about Lana.

"But it's been a good-looking career, hasn't it?

Feria asked for confirmation from me. Yes, it's working properly. I felt the bottom line of my [handsome] skills even activating men hating women.

"You really are the enemy of women." So, what do you do? Your sister works for you too?

"I was thinking about talking to Millie and Lina before I decided. What do you think of Millie?

I speak to Millie, who writes the word 'of' on her desk without adding to the conversation.

"Yeah... don't worry, you can do whatever Kent wants... because I'm Kent's property... no need to worry."

Millie expresses her opinion in a sinking voice.

I'll play Millie the service you work for today, it's painful and I can't watch.

"What about Lina? Is she opposed to using Lana as an employee?

I had a hard time watching Millie, so I'm gonna talk to Lina.

"If I become a career (skill activator), I don't think I can help it. But Sister Lana is the eldest daughter of the Dorman family. How do you get people to work for you? You didn't have a crude phase (Kent hurt) like me, how do you take it in?

Lina admitted to using Lana as a staff member, but she asked how she could take Lana in.

"Right, you were a Dorman family with a family that is producing former demon kings and still producing a large number of magic guild heavy towns. I'm a civilian because I don't have a title holder at the moment, but if I can't get through, I'll be stared at by my magic guild."

What! Lina was a pretty good toko lady!

I was surprised to hear from Annabella about the Dorman family. I wondered if I needed to take in Lana until I turned my magic guild against my enemies, but it's painful to leave Lana alone beyond being a career (skill activator).

Okay, what's going on?

"Then why don't you hire me as a dedicated therapist? Mr. Kent has a rare [red], and I think he should be a valuable talent for a magical guild. - If you hire him for it, he'll be Koch."

I've been suggesting that Feria make Lana my exclusive physician.

"You're a dedicated therapist… Kent had [red] if you say so. My mom and dad have a rare [red], black dagger family, Millie. If it's your sister's fiancée, Kent, you're the one who wants to tie the edge by putting her two daughters in the side room."

Lina seems to be thinking about working with her parents to offer Lana and herself as my side room when she hears Feria's suggestion.

Is it because I feel like I'm getting bigger and bigger?

"Lina, it doesn't have to be the side room... you don't like that Lana man"

"You, idiot! Suppose I hired a daughter from the Dorman family as a specialist doctor and she got murky and fucked. What do you think would happen if I told you?

"What happens?

"The next day, they'll definitely find you in a dead body."

... Seriously! It's a spell or instant magic that kills you.

I've already fucked Lina, but if Lina's parents found out, would I be turned into a cold corpse the next day?

I got anxious. I asked Lina horribly.

"Lina, I already fucked Lina... could that be a very bad thing?

"Ba, silly! I'm for redemption, though I'm fine! My mom and dad can't complain either because I injured Kent in the noble reserve. But your sister is different, and unlike me, your sister is the star of the Dorman family's expectations. That's why I don't think my parents will shut up when I get my hands on them halfway."

She wants to say that Lina is more likely to convince her parents as well if she guarantees some status as a side chamber than hire her as a dedicated doctor because her parents' expectations are higher for Lana than for herself.

But for once, I'm the owner (master) of Millie, but I'm just a demon guy who still has no job, is there any advantage in having such a guy daughter-in-law?

"But, Lina. I'm just a demon man, what good is it to have a daughter married like that?

I hit Lina with a question that sprang up.

"If it's just the nobles, they'll have to deal with you, but the biggest advantage is that you have [red]. Because if I or your sister take Kent's sperm and have kids, maybe we can have [red] kids. It's just that [red] people have very little offspring, and maybe they're less able to reproduce."

Oh, give me a kid... Speaking of which, I wouldn't mind letting you out, but if you were doing the fucking thing, you could do it.

I am still stunned by my thoughtless behavior.

"Do you inherit card colors? My parents were black... but I'm blue."

Annabella questions Lina's statement.

"Maybe in the case of Annabella, it's an isolated gene. Maybe he had [blue] within the third degree parents. When you look at the ID stats, you take over more than 50% of the colors of either parent, 40% of the colors, including even the parents and brothers, and less than 10% of the colors that nobody within the tertiary parents has. So from the stats, if me and Kent can have kids, there's a more than 50% chance of [red] or [blue]."

"If you can have a rare [red] child, do you mean Hail to Lina's parents, and you're also likely to accept to put your sister in the side room to increase your chances even more?"

Annabella is convinced to listen to Lina.

Come on, am I treating you like a stallion? Well, do you have a parent who lets a man daughter-in-law for the sole purpose of letting their own daughter have a child, leaving my treatment aside? Is that common sense in Grimoire?

I expressed my doubts.

"But the parents who give their daughter away because of the color of the cards are common knowledge of Koch?

"You, heel! What the fuck? We've talked about this before, but card colors are something that tells us our potential. If [Purple] were born, the clan would be raised frantically and cherished. That's what makes all the money. Why do you do that, because if that [purple] child grows up and puts it on an important post, the clan is cheap. So surpassing [purple] [red] is like the treasure of an entire country."

"What is the treasure of the country... isn't it too good?

I'm starting to feel like I'm being treated like a rare beast.

"You may not know this because you're a lost person, but this world is clearly lined with (Grimoire) card colors. Even aristocrats and royalty will be scorned and belittled if the card color is [black]. It's Zara's fault that marriage can be determined by the color of the card. [Red] I can't even hold it anymore."

"Oh, speaking of which, do you really marry my son from my husband's parents, even when I'm married? You were told. My husband was [green], so if my parents had lived, they would have vehemently disagreed."

Annabella told me about her marriage to supplement Lina's story. To sum up Lina's story, I have [red]. Because it is a natural monument that is protected at the national level, Lina's parents would love to put Lana in the side room.

"So is it a good story if I go say hi to Lina's parents about wanting you two in the side room?

"Yeah, but since you haven't named the Black Dagger surname yet, I think my parents are going to tell Millie that we're going to live in your sister's house as a behavioral apprentice. And if Kent marries your sister Millie, I think he'll take the step of letting you pick him up as a sideroom."

Lina speaks in anticipation of her parents' thoughts.

"Lina's parents don't have to root for a treatment center or a magic guild if that's okay? Lina and Lana both work, right?

"I can continue my research in this house, and that's what your sister Lana will do if you send her to the treatment center as a [red] specialist."

The treatment center and the magic guild would love to be able to connect with me through them. Looks like the problem of welcoming Lana home has largely cleared up.

"So, Master Kent. Can you pick up Lana?

Urge Annabella to make a decision about what to do.

"Ah, oh. Right... I'll pick up Lana, too. But I have to go say hello to my parents tomorrow. I want Millie and Lina to follow me, too, okay?

"Yeah, yeah, okay, Kent."

"Hold on, say hello. Yo! My parents are pretty tough, man!

Millie's face was still uncalled for, but Lina seemed like a temperament man to persuade her parents.

"Then I will greet the magic guild and the treatment center with me and Feria."

"Oh, I'm sorry, but you're welcome."

I asked Annabella and Feria to root for the magic guild and the treatment center.

Oh, I feel like something's taken care of. But I can't help it because it's my sprinkled seed.

That's how I decided to welcome Lana as an employee.

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