When Mu Yun gave the scholar a conclusion, the scholar opened his mouth again, "however, since she was afraid that the fiance would damage her reputation and block her future! So if I don't do something to damage her reputation and block her future, wouldn't it be too unjust to die! "

"I want her to be ruined and her future will be ruined!"

"I can't be a skylark in the sky in my life. I can only live through this life like a bug on the ground!"

The scholar raised his head, his eyes were full of dark

Mu Yun is going to slap him in the face!

To be honest, muxiyu is really a person who can't be provoked!

"Since you have such a grand plan, you can go as soon as you want to enter the dream of muyuxi, or what to do. Go quickly. I will support you in spirit."

"No, easy to go!" Mu Yun is ready to open the quilt to sleep.

The scholar was stunned. He didn't expect Mu Yun to react like this. Shouldn't he form an alliance with him and deal with Mu Yuxi together?

"Wait!" The scholar said, "don't you help me?"

"Why should I help you?" Mu Yun didn't read a book and was busy making the bed.

"You You... " The scholar didn't know what to say for a moment, so he let his brain react, "it's you who spread the truth in front of the bottom, so that I can see the true face of cousin Xi."

"Yes, is there a problem?" Mu Yun looked back at him.

"There is no problem. You have uncovered the truth. I hate my cousin Xi. I want to revenge my cousin Xi. How can you not help!! I know you hate cousin Xi, but we have a common enemy! "

Mu Yun stopped the movement in his hand, turned to look at the scholar, "come on, let me help you roll clear."

"First, I revealed the truth about you because you hate me. I have to let you know that it's not me that you should hate."

"Second, you hate cousin Xi and want to revenge her. Seriously, this is your affair with her. Why should I intervene?"

"Third, although I hate muyuxi, I haven't paid attention to her. Even if I don't have you, sooner or later, I'll clean up muyuxi, so this alliance is dispensable."

The scholar was stunned. Every one of them sounds right. No problem, but But

"You said you would send it to the next samsara!" The scholar can only grasp this one when he thinks about it.

Mu Yun Shan nodded without any shirking, "yes, I promised to send you into reincarnation, so this matter is still valid. When you have finished your revenge, there will be no regret, no resentment or hatred. Naturally, I will send you into reincarnation. "

"If you don't help me, how can I get revenge?" The scholar simply didn't know how to say, "it's clearly you let me hate muyuxi. How can you ignore it?"

"Wrong!" Mu Yun shook his finger and corrected: "I just let you see the truth, and didn't let you hate her, hate her, it's your own heart that makes a mistake, can't blame me."

Seeing that Mu Yun was about to go to bed, the scholar felt that there was no place for him to vent his anger, so he reached out and grabbed Mu Yun. "You can't sleep. You haven't told me clearly yet!"

This time, the scholar's hand, without obstacles, grabbed Mu Yun's arm!

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