"Does the emperor feel that the minister's wife is not right?" Mu Yun picked her eyebrows, "in the eyes of the courtiers, they are a group of animals who don't know how to repay their gratitude! No, not even animals! Even if a dog knows how to be grateful for a bone of alms, these animals do not even know how to be grateful to the rescuers, and dare to slander and abuse here! I really want to know if your conscience has been fed to the dog, so that even animals are not as good as you

Mu Yun's words, word by word, word by word, clearly just stand on the high platform, far away from the crowd below, but the momentum, Leng is enough, even the people below can feel it.

Swept by her eyes, she knew it wasn't them, but what she saw was her own illusion. Leng, she didn't dare to face up to the dignified eyes. And those who were hit and groaned on the ground, if they had not been lying on the ground, they would have fallen down with a soft leg.

This kind of people dare not be bold, talk about the momentum of color change, only once the Hades One person can do it.

"What are you going to say?" The emperor is the emperor in the end. Even if he is suppressed by Mu Yun's momentum, he can find his reason.

"As a princess of the underworld, how can you slander her husband like this!" As soon as Mu Yun's words fell, it made people react. Just now, she was a courtesan. She was shocked by her momentum, but she forgot about it.

Even she is the princess of the underworld this stubble all forgot!

Although the king of the underworld is dead, there is still a princess of the underworld here, or the princess of the underworld ordered by the emperor!

"What kind of princess are you..." Princess Yongle is not afraid that Mu Yunji's momentum is fake, but she is a princess. Growing up under the emperor's authority all year round, she immediately murmured.

Mu Yun naturally heard this murmur, and he laughed out, "does the minister's wife count as the princess of the underworld? This is about to ask the emperor. After all, the marriage was given by the emperor, and the emperor's golden words and decrees were placed in the minister's wife's house. Shouldn't it be a child's play? What's more, the courtiers and wives went into the palace of the underworld and worshipped heaven and earth with the king of the underworld. "

Why is it not the princess of the underworld?

"Well You were thrown out of Hades too! It's been suspended! " Princess Yongle immediately arrived at Mu Yun.

Mu Yunji didn't feel embarrassed about what he had done to the nether house. He said plainly: "it's true to be thrown out of the nether world. It's just the craftsmen of the nether house. This is the family of the courtiers. When the ministers and wives make up their hands, they will naturally clean up the slaves in the hell palace. Princess Yongle will not worry about it, but she will be dismissed. Where should we start? After all, the minister's wife did not receive the letter of divorce from the king of the underworld? Did Princess Yongle see it

"He he He's dead, how can I leave you! " Yongle is shocked by Mu Yun's thick face.

Mu Yun's light floating back a sentence, "that minister's wife can't know, anyway, when the minister's wife married him, the husband was not alive, really want to discuss a rest, that Yongle princess also want to ask your father and emperor, at the beginning of the minister's wife pointed to the netherworld, did the netherworld agree?"

"You're just..." Yongle's words have not finished, he was directly pulled by the emperor and thrown behind him, "the princess is tired, take it down and sit down."

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