"The emperor, just now because of the interruption of the minister's wife, the poetry conference has been delayed too much time. When the poetry conference is over, the minister's and wife's Association will list in detail the arrangement and distribution mode of the three hundred taels of gold, and present them to the emperor for review."

So there is no need to continue to delay time here, you know, her legs have knelt unconscious

The emperor's rhythm has been completely taken away by Mu Yun, even if he wants to lose his temper No, even if he lost his temper, Mu Yun can always find a way to give the round back. This mud like property really makes people angry and resentful.

And there's no way to take her.

"This poetry conference is the most wonderful and meaningful one in so many years. It's very good..." The emperor nodded at the same time. As for how to understand this sentence, it depends on the individual.

He raised his hand and knelt down into a crowd. At this time, they all got up.

"Emperor, but will we continue with the poetry conference?" The Minister of rites came out in time.

But the emperor raised his hand to stop him. "I know that it took a lot of time, but I still have a few words to say to your subjects and subjects."

I looked around the people below, especially Mu Yun, and said, "I know that the desert has forcibly occupied our land and killed your relatives, including my relatives..."

A hundred miles?

Mu Yun pick eyebrows, this royal family, in the end how much grief, is true or false, she does not express views.

"Of course, desert country, let's hate it! However, Daxi country is no longer able to follow up. Let alone destroy the desert in one fell swoop, it is very difficult to chase after the victory... " The emperor's words stopped. "I say these things. I'm not afraid of being ridiculed by other countries or losing my face. I just want you to recognize this fact. Daxi will continue to fight against the desert, yes, but in the next days, the people will be in dire straits, and the family will not become a family, and the country will not become a country! At that time, I'm afraid that we should not only deal with the desert country, but also meet the plunder of the surrounding countries. "

"This is not what I want to see! This is what I don't want my people to experience! "

"Therefore, when the desert kingdom sent for a letter, I agreed!"

"The desert country has been beaten by us for ten years. I'm not the only one who has suffered a lot. The desert country has also suffered a lot, even worse than my desert. The desert country is not hard to beat. Naturally, it will be weak, and the people will complain all around. "

"I think about it. Rather than continue to fight with the desert state and get rid of the other countries, I'd better agree to the desert state, and use these decades, hundreds of years of armistice to develop their own strength and reserve their strength!"

"One hundred years later, when the regulations are invalid, we will call on the soldiers again and kill him all at once!"

"Good! Kill him and leave him alone As soon as the emperor's words fell, someone roared out, followed closely, and someone called out the slogan of reconciliation.

"Reconciliation! A truce


The sound of "reconciliation" and "truce" was louder than when he pleaded for Muyun's orders just now. It was as if the heaven and earth on this side were shaking.

After all, no one wants war, no one likes war.

As for today's Daxi Kingdom has taken over several cities in the desert, and how many desert soldiers have been killed today, they can't think of such a distant matter, and they will not think about it every day.

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