Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1024: Confused Wanderer

In the beautiful "tender season", the sunshine in the air is still bright and clear, the verdant trees are planted on both sides of the road, ordinary pedestrians in this prosperous city come and go, due to long-term prosperity, stability and peace, The residents of the Kingdom of Khatak are always quite energetic, but in any slightly larger city, you can see busy businessmen and even professionals striding across the flat roads. *WWW.suimeng.lā

However, in such a thriving city, there are still decadent "wanderers" aimlessly curling up in dark corners and doing nothing. Generally speaking, pedestrians passing by those dirty streets and corners can't help but feel right. The "poor people" who flinched in decadence cast contempt and even pity, but in a cruel and hurried world, no one had time to care about the life journey of these homeless people, and no one cared about the "uselessness" in the city. Is there one more or one less wanderer?

And in the city of purple trees in the Kingdom of Hatak, there is a new "wanderer" who no one cares about, unknowingly occupying a remote and cold corner.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, this "wanderer" is even more unlucky and miserable than other homeless people. The solar terms of the first tender season still contain a lot of the cold of winter, but this looks extremely depressed "poor" "Human" didn't even own a broken wooden hut that could shelter from the cold. He just wore a ragged black and red leather jacket and curled up in the cold wind, letting the cold air mixed with dust rush on his body.

However, I am afraid that no one can think of, and it is impossible for anyone to think of, this dirty guy who looks far more miserable than other tramps... is actually a real legendary professional!

That's right, the man who shrank in the corner of the alley like a completely useless person was the "young avenger" Ganatika who came to the kingdom of Khatak to "travel"!

It is said to be traveling for relaxation, but in fact, Ganatika, who looks extremely embarrassed at this time, has no mood for relaxation. Since being forced to admit that she has forgotten so many beautiful emotions, she is completely immersed in sadness. It was completely in a state of haunting chaos. The legendary body could easily withstand the cold of winter, but even the power of law could not dispel the dead silence that lingered in the young soul.

At this moment, Ganatika is not a proud and powerful legendary warrior... Or, he has never been a "proud and powerful warrior". He is just a little boy who can't see himself or others. It's just a boy.

Once the anger that belongs to the child has been polished and vanished after nearly 200,000 years, there is only one thing left in the heart of the young Avengers............ there is only one hole that can fill up the unevenness.

"Forget all? Forget all! I have lost Pandora or anything else, so what is the meaning of what I have put in these years? What is the use of my efforts, named "Avenger" I...have lost that endless hatred!"

Silently talking to herself in the bottom of my heart, immersed in sadness and muddled thoughts of confusion, Ganatika, who was dirty all over her body, breathed the cold air with blurred eyes while taking out a low-quality candy cube and stuffing it in. In the mouth.

I remember that Pandora bought such hard candies as a gift for Ganatica, who was still a child, a long time ago. At that time, the beautiful girl paid three pieces of hard bread as a price for a pack of candies. .

Today, Ganatika “bought” a bag of fructose from an unknown merchant when he pawned his cloak made with the skin of the demon sub-lord.

Is such an exchange stupid? As a legendary powerhouse, it is foolish enough to exchange things with ordinary people.

But Ganatika doesn’t care if his mind is not sober and he deliberately prevents him from waking up. He doesn’t care about the value of that cloak, which is strictly a legendary material, and he doesn’t care if he throws legendary materials to ordinary people. What kind of impact this city does not even have a master-level professional, he doesn't care whether a spellcaster who can make his mind tremble with his eyes only frowns and reprimands his wasteful actions............ In summary, Ganatika now just wants to eat a piece of fructose, nothing more.

For this bag of inferior candies, I believe that even if he has the legendary equipment in his hand, he will be pawned and exchanged without hesitation. Anyway, the young brave from beginning to end is such an unscrupulous and childish guy.

However, the candy in exchange is meaningless. Even eating hard candies from the import can not alleviate Ganatika’s grief. The silence of the air is as always, in the world of teenagers, in the abyss of death... except for silence. outside.

Only quiet............


", please, really can't, woooo"!

Just in the deep alley, a sudden depressive sob suddenly broke all the silence. It sounded like the trembling voice of a little girl, accompanied by the silent sound of a heavy object, disturbing Ganatica's unsolvable contemplation.

And immediately after this miserable cry, there was a hideous laughter that made no secret of arrogance and malice:

"Haha, what a pretty girl? Tell my brothers, how old are you this year? Have you played with others? Don't sell flowers here, have a glass of "Ascension Wine", and accompany your brothers to have a good time Have fun".


"It's noisy...Is this some vulgar drama..."

I don’t know what to say to, who was confused and opened her eyes, was almost driven by his combat instinct before slowly turning his head and looking at the source of the "noisy" .

It was at the dim end of the alley, and I saw about five or six guys with grinning smiles and looking like a gangster. They surrounded a little girl who looked no more than thirteen or four years old in the middle and laughed. The floral skirt on the girl was half torn apart by the passive villains.

The delicate girl sitting on the ground holding a large bouquet of flowers is certainly not the kind of innocent aristocratic lady. After seeing these twenties and mad expressions surrounding herself, she is still not there. Know what will happen to you?

You know, in this cruel and dark country, the level of gangsters is second only to some wild adventurers. They often take drugs such as "ascension wine" and "pleasure water" to drive themselves half crazy. Semi-crazy, and the so-called "Le Yi Le" of a group of semi-crazy guys is often full of blood and cruel abuse!

Just thinking of some horrible rumors about some flower-selling girls like herself, the little girl trembling all over couldn't stop the tears from falling.

"Woo, let go... let me go, I can give you all the copper coins, don't hurt me, okay..."

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