Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 825: intelligence

In the world of legends, what a "merchant" needs to understand most is not the value of his goods, but his own "commercial cooperation" positioning. Who should sell a legendary resource and who is willing to buy it is the most needed Think clearly about things.

After all, the value of commodities can change at any time, and even for every legendary professional, there is never a fixed value of commodities.

Just like the "divine" in the hands of punk.

Is this thing rare? Very rare, most Morningstar professionals can't get it.

But is it really worth the money? I'm afraid it is not necessarily valuable.

At least if there is no formula for the "Redeemer's Divine Neutralizing Potion", ordinary legendary professionals will buy such a "useless" thing unless there is a hole in their head.

Therefore, it is the most stupid business behavior to sell products that you think are “exotic”. That kind of “commercial cooperation” model not only fails to attract truly valuable collaborators, it will also cause the prying eyes of the greedy and powerful.

"Candy Merchant" Mimibezi obviously did not make those low-level mistakes in her business journey. When she promoted her "business", she only promoted her "commercial will" and never revealed her specific product content from beginning to end. .

Because this savvy "little businessman" understands that "commodities" can only be profited when they are sold to the "right buyers", and financial transactions at the legendary level can never become a picky vegetable market.

For example, at this moment, when the punk asked with a blank face, "Do you have any valuable information?", Mimibezi did not rush to come up with a long list of information, let alone such a sentence. The obvious "temptation" was perfunctory.

Her choice is to answer very seriously, and...her answering skills are still very unusual.

"Legendary Mage "Destroy Whispers", his real name is Punk-Sean, and his race is half-prime elves. Before he was promoted to the legend, he was a senior instructor of the "Thinking of Truth". He reached the 26th level of his spell cast ten thousand years ago. Proficient in using a powerful legendary spell, majoring in the law of destruction, superb alchemy level, and very rich practical experience. Now living in the territory of the Khatak Empire on the plane of Faerun, you can confirm that the record is...slaying the legendary red dragon alone Amoda-Yanclaw"!

After uttering a long list of information about punk in a brisk and flexible voice, Mimibezi tilted his head pretendingly, and the dark green projected appearance made the petite girl more mysterious, and that one tilted his head. The act of being cute also became meaningful under the background of this deadly atmosphere.

"It's really amazing, Mr. "Destroy Whisper", are you a monster? In this terrible era, there are really very few powerful legendary professionals like you. Maybe you don't know it. Most of the legendary "powerhouses" have not had a record of killing other legends until they were ready to advance to Morningstar."

It is not without wonder that praised the caster's tyrannical strength, and the tone of the "Candy Merchant" at this time did not contain any ridicule.

It can be seen that even though this guy Barabara has spoken out a lot of information about punk, she has no intention of harassing the legendary mage in front of her. She is indeed earnestly showing her intelligence gathering ability.

Although this kind of "show" way of revealing the old bottom is not liked by people............

"This is the intelligence that the **** sold to you, right?"

Even after being told of his true identity and some experiences, Gu Jing Wubo's calm and indifferent remained in the fluctuation of punk's mental power.

After all, this information is not too secret and cannot be known. The record of killing "Aimoda-Yanclaw" is estimated to have been spread early. Two legendary powerhouses are here. The movement of Faerun's fight against the plane could not be kept from others in any case.

Moreover, as long as he thinks a little bit, "Destroy Whispers" guesses that it must be the **** Kane who sold his information out.

After all, as a prudent spellcaster, punk is probably the only "outsider" who knows so much information about him. For example, he is a "half archaic elf" and only the mad knight has seen him once in the wild sea. .

And now, Mimibez has a clear purpose for telling himself the intelligence that belongs to him. This guy not only wants to show his intelligence ability, but also tells punk almost straightforwardly-someone, you pit it. !

At this point in the conversation, if punk does not understand the meaning of the little girl in front of him, he would have lived for more than 20,000 years in vain-within such a short time since the beginning of the meeting, the "little businessman" not only had to tell himself her Strong ability, but also an excellent intelligence transaction.

And the content of this transaction is information about Kane!

"You guys will tell you the information about the "Instant Kill Gun" because of my revenge."?

Watching coldly at the projection of the little girl with a playful smile, the "Whisper of Destruction" eyes gradually became interesting.

To be honest, punk thinks that Kane is more measured in intelligence sales. What he said did not involve too sensitive things. For example, for the last adventure, the legendary knight with a steelyard in his heart did not mention a word. ——He neither said that punk obtained the "Pale Scepter", nor did he mention the surprisingly rich and unknown knowledge of the caster...

"This guy is hinting at me...Does everyone have to verbalize each other?"

Squinting his eyes slightly, Punk already understood what Kane wanted to express.

The "Candy Merchant" is a guy authorized by the "Chairman". If she has nothing to do with the "Chairman", no one will believe it. This also means that Mimibez was collected by what means. Information and various commercial content are reported to the convener of this meeting-the "chairman".

What's more, she will definitely pay a lot of valuable benefits in order to obtain information, so when deciding whether to reject this weird little businessman, anyone has to consider the demands of benefits and the idea of ​​the "chairman".

If you ask three questions and don’t answer anything, it’s definitely not appropriate. The loss of your own interests is one reason. After joining the executive group, you can’t justify the "chairman" side.

So in this case, Kane's response strategy is clear at a glance.

Information can be said You can get rewards, but you have to know what you can sell and what can not be sold. You have to pick some things that seem to be of high value and actually are not important. , Those real hole cards must be kept secret from each other.

The mad knight has set an example. He has not exposed too many important secrets of punk. Even the legendary spells are simply described as "huge power". These various reservations are enough to explain the "instantaneous". "Kill the gun" attitude.

So looking at it the other way round, what would Kane hope punk would not say?

It only took a moment for the legendary mage with super memory to think of the golden palace with a thick gate, and the contradictory and strange relationship between the legendary knight and the girl god............

"It's really interesting, isn't it".

Thinking carefully about every detail, the punk psychology began to calculate silently.

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