Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 930: doubt

噺⑧一中文网ωωω.χ⒏òм哽噺繓赽捌㈠Fiction 蛧


   "Little girl, don't resist, let go of your mind... this way the sequelae will be somewhat reduced."


   The looming dim sound was sent along with the energy tremor of the legendary projection, and the punk, who ignored the pitiful eyes of the little maid’s cat’s ears, had begun to release his perception ability and penetrated into the soul of the “test item”.


According to the caster’s speculation, if the gray energy that theoretically shouldn’t exist here really appears in the soul of the maid warlock, then it will take a while to find the evidence by relying solely on a simple projection. After all, he has personally seen the concealment of this gray energy. Even for a legendary spellcaster, it is not easy to find the gray energy of the Lunar class without careful inspection of the legendary prophecy spell. Now what punk presents in the palace of the legendary knight is just a projection. Can there be any element of luck that can be found.........


"Fortunately, the "Tranxiu Perception Specialized Projection" has the ability to perceive the magic of the legendary prophecy, otherwise this inspection will not be necessary, but even so, it seems that it will not be too easy to find out. ?


While thinking, using the in-depth perception skills I have practiced to search the soul of the cat-eared maid, punk is still thinking in my heart if I can't find anything, is it necessary to spend time to continue searching, if Kane waits If you are impatient, do you want to insist on searching hard?


   But before he could answer his expectations, all "ifs" disappeared.


   Because almost just after the caster’s superb perception tentacles had just turned around in the soul of the girl Alina, he found something he knew very well and wanted to explore.


   Gray energy!


The so-called good luck may refer to this kind of situation. I don’t know how much time and trouble it saves. At this moment, the "gray energy" appears naked in punk as if it suddenly loses its powerful hidden characteristics. In front of the projection, the legendary mage was able to use his own perception to make a perfect confirmation-yes, there is indeed an "abnormality" in the soul of the little maidservant with cat ears, and that abnormality is spreading rapidly on the plane of Faerun. Weird Bright Moon Creation-Mysterious Gray Energy!




   "Little girl, tell me, where is your hometown? Have you ever been in contact with other warlocks... just like you with some animal body tissues"?


   shed the perceptual energy that had already placed a certain load on the girl's soul, and used mental power to gently support the little maid who was almost slumped on the ground, and then punk began to ask in a tone that he thought was very gentle.


It’s just that the trembling cat-eared girl really lost all her strength, so she was held up more like being braced roughly, and the tone of the punk became less emotional and matched with the foggy projection form. There is no feeling of "amiable".


   After the legendary mage's question was uttered, the frightened little girl seemed to be about to cry.


   "Ah...Alena...Do you want to answer the question?"


With tears in her eyes dimly looking at the crazy knight who was standing aside watching the excitement. The girl named Alena asked in a trembling tone as if she had caught the last straw. She didn't know that she was facing one. What should the strange and terrible projection say, and don't know what he said is correct.


   When I think that if I say something wrong, I may face the legendary powerhouse... Especially the anger of my own master, the hair on the black ears of the maid with cat ears can't help but stand up.


"Answer the question? Of course it is necessary. You can answer whatever he asks, understand? You don't need to lie or conceal it, just like an honest and good boy to answer the question seriously, do you still have to teach you this simple thing?" ?


   I don't know when, the always sunny smile of "Instant Kill Gun" has begun to show a hint of cold air, and the look in his little maid's eyes has slowly become unkind.


   Obviously, the observant Kane also realized that his harem members did have a problem, and now the legendary knight who knew nothing about it and could not detect it because he could not use spells to cause him was in a very bad mood.


   But Kane didn't stop punk's behavior. He liked to bully the weak and evil knight, but he vented his anger on his little maid with a bad personality, and the fierce look seemed to have announced Alena's pitiful end.


   There is no way, the mad knight is always willful and reckless. Although he still doesn't know what his maid made or whether he made any mistakes, it doesn't prevent him from finding an unlucky person to vent his troubles.


   And when I saw the look in Kane's eyes, the cat-eared girl who had already knelt on the ground really started to cry.


   I don’t know what Kane has done to her, but it seems that Alena’s psychological shadow of her owner is really not that big. I saw her crying and her voice trembling and quickly replied:


"Woo, Alena will answer questions, don't punish Alena... Alena was born in the city of Herma in the Kingdom of Anitaron and was sent here at about five years old. Alena is very Hey, Alena has never seen anyone with animal ears and tails"!


It can be seen from the narrative that the little girl has sincerely confessed that her parents are ordinary people. She should be one of the rare awakened warlocks, and she does not seem to have ever contacted other warlocks in the distant astral space. In, the caster’s body has used prophetic spells to confirm this fact.




"That's so interesting? Why are there traces of gray energy in Kane's palace? No matter how powerful the Mage Guild is, it is impossible to spread this kind of thing throughout the multiverse in just 20,000 years, right? Lena is indeed a native warlock apprentice on this small plane, so why are there carriers of gray energy in the maid group of the mad knights?"


   ignored the cat-eared maid who was kneeling on the golden floor and crying couldn't help but squinted at the mad knight.


   The intuition from "destiny" that has not passed away is telling "Destroy Whispers" that this extremely small but extremely abnormal thing cannot be separated from the legendary knight in front of him!


   Don’t forget, Kane is also a member of the “executors”.


   "Mr. Besadas, has your palace entertained anyone? You must know who I mean by "what person"."


   "... Sai'an! This uncle doesn't know you have found any horrible things, but you are not qualified to come here to question this uncle, and this uncle is not obligated to answer any of your questions"!


   Very unexpected... and as expected, after hearing this question from the legendary mage, the smile on Kane's face suddenly disappeared!


   Baidu search 噺 Bayi Chinese website м. No ad words) Book friends, hurry up and pay attention!

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