Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 932: The arrival of the girl god

It’s hard to imagine that decent lines such as "You are not afraid of shadows" would come out of Kane’s eclectic rogue mouth, but from the simple expression and emotions... this guy seems to be really involved in the investigation of punk. Mist, although the mysterious "Instant Kill Gun" obviously conceals something, but the caster feels that his concealment may not be the same as the concealment he imagined...maybe from this "accidental investigation". After the sudden end, Kane has never been on the same communication channel with Punk.

"Think about it carefully. Does Mr. Bisadas, who is not a spellcaster, really know the existence of a very concealed thing like gray energy? He really didn't seem to notice that his little maid was contaminated with something wrong, then What did my question remind him of?"

Seeing the strange performance of the mad knight, punk couldn't help but wonder a little.

It's normal for Kane to kill people, but if he really realizes that he might expose something important, then why didn't he kill people when punk was just preparing to investigate? In some key choices, this guy has always been cautious.

You know, when punk just revealed that he was interested in the little maid with cat ears, the mad knight standing by as a spectator kept a look of curiosity and doubt, until the legendary mage suddenly asked the sentence "You "I have hosted anyone recently", Kane suddenly reacted and immediately decided to kill poor Alena.

This means...

"Until my question was expressed, "Instant Kill Gun" didn't realize that he was involved in certain incidents, and even he was curious about what kind of anomaly his little maid could attract the attention of a legendary mage. It wasn't until that question made this guy instantly think of something that the idea of ​​clearing up the evidence suddenly appeared in her mind"?

Silently shook his head, the punk still couldn't understand the crazy knight's idea of ​​screaming, "I am not afraid of the shadow leaning," while reacting quickly to eliminate the evidence.

With the raging blast of fighting energy, many important pieces of information have disappeared because of the death of members of the maid group of the mad knights. Perhaps only the "guildmaster" can use Yaori-class prophecy spells to reproduce the "unspeakable" scene. As for now... I don’t know anything in advance, and currently only possesses a punk projected into the Golden Palace. From the very beginning, there is not much opportunity for intelligence.

A projection does not have the ability to use spells, and the perception ability from the descendant spell model cannot replace the unique effects of the mind system spells to read the memory of any creature.

So from the beginning, the unprepared "Destroy Whisper" had no chance to obtain this information, and the sudden inspiration was just a "reminder" to him.

Even judging from the results, this "reminder" is not for the caster at all, because the only person who can make a decision is the "chairman". Punk only acts as a "microphone" throughout the incident, even if Kane is really It’s not hiding what bad behavior the executors have done... It seems that that is also something the powerful Sun Throne needs to consider, and it is not the turn of the "Destroy Whispers" as mercenaries to worry about.

"Maybe I was taken advantage of by "Fate Singing" this time. This matter seems to have nothing to do with me. Only the reward that the "chairman" may give is a little benefit."

Controlling the projection standing in the middle of the hall under the embarrassment and dull atmosphere, the body calmly sent the cause and result of the matter to the president, and abandoned unnecessary curiosity in his heart. Punk suddenly felt like he was almost there. Under the "destiny" arrangement, the original plan was broken.

He came to meet with Kane at the beginning to discuss cooperation matters. How could it become an exploration of secrets inexplicably? Moreover, this so-called "revelation" has not revealed any secrets. In addition to personally proving how magical and unreasonable the "intuition of fate" is, there is only a small report to the "chairman". It makes sense.

Of course, can the "small report" of the legendary powerhouse be called a small report? It's called "intention", and it's a normal behavior of interest cooperation............

"In the end, the mysterious atmosphere on the mad knight body has not diminished, but has become more intense."

After silently thinking, the caster couldn't help feeling helpless in his heart.


The originally gorgeous hall has become a mess. The crimson on the ground exudes a strong **** atmosphere. The two legendary professionals stood face to face without saying a word. For a while, the scene that should have been "friendly exchange" turned out to be because Such a person never thought that the "accident" became tense.

But fortunately, whether it is "Destroy Whisper" or "Instant Kill Gun", they are all people with a sense of measure. They all know that the "business" has not been discussed yet. It is not worthwhile to face off for such an inexplicable confrontation, so punk Without turning to leave, Kane didn't say anything to shoo away, the expressionless fuzzy projection and the crazy knights who lost their smile and cold eyes just stood staring at each other for several minutes in the empty hall and a half The transparent pale red double ponytail image slowly condenses in the almost stagnant air.

There is no doubt that the last member of the "Iron Triangle"-the girl red sand **** "Smile" has finally appeared!

"The concubine has come to the appointment, Kane, it's time for you to reveal what your so-called opportunity really looks like... Wait a minute, what are you two doing?"?

Not seen for 20,000 years, the "smile" has changed a lot, her mood swings are no longer so intense and ups and downs, but this tone is more and more full of queen-like temperament, but it is too for a long time The formerly naughty and arrogant "Miss" has long since disappeared after becoming a **** for thousands of years. Now what is presented to the two legendary powerhouses is a "queen" who must remain proud and majestic whenever and wherever possible. grown ups".

Of course, no matter how much the "smile" changes, she will definitely feel strange for the sight of this golden hall, because the atmosphere between punk and Kane at this time looks even more serious than after a fight. …………

"Mr. Besadas, did you miss something? If you are willing to repeat it patiently, then this peculiar party must be even more exciting"!

Walking solemnly to the side of the caster projection and the mad knight, the girl god's gaze swept across the eyes of the two opponents with a little impatientness.

Next, the "Her Royal Highness Queen" who used his divine power to condense a simple throne unceremoniously sat down a short distance from Kane, and then stared at the rare mad knight with a serious expression with punk. Come.

Obviously, "Smile" didn't know much about this guy's mysterious plan.

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