Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 945: Meteorite 1 battle (3) fast pace

"Kane, Atdylen is wearing my Morning Star Golem. Aim at his wound and don't break my Golem."

Recklessly reminded the mad knight that punk also hurriedly controlled the "twisted world" law to interfere with the actions of the hurricane god.

But at this moment, after realizing that the armor on Atdylan might be the remains of the golem he valued most, Punk felt a little distressed looking at the hole that was penetrated by the sharp lance.

Although the jet black armor is still worn on Atdylan, in the heart of the caster, this precious alchemy creation has long been a trophy he has ordered. Now it will certainly hurt people if it is broken. , So even if you are still in the ever-changing battlefield, the caster will promptly speak out promptly to remind Kane not to destroy his finances.

You know, the current mad knight and the **** of hurricane are within the scope of the "Muse's Twisted World". In a one-on-one situation, Kane will not be the opponent of Atdylan in the armor of the Morningstar. If this The guy deliberately damages his "own" treasure, and punk definitely doesn't mind playing a trick with no effort.

Anyway, the contract of Judgment Eye only listed the rules of "no murder of teammates" and "must participate in the battle". As for how much effort can be made during the battle, there is no agreement.

And in the high sky where the law of the storm was raging, Kane, who was trying to withdraw his lance from the body of the Hurricane God, was not in the mood to pay attention to the threat of punk, because now his forehead was already sweating.

At this moment, the "Instant Kill Gun" close enough to Atdylan could feel an extremely astonishing aura converging on the "prey" in front of him, but his riding lance was quickly spreading by the ice of supernatural power. Frozen with the enemy's body! Obviously, although the wounded Atdylan showed that the enemy "hidden" on the ground was watching, he still planned to use the defensive power brought by the armor of the Morningstar Golem to resist several attacks. Now he wants to take advantage of this distance. The knight's recent good opportunity has cost the enemy, even if he can't kill the opponent, he must take away this powerful lance.

You know, now that the mad knight’s spear is no longer a pure wave of divine power, but a pair of solid hands completely covered by black armor, no matter how Kane activates the magic effect that releases the repulsive force, he does not want to play it. Open the "golem armor" of the morning star level.

"Young man, your teammates and you don't seem to be in agreement. It's not appropriate to cause a quarrel with such a little accident.'s time for you, a guy who doesn't have a good teammate and dares to approach a strong enemy recklessly, taste the wrath of God." ?

With a hideous face and holding on to the lance, there was even a arrogant smile born in Atdylen’s language. Although he has now lost his right arm, even the most important armor hole card has been recognized by the enemy, but The angry **** still did not give up the idea of ​​"killing the enemy".

In other words, the combat experience accumulated over 30 million years can clearly tell the **** of the hurricane-if you can't get rid of the entanglement of the legendary knight, then the ambush yourself will not even have the chance to escape today!

"Damn it, of course this uncle wants to find the weak points to attack, do you want to die if you don't attack the weak points and attack the armor? But this bastard's fast moving method is too fast. Is there any way for this uncle to stabbing? Now, give me a hand, it doesn’t matter if you lose your lance, but if the uncle retreats now, this **** will run away.”

It is indeed an adventurous starter and a peeper of the kingdom of God. Kane’s degree of care for this adventure is obviously higher than that of Punk’s concern for golems. With his action degree, if he throws away the lance, he will immediately dodge. I'm not afraid of Atdylan's slow and charged attack, but the mad knight can also fully realize that the hurricane **** who possesses a morning star magic necklace and moving is almost bound to succeed as long as he turns away and escapes. If he loses this With the only chance to get close, it would be too difficult to re-approach the enemy again.

With the spread of the aftermath of the battle at the legendary level, the entire Fulaera plane was declared annihilated within a ten-thousandth of a second, and there is no doubt that the two billion believers who account for one-half of the total number of followers of the Hurricane Sect All of them died, and the nearest Kane could clearly feel that the "beast" in front of him was regaining his senses. In the next battle, it is no longer realistic to expect the enemy to continue to maintain the crazy state of his mind at the beginning.

"Hold him, he can't run"!

The purple light flashed in his eyes, feeling the spellcaster in the twisted world swiftly plucking the strings of the law.

He also knows very well that with the death of all the believers, the "dancing elves prayer torch" technique has expired, and the ancient gods will recover their sanity with an astonishing speed, even though a **** has been drawn out so smoothly. The Kingdom of God and created opportunities for Kane to get close to the enemy has brought the effects of this unpopular spell to the fullest, but due to the existence of the two trump cards of "Morning Star Divine Art Necklace" and "Morning Star Golem Armor"~www. hurricane **** still hasn't lost the chance to run, and this time the hunt is quite far away from success.

If Atdylan successfully ran back to the kingdom of God, it would take ten times more effort to let the defensive "prey" leave the "lair".

"Run, run? Want to run when you come? In this distorted world, you can't run anywhere"!

The cold killing intent was blatantly revealed in the eyes of the legendary mage, and the model of the legendary spell full of the law of destruction has also been established. With the order to coordinate the entire battlefield, a new round of attacks is too fast to hide. The trend began again.

"Smile, pierce his wound, he can't escape"!

"Legendary Conjuration Spells-Destruction Cluster"

Released along with the instructions are the legendary spells of the caster. The silky gray-black light beam lasses from the top of the pale scepter. The distance of hundreds of thousands of meters is instantly pierced like nothing. The law fell apart in this blow, and the head of the targeted target was almost impossible to hide in the air.

And at almost the same moment, two dazzling blood-red short blades and a pair of red eye pupils appeared on the right side of Atdylan’s body without warning. The insidious blade was like a hunter in the sea piercing a shark. Aiming at the frost-covered wound of the gods, pierce it!

There is no doubt that the legendary fighting rhythm will not leave anyone who participated in the war a chance to breathe, but after a moment, the hapless Hurricane God, who has just escaped a danger and has not had time to effectively counterattack, is facing a life-and-death crisis again. This time, the targets of the two attacks are still not covered by armor on Atdylan. If his evasion fails a little, the fate of falling will come!


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