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There are as many as 3 waves of attack on the “tide wave”. The 3 waves are like heaven overflowing giant waves sweeping the earth and the deep black tide of the sky. After this, the powerful Morningstar spell will slowly slow itself down. Dissipated, and by this time, the space, Rule, and matter submerged by the wave will all decompose Annihilation, and the light in the entire area will be dimmed due to the extinction of the Light Element ………

It is precisely because of such amazingly powerful destructive power that this Morningstar trick that uses the disengagement Rule to attack is only named “Tide of Light”!

However, although power is very powerful, in a strict sense, the “tide wave” that exists as a “mass-killing” spell does not affect the wide range, and its effective killing area is actually much smaller than the average. Range spell Legend spell, because the control of Morningstar spell on Rule has been able to achieve extreme precision and energy hit level, the greatly reduced killing range represents more deadly high-intensity damage and more unavoidable ultra-fast attack speed.

So after the glorious Annihilation and the dark waves dissociating from the earth overflowed silently, the area destroyed by the “tide wave” was only a whole deciduous forest sea and several mountains around it. Now the darkness that covers the sky Since the black rule tide no longer exists, the area swept by Morningstar will naturally only have a deep hole to replace the original ground flattening that’s all.

This is a super deep pit that has been eroded into the Faerun Plane rock layer. If the “surface” is used as the sea level, the depth of the entire deep pit can reach the depth of three-four hundred ten thousand meters.

In fact, under the turbulent destruction of more than ten seconds, the ordinary Plane has long been eroded by the terrifying liquid “dissociation” Rule to a huge hole that penetrates Plane, and only Faerun Plane has experienced Netheril Era The strange creations transformed by Great Arcanists can resist the raging destruction of Morningstar spell with a strange “rock layer”.

It is precisely because of the existence of this peculiar rock layer, even if the attack released by Punk is enough to break the overwhelming majority of the ordinary Plane in the Multiverse, but the mysterious Faerun Plane will not have a large area such as plate rupture due to the “trifling” Morningstar. disaster.

Of course, for the battle of the two Morningstar Class Holders, it is not important how strong their battlefield is. The solidity of the Faerun Plane does not allow the bad luck Class Holder that is subjected to Morningstar spell strikes to escape, for example, in the deep Among the super giant pits, the already dying Mr. “Sky Sliver” had already laid at the bottom of the icy rock pit and completely lost the combat capability.

Yes, it only takes one Morningstar to hit the enemy positively. Punks with arcane magic level 42 can beat 3 Class Levels and instantly defeat Morningstar Wizard “Belein-Nika” reaching 4 Level 15, Legend kills Tricks, Morningstar killings, and future Radiant Moon killings are such unreasonable things. If there is no equivalent means to fight back or defend, the enemy can only run away quickly in the face of such a terrifying “killing move”, if For some reason, he could not escape the killing range of the enemy’s killing move quickly … then the future of the fall may be like a thunderbolt.

At this moment, at noon of Mira and Chicasa’s glorious shining on the earth, in the battlefield that was once called “deciduous woodland” and should now be called “bottomless pit”, the dying shellfish Rhein will embrace his declining future, because after receiving three strikes of the “tide wave” strikes, his defensive spell has been destroyed and his soul has been too severely damaged. erosion.

Now the “sky slivers” with twisted limbs and black body lying down on the exposed dark gray rocky ground are as fragile, weak and unable to withstand a single blow as charcoal burned by fire!

“You are defeated, Mr. Neckar, are you ready to meet your destiny?”

Holding a pale scepter, stepping carefully on the cold, rocky ground, Punk’s dark golden pupils stared at the prey with an impossible to move even a little bit.

Although the large amount of magic power suddenly consumed when releasing Morningstar spell makes “Whisper of Destruction” feel a little uncomfortable, but he does not show this feeling in front of the enemy.

Even if this so-called “enemy” is about to become a “dead man” …

So far, the entire combat time has elapsed less than 5 seconds. The sufficient preparation and the weakness of Belin made the hunting of the two “hunters” very smooth. The poor “Sky Sliver” did not escape the Spellcaster’s calculations. He couldn’t even achieve a decent counterattack and he reached the edge of death. The fruits of victory were so close.

“Ahhhhhhhh, this stupid thing isn’t enough to fight, 5 minutes? What’s the point of not even supporting him for 5 seconds? We even have time to dance a dance around his body and celebrate and then calmly evacuate … ……… tsk tsk tsk, the limelight all let others out, this Lord simply has no fun ”!

Immediately after Punk landed not far from the “Sky Sliver”, Kane, who looked a little embarrassed, also cautiously watched the dark “corpse” in the distance while shouting bad words.

Although Punk deliberately controlled the extension of the “trace wave”, the evacuation speed of Crazy Knight was also amazingly fast, but he still consumed a lot of battle energy to resist a large number of dissociated Rule, this “shame” The situation has made Kane’s face expression more than usual.

However, even if he was unhappy, the mockery of the “Short Kill Gun” venting on the enemy was still standing far away.

Because although Belin seems to be dying and ca n’t move a finger, either “Whisper of Destruction” or “Instant Kill Gun” will not relax their vigilance, after all they can clearly perceive the “sky” in front of them “Splinter” still has a little consciousness. At this time, no one can guarantee whether he will prepare any perish together terrifying means to wait for the enemy to come forward.

In order to avoid such troubles, Punk standing on the edge of the deep pit has already begun to seriously prepare for the second powerful “tide wave” spell. He does not like to leave any chance for his enemies. Smashing a Morningstar is the safest way to “end”.

“Let’s make a big fuss”? No, this is prudent!

And this is a prudent conclusion summed up by Netheril Era, who did n’t know how much Legend Senior used his life!

It doesn’t take much time, a new “tide wave” spell has been formed in Punk’s hands again.

“Any last words, sad fellow.”

After aiming the dark corpse that suppresses the fluctuation of terror energy to the black “corpse”, Punk’s cold question was purely to divert the attention of the enemy.

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