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Punk’s plan is to seriously renovate and upgrade the outer wall of Magic Tower first. After completing the next task, after obtaining sufficient Magic resources, upgrade the more important inner core. According to his prediction, this process will consume a large amount of Beifeng Magic Stone As well as all the Chan Financial Mixtures left in his storage room, it will be practical to return to the poverty state before liberation overnight.

But in fact, the busy “Whisper of Destruction” not at all has time to complete. This is just the refurbishment step of the Morningstar Magic Tower at 1st Stage-not because the Morningstar Level Magic materials are not enough, or because of unreliable “unexpected” situations. , But because … the “President” mission notice appeared without warning.

In fact, when the black crystal card standard for the “executors” transmitted a familiar communication signal from the storage ring of Spellcaster, Punk still struggled to “paste the wall” under the current of surging energy. Wrapped in a large amount of red ionic light spot splashing storms due to ultra-high temperature and Rule breaking, the north wind magic stone that has been smelted into a liquid substance is following the guidance of Morningstar Wizard. Pieces of scattered and orderly strikes in Magic Tower Above the exterior wall.

However, in such a deafening rumbling sound, Punk, who had just started the renovation project not long after, had to stop the work at hand and take out the Magic crystal card to check.

Obviously, the “President” is worthy of being a truly powerful old brand Brilliant Sun Class Holder, even though the Divine Kingdom that Chromatic Dragon mother established in 23 layers Abyss is known as “no trace can be found”, but the crown of Brilliant Sun went down to find Abyss The time consumed by Tiamat is actually not too long.

Less than 30,000 years after the last raid to assassinate the “Sky Shard” Belin, the seriously responsible “executors” leaders have completed their important tasks.

The ongoing negotiations between the “President” and Tiamat also represent that the “Danger Notice” action that several executives are expecting is about to formally open.

“It’s been so many 10000 years, and I don’t know what attack method the” President “used on the” Archmage “Mesur, which led him to cultivate for so long, and he could not sustain his injuries, but the executives The action is to be really carried out. If the “President” plan can succeed, the worst result will be enough to ruin the good reputation of the “Wizard Guild” for many years. The best result can even force Good Alignment God. Against the hypocritical Mesoul ……… It must be admitted that this is a historic super event. Fortunately, I am also a 4 Level 14 Morningstar Class Holder. Such a subversive situation is powerful. How can it be said that powerhouse is not a rare opportunity. “

Without the slightest hesitation, the “material fusion” spell at hand was released, and the boiling North Wind magic stone solution quickly dissipated in the raging Rule tide to cool down, and gently held the black magic crystal card with the index finger and thumb “Whisper of Destruction” began to read the mission instructions sent to him by the president while secretly expressing emotion.

Against the background of dim light and shadow, the crystal card made of unknown materials can still look cold and smooth, and feel comfortable, and the information recorded on the crystal card is as detailed and comprehensive as ever, because the “danger notice” task requires an executor They are carried out separately, so the tasks assigned by the “president” to each performer are completely different, and their descriptions and explanations will naturally be different.

For example, the message sent by the Brilliant Sun throne to Punk is this:

“Hello, Mr.” Whisper of Destruction “, in the last” Assassination Assault “operation, you accomplished the task with excellent effort and courage, and beheaded the important help of” Meyer Shard “. Belin-Necka, your contribution to the development of Alliance of the Silencers deserves everyone’s recognition and awards, but please remember that the rampage of the era is about to start, new storms are brewing, opportunities and trials coming one after Another, the tide of fate is staring in secret, and every decision and participation you make will become more important because of the identity and strength you have today. Never forget where you are.

At this time, the new action “danger notice” task is ripe. The friendly negotiations between me and the “Mother Chromatic Dragon” are proceeding in an orderly manner. Our top priority, remember the friendly relationship between Wizard Guild and Good Alignment God that has been close to ever since ancient times? The task of you and other executors today is to cut off all the bonds between the 10000 shrine and the Wizard Guild ………… In this time task, I need you to visit the Spirit King in the Spirit King Court far away in the Eternal Forest High Priest, and then use him to formal to establish a conversation with Life Goddess Seciona. As a great Divine Power Lawful Good Alignment God, Life Goddess has a high voice in the 10000 shrine councils, if she can be persuaded to stay out of business or If you try to boycott Mesoul, then the entire life department will give priority to her opinions and ideas.

Of course, those budget-minded Gods will inevitably try to turn a blind eye to the “malicious” facts in front of them, and they will also very much exclude our moral persecution and even substantial threats. I think that the elves who are in a closed, rigid, indecisive way have at least no reason and excuse to refuse you into their forests with ancient dogma ……… Do n’t have too many concerns, I have helped the letter about the conspiracy explanation of Mesour You are ready, you just need to read the letter in front of the Goddess Divine Portfolio on the hypocritical life Divine Court without hesitation. As for the final result … then you need to look at the ancient Psyche Which lady is not smart anymore.

Note: It is possible for us to reach a cooperative relationship with the 10000 shrine, so please try to maintain a friendly and decent atmosphere of communication, but you do n’t have to give too much face to the stupid gods. “

Also note: “Mr. Whisper of Destruction”, the leader of the first group, please note that because Ms. “Phantom Mirror” who is the leader of the second group of “executors” has betrayed Alliance of the Silencers and is now exterminated, the original The second group was temporarily announced for delisting. The original third group was temporarily renamed as second group. The former second group member “Instant Kill Gun” was temporarily incorporated into the first group-until a newcomer joined the “executors”, “Instant Kill Gun” “Mr.’s identity is tentatively designated as a temporary group member of the first group.


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