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Punk’s mother’s name is “Tanas-White Leaf”, she comes from a very old family, and her ethnic bloodline is an extremely rare ancient elf.

Of course, although even in the Spirit King of the Yongzheng Forest, the “White Leaf” family is a nobility family that is worthy of “historical origin”, but when inheritance reaches Ms. Tanas’s this generation, this is in addition to the so-called There is no other family besides “Pure Ancient Elf Bloodline”. The ruined family that can be shown off has long been completely decayed and everyone is stunned. In this respect, the last Tanas who inherited the surname of “White Leaf”- Ms. Bai Ye is even the only Master Level Spellcaster that this nobility has cultivated over 10000 years.

And until a long time ago, after Tanas was “married” to a human male and completely deported by the Spirit King court, the ancient “White Night” family should have completely disappeared. History is long gone.

Perhaps the name of this small family who has not been on the table since its birth can still be found in the nobility record book of Spirit King. But for a family that no longer has any heirs, just a surname does not have any meaning.

According to the memory inherited by Punk, it can be known that Tanas, who owns the “Elder Elf” Bloodline, is absolutely called the super rare “panda” among the elf races. After all, the Elder Elf ’s Bloodline inheritance is too few, And the elder elf families that still exist in the Spirit King court are mostly intermarried with ordinary elves and mixed with “pure bloodline”. The “white leaf” family that no longer exists can even be called in the forest of Yongzhen. The last “Family of Pure Blood Elves”.

But in fact, in such a cruel and pragmatic world, how can such a non-magical creature Bloodline get no special treatment or attention except for its “history”? How can well-ordered elves look at a desolate nobility high or low because their compatriots have a rare bloodline?

Unless an elf can become Legend and take the initiative to abandon the surname and leave the Spirit King court, all awards and punishments must be strictly implemented in accordance with the so-called “law” … This is the order of the king’s power, and also the provision of the god’s power .

In terms of “law” and “system”, the seemingly peaceful and orderly elves can say that they have developed “orderly” to another offensive extreme, and they demand that all things must comply with strict Legal development is proceeding, from Legend to the poor, no one can violate it!

However, the reason why intelligent creatures can be called “smart creatures” is not because they are difficult to be restrained by “order” in thinking or even action, even if the number of laws in the Spirit King court is large enough to make a few 10000 books Law books across various fields are filled with several big houses, but all kinds of violations of the law seem to be free and peaceful, friendly and mutual assistance. In fact, it is still common in the elite society of class and decay.

And a long time ago, the young girl Tanas, who had just become the Formal Level Class Holder, was one of the “rebels” who hated these dogmatic laws and to disdain as beneath contempt.

If you want to recall the specific story, it ’s a bit old-fashioned. In summary, it ’s a routine where an elf girl meets a human teenager and then falls in love with a common life. Although she is a 1000 gold Eldest Miss Tanas-White of the elven elf family The “ordinary poor” Kadenke who had never obtained nobility status should have no intersection, but their identity as the Formal Level Wizard was enough to make the gap between trifling “nobility” and “poor” flat.

Moreover, speaking of which, there was no doubt that Cardenk, who was in the “elite class”-that is, Punk’s “father” or the “leader researcher” of a remote branch of the Wizarding Guild, with his affair and ignorance The interesting personality of the frame and the bright future of Class Holder attract the girl elves who have just stepped out of the eternal forest and have just “surveilled” the Spirit King court patrol and enjoyed “freedom”. It is not too easy.

So … what happened next became obvious.

Tanas, who has always disliked her “family heir” status, was already a Formal Level Wizard at the time, which meant that her wings were hard and she could ignore the family members who entered the Novice Level to a certain extent. The hard old fart “Elders” opinion, so in order to be a partner with the “ordinary person” of Kadenke, Tanas, who had no affection for his decayed nobility family, thought about it without thinking about it. The slightest hesitation gave up the right to inherit a lot of tatters and Patriarch’s identity representing a heavy burden, and then decisively walked out of the eternal forest and Carden, who owns a simple Magic Tower, began a new happy life.

Of course, regardless of the traditional concepts of the elves or the laws and regulations of the Church of Life, Tanas’s independent behavior is completely unreasonable.

You must know that there are clear rules in the stereotypes formulated by the Spirit King court and the Goddess of life-no one in the Spirit King court should have any “relationship” with any alien creature for any reason, and no elf nobility To form a partner with any poor class under any circumstances, all offenders, regardless of their status, status, and strength, will be severely punished by permanent expulsion from the eternal forest. If the offender has nobility status, the Spirit King court will deprive his surname. Then expel.

As everyone knows, the spirit of King Spirit ’s court is strictly stereotyped and the terms are clear. It is said that they even expelled a Legend elf Ranger based on such rules and regulations, so in the case of Tanas ’unabashed violation of strict regulations, she The result obtained is very as it should be by rights.

Without any accident, the elf girl of the Formal Level Wizard was expelled by the Spirit King court. She was forbidden to enter the forest of Eternal Marks again, and was banned from using the ancient nobility surname of “White Leaf”, until Tana Si and her husband Kadenke both became Master Level Spellcasters and began to take all on one throw to try to win Legend. Neither of them has ever stepped into the vast forest of Everglades.

Remember, even the place where Punk was born was just an unremarkable grove very far away from the Yongken Forest, and the surname “White Leaf” was not highlighted in Spellcaster’s memory as part of the inheritance.

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