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The indignant growl growled loudly, and the pious emotions were hard to express. In the face of the disagreement of the so-called “blasphemous”, he would have to slay his martyrdom as Legendary Powerhouse, but he was completely ignorant of human affairs … … Do n’t read it. This rare and true Legend level priest will only be owned by a God of the great Divine Power. That is, it has long lost its emotions and has completely become the god of light of Divine Portfolio puppet-Morninglord .

“Anyone knows that a puppet God’s men are rich in extremist justice,” this sentence is not just nothing serious, the Legend members of the entire 10000 Temple Alignment are also destined to have only a large group of abnormally bright Priests Observe order and the rules of kindness, they always can’t bear anyone to violate God’s Canon of “Supreme”, no matter whether the private ministry full of rigid laws is reasonable or not, they will at all costs defend its holiness.

For example, at this moment, after the stern-looking Warrior just finished one of the simplest and most sparse and ordinary “perfect famine avoidance, perfect rescue of the poor” plan, the Church of Dawn priest standing behind Anthony immediately became unable to bear I was angry.

I saw him standing up directly in front of the two Morningstar Class Holders. The fiercely stared at Mr. Warrior, who was a little dazed. He became a master of a quaint book and read it aloud:

“In the” Social and Economic Chapter “of the” Morning of the Dawn “, the great light and kindness Good God and Supreme ’s Morninglord once said that the hardworking lambs should obtain life-sustaining food through their own efforts and sincerity. , Warm clothing, and useful livestock, just as farmers must cultivate crops to be eligible for bread, nobility must be managed by farmers to be able to taste jams, no resources should be obtained by anyone without without sowing Lambs should not be tempted to become lazy by making resources out of thin air through evil laws ……… This is a kind order, no matter when and where, it should not be ignored and ignored by anyone who is Lawful Good! “


Divine Power makes the golden-bright and dazzling books slowly dissipate, chants the legendary Priest who completes the decree and habitually bathes his whole body in glory, and then lifts the head to look seriously towards 3 stunned Legend “Volunteer”.

“Understood? Using evil methods to create food out of thin air is absolutely a blasphemy against God and a violation of order! 10000 The temple will never allow such things to happen under the eyes of my lord. All people must produce their own food through labor. Satiating, this is where the sacred and inviolable order lies! “


With the slightly impulsive and serious words, at this moment, the atmosphere of the entire hall seemed to be suddenly calm.

Anyone knows that God ’s incarnation as “absolute order” is always inevitable to be too harsh and “unreasonable”, but in such a meeting with so many Legend Class Holders from completely different Alignment, this kind of harsh law For the first time, the contradiction of law was exposed to the dazzling light for the first time. The dazzling flashing level was as awkward and astonishing as this “Justice Priest” bathed in a flash of golden light. The strange feeling of “absurd and absolute” and “as it should be by rights” are also so mixed and echoed …………

“You motherfucker fart! Now 2/3 Karams have been Abyssal Energy Contamination, let alone ordinary person, is there a way for you to grow crops on that land? You are Shi Laozi Good shit, you see, you want to watch all the poor starve to death. When I was a child, my father and mother and all my loved ones were starved to death because of this “order” that shit doesn’t work!

It is often said that “Lawful Good” and “Chaotic Good” are actually completely opposed to each other. This kind of statement is not groundless. Look at it now. Patience listened to a “Catholic Reading” and suddenly remembered his unfortunate childhood. The irritable Warrior immediately shouted with rude words, this robust man with a big bear-like figure, using a door blade and a knife as a weapon, his hair is now rooted like a steel nail, and his posture is absolutely worthy The previous sentence “flustered and exasperated”.

Faced with the angry roar of the robust man in front of him, he was short and thin, but Legend Priest, who raised his eyebrows and pulled out a short cane in the waist, did not evade at all. Even his reaction was far more impulsive and decisive than simple verbal abuse.

I saw that under the eyes of all eyes, in the blaze of a blazing rays of light, in an instant, a peacock composed of white flames was already driven by the divine spell power without the slightest hesitation, aiming at the head of Legend Warrior Rushed out.

“Legend Level divine spell-Purifying Fire”

“Profanity unbelievers! You dare to insult Supreme Morninglord? You will pay for your mean words”!

“Hong long”!

In the almost hysterical, irrational roar, a blazing explosion instantly enveloped the spacious hall of the Imperial Family Hall, and the three-dimensional map of Karams composed of energy instantly burned in the holy flame. Sinochem turned into ashes, the roaring blast trembles the space and Rule, standing beside him completely didn’t expect things like this, Ibefield and Karan Miss have been stunned by the scene before them.

what’s the situation? This is just the 2nd meeting. Why did the two unfathomable mystery guys suddenly start a fight?

“Stop it! What do you want to do? Batuan! Where do you think it is? Do you think we are here to discuss what?”

Anthony wanted to make a little “big news is right, but the big news he wanted to do was definitely not at this time. At the center of the nest of a Brilliant Sun Spellcaster, he fought in the name of God, so suddenly the violent frenzy Priest only came After hitting only a divine spell, several hundred energy chains shining with the color of gemstones suddenly appeared and swarmed up, battering the glorious Batuan into dumplings, and at this moment, he controlled his name in time. The roar of “clean glow” under the hands finally finally showed a lot of real anger.

An idiot teammate is far more likely to be flustered and exasperated than the most powerful enemy. Now Anthony also understands this sentence. The Legendary Warrior who abused God on the spot is mentally handicapped, but Batuan who suddenly started to fight It seems to be more mentally retarded, but now these two brainy idiots speaking from a certain perspective are all his teammates …………

But the only thing that is thankful is that with two Morningstar Class Holders watching and watching, the ordinary Legend Priest who is suddenly mad does not really make a big mess, after all, almost when the heat energy of the flame peacock has just begun to overflow, than Anthony The faster-responsive “Whisper of Destruction” has created a translucent sphere wrapped around the upcoming Legend Level divine spell.

The energy burst at the crucial moment was dazzling, but in fact, the only thing that was actually destroyed in the Imperial Family Hall was actually the exquisite map of Karams.

“Morningstar Level Conjuration Spell-Space Cage”!

“There is also divine spell and verbal abuse, and there are all kinds of light and shadow explosions, but this is really a perfect meeting. It seems that your” Military Orchestra “is really good at maintaining justice,” Clean Glow “

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