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The Lord of Dorez City is named Gothra Hyde. This year is 16 years old. It is said that his family has a long history no less than that of the Kingdom of Dylan Imperial Family. He once had a marriage with the Imperial Family.

However, although the Hyde Family is now in control of a large territory, their generations are dying. When Gothra this generation, the entire Hyde Family is only 16 years old Gothra.

But this does not affect the dominance of this young Lord. He has loyalty … or it seems that the loyal minister takes care of the internal affairs, and there is a loyal Knight who handles military affairs. The most important thing is that their family is in The asylum-seekers found 300 years ago-Level 13 Formal Level Dwarf Warrior Bahange are still alive, and these have allowed Dorez City to maintain the stability of until now ……… as long as there are no unpredictable accidents!

But what could be more unexpected than an epidemic that spreads widely and spreads quickly?

Gothra was called by the maidservant from the warm bed when it was dark today. The reason was that the ministers had important matters to discuss. This made Gothra, who had not paid attention to the internal affairs for nearly a month, very surprised and even very upset. Nothing can be more important than his three newly-received beautiful maids.

In the service of a few girl servants, Gothra wore a gorgeous to heavy robe, filled with precious nobility special spices to only use the sachet for one day, and finally impatiently eat a little “crazy sea flavor”, by the way, by the way On the way, I pushed several little maids into the water pond and watched them call for help. Until the internal affairs officer reminded the ministers again that they had waited a long time, Gothra, who was still not having fun, was either fast nor slow. Flocked to the government office.

The government affairs hall is located on the 2nd floor of the castle in the center of Dorez. The whole room is filled with thick nobility style, various gold-plated decorations, and luxurious ornaments make this hall more like a ball place than a place to deal with government affairs.

In fact, most of the time here, there is no one at all. All the government affairs are handled by the Minister of the Interior, Hart, in his residence. The 16-year-old Lord Gothra, in addition to all day and a group of little maids, many enchanting females, deal with the so-called government affairs. Not at all.

On this day, the luxurious hall rarely had a dignified atmosphere, and Gothra, who was sitting on the Lord’s throne, even felt the heavyness of the “mountain rain and wind full of buildings”.

“My Lord, a large-scale epidemic has recently occurred in Dorez City and its 364 villages and towns. A large number of sick mobs are heading to Dorez City. For the safety of the people in the city, I hope that the city master will close the city gate as soon as possible to prevent the mob from entering the city!”

A frivolous old man walked out of the line in small steps, and said the situation of the plague in a tone that seemed to be a suggestion that was actually closer to a direct command. As the Minister of the Interior, Hart’s behavior can be said to almost never put Gothra in his eyes.

But Gothra didn’t mind Hart’s words and deeds. This minister was a teacher of Gothra’s various nobility knowledge from an early age. For a young Lord who has no opinion, following the “suggestions” of the other party is as it should be by rights.

Under Hart’s unquestionable “recommendations”, Gothra just glanced at the group officials who bowed their heads silently, and then without the slightest hesitation’s intention to agree to Hart’s suggestions. He also remembered to go back and “favor” once again the little maid who was just collected yesterday!

But when Gothra’s mouth was half open, a loud voice came from the entrance of the hall.

“Absolutely, My Lord”.

With a clear and loud voice, a mighty middle-aged Knight strode into the meeting room, the golden-yellow armor Ye Ye was glorious, the armor-wrapped military boots stepped on the exquisite carpet, and the sound of metal friction whistled. Crumbling until he came to Gothra, Knight raised Crimson’s cloak handsomely, and with a crisp cry, the mighty Knight half-kneeled on the carpet and gave a perfect Knight ceremony.

Immediately afterwards, he lifted his serious face without a beard, staring at Hart next to him with a scorching gaze, ruthless slammed in front of all the ministers.

“Hart, you actually let My Lord turn away the leaders, and sit and watch as the 1000 surnames of 10000 to 100 die. Where do you put the reputation and family training of Hyde Family, and where does My Lord go?”

Facing Knight’s question, Hart took a step back, and then immediately reacted. His eyes were filled with hate, but his mouth was completely out of Knight’s words.

“Chief Knight Cascathe, now is the time for serious deliberations. You have been irresponsible regardless of the lateness of your duties. Now you are interrupting the discussion of My Lord. Is this what you call the spirit of Knight?”

Knight Cascathe completely ignored Hart’s doubts and did not explain why he was late. He looked at Lord as if he hadn’t heard Hart’s question at all, and clanged his “suggestions” effectively.

“Lord, not only is there a sudden outbreak of the plague, but also an Evil Cult wanton rampage, they are persecuting …”

“Shut up, Cascathe, dare to defile the Church of Tishachar as Evil Cult with any evidence you have. You are blaspheming a great deity without any reason.”

When he heard the words “Evil Cult run”, Hart roared like an old cat with a stomped tail.

“You’re enough, Hart, I don’t know how much benefit Church of Tishachar has given you, but now Dorez City is in jeopardy, and now is not the time to fight for power.”

“you you…………”

Hart watched Cascathe stand up in fear, and the anger in Knight ’s eyes seemed to be substantial. There was even a wave of undetectable battle energy fluctuations on his body, as if the old man in front of him said one more thing. It is the same as “eliminating harm for the people” on the spot.

Hart swallowed and finally choked back his stomach.

Seeing Hart finally shut up, Cascathe glanced disgustingly at Hart, then bowed heavily and said aloud:

“My Lord, it is recommended to dispatch the City Guard, destroy Evil Cult, appease the people, open Dorez City, and accommodate uninfected refugees”!

From beginning to end, I was confused and listened to the quarrel between the two most important ministers. Gothra on the throne always felt dizzy. In fact, he did n’t listen to the quarrels of these two ministers at all. He was heavily dressed. The suffocating Gothra now just wanted to hurry up to end this “boring” meeting, so he could go back and keep warm with those beautiful maids.

Hart was keenly aware of his Lord ’s impatience. He knew that if he did n’t say anything, this happy Lord would agree to Knight ’s suggestion without thinking, so he gritted his teeth to withstand Cascathe ’s power and used A male duck’s voice “howled”.

“No way, My Lord, how can those peasants set foot in the sacred city of Hyde Family, not to mention that they are dirty and carry the plague, and once 10000 is transmitted to Lord you, that’s fine, is your health better than Are the low lives of a group of farmers? “

“Hart, you talk nonsense, as long as you do a good job, the plague will not come in, and once you leave the leaders alone, will Lord not become the same as those brutal rulers, are you not afraid of what 1000 husbands mean Well, are n’t you afraid of being chased by those justice adventurers? “

I do n’t know whether it ’s because the hair stands up in anger at this time, Cascathe, who is about to riot and kill, is too scary, or because the last two sentences he said played a role, Hart seems to be stuck in the throat with a chicken bone, It took a long time for the red face to come out and say something:

“Dorez City’s garrison is not much … military expenses are not enough … which is enough to do so many things …”

“Then rescue the refugees first, at least not let Hyde Family’s reputation deteriorate”!

Cascathe glared at the vicious Hart, who did n’t know who ’s pockets had been exhausted, but now it ’s not the time to pursue them, forcibly suppressing the urge to kill the traitor on the spot, he took a deep breath as much as possible Calmly looked like the Lord Lord who could not sit still, waiting for the other party to make a decision.

Gothra is already impatient with this decision. He is used to throwing everything to the two ministers under his control. He does n’t know much about the plague and Evil Cult. Now he hears these two “assistants” “The controversy finally came to fruition, and of course agreed without thinking.

As for the specific action … Of course, it is handed over to the tireless, highly respected Chief Knight Cascathe.

Cascathe glanced disappointedly at the impatient Gothra who had left the chamber, then glanced helplessly at the group of people who said nothing from beginning to end, and finally sighed heavily and strode toward the main entrance.

Only Hart, whose face was distorted, stared at Cascathe’s back with a vicious look!

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