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When did this war involving multiple strong Great Influence clashes proceed? Did the progress bar of the battle advance by 1% or 90%?

Punk is actually not aware of this. After all, the people who really master the progress of the war are from the mysterious Brilliant Sun Class Holder. The task that Morningstar Wizard can do is just to make trouble for the Wizard Guild. Just add trouble.

This may sound quite unpleasant. After all, the danger of war is best to be within your control to bring peace. Even “Whisper of Destruction” must seriously consider whether the sky above the Karams Empire On a certain day, a brilliant Brilliant Sun move suddenly replaced Mira and Chicasa’s brilliant rays of light.

But if you consider that there is currently a Brilliant Sun-class magic equipment that can be used as a practical safety guarantee and the generous rewards you can get as a mercenary ……… then the progress of the war does not seem to be too anxious.

At least when counting the large amount of “compensation ransom Magic resources” sent by the red robe Wizard guild, feeling himself in the depth of one’s soul, and the inspiration and powerful power gained from Walker’s Mind method, Spellcaster began to feel happy quickly. The scarlet smoke in the sky and the hustle and bustle of the refugees became more and more beautiful.

Yes, after a tense battle at the Morningstar level, after trying to adapt and understand a wonderful Spellcaster’s “Mind Teleport” spell, Punk’s Class Level has also been improved as expected, and now he not only has the old Eman as promised A large amount of Morningstar resources compensated, also obtained the brand-new power of 4 Level 16 Morningstar Class Holder.

After all, being able to communicate with geniuses is still easy to get inspiration and knowledge. Although this “communication” method is a bit crude, it is not easy to say whether Walker is a real genius or a pure lunatic, but “Mind Teleport” is a Netheril. The ridiculous spell that Era was not invented did indeed give much inspiration to the theoretical basis of the mind-affecting spell of “Whisper of Destruction”.

In fact, this harvest alone is well worth the battle between Spellcaster and “Dead Wind Lamp”.

“It might not be a bad decision to let the madman die,” Mind teleport “the spell may be more valuable than my simple idea at the time, if the future can have the opportunity to get the spell model mastered by Walker “”

Silently thinking about the surprising mysterious Magic, Punk’s thoughts quickly dissipated from the current waterless war.

speaking of which now because there is no Demon Lord attacking the Horaka defense line for a long time, it is really very leisurely to simply guard the Punk in Benidorm. He has time to think about whether he can try to take away the housekeeping skills of others. …………

But war is war, and the “President” has paid so much Morningstar Level Magic resources to hire “Whisper of Destruction” to enter the battlefield. It is not a loss-making business. As the only 3 high-end battle strength in this war, leisure time Punk is also destined not to last long.

For example, at this moment, the Morningstar Wizard had n’t waited until his thoughts were conceivable for his bold ideas, and a practical practical plan. The crisp jingle sound representing “guest visit” was suddenly abrupt in the dim and gloomy tower corridor. Tenderly echoed.


Obviously, after the last meeting, Morningstar powerhouse, who was more dissatisfied with the actions of some people than “Whisper of Destruction”, has finally found his own allies, and next, the 2 conspirators need to discuss The thing is the real “action plan” for the follow-up of the war at this time.

Of course, for Punk, such a discussion is better than a brief confirmation. After all, even if there is no extra discussion, he can easily guess what the guests who come to visit him ask for.

Silently looking back, the silhouette of the Spellcaster almost blocked every light from the narrow window shining into the tower corridor, and the dark golden eye pupil under the shadow of the hood quietly looked towards an unsurprising. divine spell projection, followed by the expressionless “Whisper of Destruction” using the emotional emotion of Mental Power to ask:

“Why? Until this time did you finally get used to a naive silly little girl and continue to disturb the rigorous plan? I thought you would start early.”

Obviously, this “guest” who came to visit Punk is the Morningstar Priest who has been in a very bad mood recently-“Clean Glow” Anthony!

“Silly little girl? Yes, Ibeefel, who is only 80000 and 4000 years old, is indeed younger … But even if the silly little girl is also a Legend Class Holder, there is no Legendary Powerhouse in the world that someone who is easy to deal with At least in the course of our war, the trouble that a fool who can’t tell good from bad can cause is staggering enough. “

Facing Morningstar Wizard’s ridiculous and ridiculous verbal mocking, the appearance of silent appearance, the seemingly helpless expression of the most projection not at all showed more unpleasant emotions, he was just very realistic and arrogant Out of his first-hand information.

“Speaking of which I brought not only bad news but also good news this time, which one do you want to hear first”?

“…………bad news”!

Anyway, the “good and bad news” in Anthony’s mouth is just “bad and good news” for bad luck’s justice system. Just choose one and ask directly.

“The bad news is very obvious, isn’t it? You know, the annoying degree of a certain” Martial Goddess “has finally touched the bottom line of many people’s tolerance. I really don’t want to understand that just using” legal “means to solve the Karams Empire How can a large number of ordinary people in this place be so strenuous? It is because the love of a silly little girl is so rampant that the famine that should have been exploded was almost disappeared? Yes, of course this is bad news, our plan is undoubtedly being received interference”.

The tone is clear and tells the so-called “bad news”. Anthony, who is silently looking for the seat, is obviously more accustomed to sitting down and talking about his thoughts like traditional nobility.

It is a pity that Punk’s residence never needs extra furniture and decorations, so the slightly embarrassing Morningstar Priest not at all gets an elegant opportunity to allow his projection to show the nobility-rich serene style.

He can only curl one’s lip and continue to stand in front of the “Whisper of Destruction” with a stunned heart and said seriously:

“Cough cough, how do you say an old saying? Good things and bad things always complement each other, and the connection between them is far closer than the imagination of the world … Guess what is the good news I brought”?

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