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In the cold wind, the treatment method of the Legend White Dragon “Winter Princess” actually not at all takes too long to discuss. In fact, because of this time 2 Morningstar Class Holder with a perfunctory attitude is very good. The “non-humanitarian” treatment of Clarin was quickly formulated after Punk took the lead.

On the surface, the development of the situation is exactly the same as the perfect answer envisioned by “Martial Goddess”-the transformation of the array promised by the Morningstar Wizard will naturally ensure the further reinforcement of the Horaka defense line, which was produced by “Whisper of Destruction”. The imprisoned chain is undoubtedly theoretically impossible, allowing a Legend Warlock with a level of only 23 to escape. The White Dragon, now a prisoner of the ranks, has become the “cheap labor” of genuine, and the evil once soaring in the sky has also been obtained. “Retribution” she deserves.

Isn’t it a good act of kindness and joy? Be aware that when the nodded of Punk without the slightest hesitation agreed to create a “compulsory energy transmission device” for the Legend White Dragon of the middle with scars, the happy Iberfield even suspected that he would now own the Morningstar Class Holder. Is prejudice a ridiculous misunderstanding, at least in this brief moment, the naive “Justice Girl” really feels that Punk is the kind of kind good-looking person who is cold-hearted and not seeking fame and fortune.

After all, beside Spellcaster, Anthony, who should have been carrying the burden of “goodness”, still keeps a friendly smile and then does nothing …

In any case, since this matter has been so perfectly “justified”, Iberfield, who put down a big stone in his chest, can naturally leave the Horaka defense line and continue to the border area to continue purifying farmland After successfully punishing the evil, she was very happy and very happy. The girl with shiny blond hair was on the road with passion and smile before leaving.

But from the perspective of Bad Luck’s White Dragon Clarin, it’s really bad to fall to this end.

Just one day later, the obeyed Punk has expressionlessly bound the chain made overnight to the body of “Princess Winter”, and in the process, even if it was tolerant of tears and pain Dragon keeps trying to suggest that the gloomy Morningstar Wizard is trying to save her life, but she has never received any sympathetic response and goodwill response from “Whisper of Destruction”.

Under the ruthless control of Punk, the steel nails carved with Magicrune at the Morningstar level are only extraordinarily rough and tyrannical, replacing the original steel cones through the spine of White Dragon. In order to prevent the wound from recovering, the white stubble is exposed The amputated wound was tightly wrapped in magic metal.

So at this moment, Serrarin has completely become a miserable “dragon stick” that can only crawl in the Gravity Formation, although it is only being applied with a little Enchantment Spell’s Morningstar level Alchemy chain is not strict Magic equipment in the sense, but it is still enough to confine the body and soul of an ordinary Legend Class Holder riddled with scars and prevent every wound from recovering.

Perhaps in the long “Dragon Born” process of “Winter Princess”, she has never been so embarrassed and powerless.

“Damn, the script shouldn’t be played like this! Why would Mr.” Whisper of Destruction “help the wicked bitch who doesn’t follow the rules? Is it … Has he already thought that I have completely lost the value of utilization?”

Thinking anxiously, a princess of winter appeared with fear in the unconsciously in my heart, soon became unable to bear, and secretly cursed. Dragon, who was locked in a small underground space, even habitually tried to flap his wings to express his heart. Worries.

But soon, the dense rune from the cold magical energy in the skeleton and the gleaming fluorescent light on the ground reminded her immediately of a painful and frustrating fact-she has lost her wings and even 4 limbs, The current “Winter Princess” is no longer the powerful Legend White Dragon.

“No, it shouldn’t be like this. Think faster. Think faster … If you really want to imprison an ordinary Legend according to the idea of” Martial Goddess “with a Morningstar Wizard, he only needs to use a simple array That ’s it, Mr. Saian did n’t need to waste precious Morningstar layer materials to make these ten heavy chains, did n’t he? Selarin! You are also a Legend dragon anyway, and your blood vessels have inheritance from Tiamat …… A Legend White Dragon is valuable at all times, you must calm down quickly! “

Resisting the pain of the wound on the body, the “shoulder princess” who is trying to dispel the fear in her heart is worthy of being a Legend dragon who has completed breaking shackles. After a short period of panic, she rarely gets a little time alone. Soon he regained his sensible thoughts.

Yes, unlike Iberfield, the “Justice Girl” who likes to make decisions through “Alignment”, Selarin, as a member of Zhentarim Legend of Evil Alignment, is obviously better at thinking from the perspective of interests, and she is now at the moment Whisper of Destruction’s thinking is quite correct.

As Legend White Dragon thought, if Punk really decided to completely give up a stupid dragon that defeated and captured, then it is also known as the “Alchemy Master” (Mimibez ’s reputation when selling merchandise in the Multiverse range). ) Does he really need to use the valuable Morningstar material to create a chain that is enough to bind the Dragon body 3 times?

“It’s not necessary! It’s not necessary at all! It’s also not necessary ……… Yes, this iron chain may have” small functions “that I don’t know about.

Taking advantage of his “caretaker” to go out to check the energy circuit and haven’t come back, he silently confided to Clarin while trying to comfort herself while working hard to start thinking.

And after such a serious consideration … She really thought of Punk and then installed this set of imprisonment equipment to leave a few traces of the words left when she left.

“Sad loser, I think your IQ can’t even remember the title of your Patriarch, right?”

This is a ridiculous and ridiculous statement that sounds a bit redundant and unfathomable mystery. At that time, Seralin thought it was just a ridiculous mocking of Morningstar Wizard to the embarrassed self. ………

“My title of” Master “? Isn’t the title of Old Eman the” Crimson Scepter “?”

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