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Due to various reasons, Dorez City has finally responded to the plague. Although this “reaction” is not timely and effective enough, there is still some hope for the refugees who are hiding in the house and can’t wait Dawn.

However, these have little to do with Punk still in Spider Cave. He is attentively running magic power in the spider statue.

Along with the connection of the last node, the spider statue bloomed with a dark green brilliance, the original unremarkable rock lit up one after another, and the texture of the rock seemed to flow with energy.

Punk put down the spider statue. Let it float in the air, then back up behind Golem I, silently watching a blurry huge projection slowly become clear and solid, and the projection is surrounded by green flashes from time to time, looking weird and gloomy!

Goddess Tishachar … coming!

“Who are you, dare to step in my temple, who are you–“

The sharp voice is very unpleasant, and it is as harsh as scratching the blackboard with a knife. The “Goddess” in front of me has perfected the shape.

I saw a huge spider appearing on the spot. The upper body of the spider is a slender female body, but there is no trace of transformation on the spider in front of me. The so-called Goddess Tishachar was originally a spider, but it grew out of a The human upper body is only.

Punk silently looked at the “gods” of hysterics. He keenly found that he was far overestimating the so-called Goddess. This guy estimated that at most it was a Formal Level Peak. She could not even maintain her projection. By then, those green flashes are evidence of energy leakage.

“Who! Who killed my most loyal servant, I will peel him to the bones, grind it into flesh, shred every muscle, and feed it to my children—”

Soon this Goddess Tishachar projection found the body of High Priest on the ground. I don’t know how she confirmed the identity of the pile of minced meat, but the angry “Goddess” immediately hysterically got up.

“Dear Miss Tishachar, I think you need to be calm, maybe you know everything. You at Omnipotent can answer a little question for me-how did you achieve the power of Faith with the power of Formal Level?”

Punk completely ignored Tishachar’s roar, and there was only one emotion in his eyes at this time-excitement.

He can now be sure that the Tishachar in front of him must have an incredible secret. He can clearly feel that the level of the undefended soul is only Level 14, but this “Goddess” actually has the ability to use Power of Faith. Now Punk has Deciding to find out this secret, he had a hunch that the value of Tishachar’s secret must be amazing.

“Puny mortal, pay attention to your words, I am the great Goddess Tishachar, you dare to desecrate a God”?

Tishachar immediately focused on Punk’s tone rather than the doubts in her discourse. She loudly emphasized her so-called “Goddess” identity.

“Well, respected Goddess Tishachar, can you tell me …”

Punk stared at the eight eyes on the forehead of this “Goddess” without hesitation, as if seeing the precious experimental materials.

“Enough! Lowly mortal, you are not qualified to stare at me, it seems that you killed my loyal servant, please beg for mercy, ants! My strength is not what you can understand, now if you kneel on the ground immediately I might consider making you die less ugly. “

Tishachar faced this Punk with a condescending posture. He saw disdain and contempt in his eyes, as if he was really a powerful deity.

Hearing Tishachar’s arrogant and extreme declaration, Punk was not annoyed. He put away his hypocritical smile and stared at this hysterical “Goddess” with unabashed greedy eyes.

“Ignorant garbage, not to mention the gods is just a group of cowardly bugs, you can’t even compare the bugs, since you refuse to say it, let me kill you and then torture your soul Well, just like dealing with your weak High Priest. “

Punk is also impatient with this ignorant. The self-proclaimed Goddess spider has made a nonsense. He simply irritated the proud Tishachar as much as possible, and tried to see if the other party really had any unknown divine spell power.

Faced with Punk’s insulting rhetoric, Tishachar snarled sharply, and then regardless of rushing towards Punk, she even forgot that she was just a projection without any power. Now, in Tishachar’s mind, there is only the Wizard that kills the brave insult to himself. a single thought.

“Damn blasphemer, I am the greatest Goddess in this world, the Supreme Master, you dare to insult God, I want your soul to roast in the blazing flames for 10000 years, 10000 years—”

Punk looked at the projection, calming the head, he ignored the harsh screams, with no difficulty Summoning a Novice Level energy shield to block Tishachar ’s attack, and now he ’s already on the “Goddess” of this ignore “I’m very disdainful. The Tishachar in front of me doesn’t seem to have any reason at all. I really don’t know how the other party established a church that hides so deep.

Tishachar projection’s face is stuck on the energy shield. The twisted expression and suspended red eyeballs are more like the Demon crawling out of Abyss. Tishachar, which has exhausted the energy in the statue in just ten seconds, will quickly maintain. Can’t stop the projection, leaving a sharp curse and turning into a twisted dark green mist disappeared.

“Reckless ant, you will pay for your blasphemy ———”

Until the end, she did not make any decent attacks.

“This guy seems to be a lunatic, but a lunatic is impossible to build a church that hides so deep, even with the help of that High Priest, it is also impossible, is this illogical?”

Seeing that the enemy’s projection has disappeared, Punk once again recovered his expressionless face, but in the heart he thought about it seriously.

“It is said that Power of Faith without purification will force the believer’s obsession into the absorber’s consciousness. Is Tishachar’s madness because her believers firmly believe that she is the Supreme Goddess, and with the invasion of” persistence “, she My thoughts are gradually assimilated by believers, and now I really think I am Goddess invincible? “

Punk feels that this is the most reasonable inference so far, so it can perfectly explain why Church of Tishachar is flying from the very beginning of the world ’s be- wise and play safe. The transformation of the city is now unscrupulous, perhaps because of the reason and intelligence. Tishachar was eroded by his mad and dirty Power of Faith, and he has almost completely turned into a lunatic!

Punk picked up the cracked statue on the ground deeply and felt some crazy beliefs left in it. He was delighted again because he was following an unwavering Wizard road. The power of Faith ’s pitfall looks like that. Divine Portfolio for brainwashing is comparable.

But he is very interested in Tishachar’s secret now, because that secret is probably a precious Legendary Level Magic equipment, which can help a Formal Level creature to forcibly absorb faith, even if it does not have the purification ability of Divine Portfolio, that equipment or The lowest level of a certain secret will be the Legend level, and it must also have many powerful functions and reference values.


“It’s a matter of having to pull in two” replacement ghosts “for this matter, a Level 2 Formal Wizard with Legendary Equipment, even if the other party is an unwise madman, it can never be easily dealt with!”

Punk threw away the statue that had become a normal stone and turned to walk outside the cave.

He knew how much risk this thing would take. Let’s not talk about how powerful a Level 14 Wizard is, let us say that the unknown ability of Legendary Equipment is enough to keep many people away.

But Punk doesn’t believe how much the enemy can exert the power of Supreme Treasure in his hand, otherwise Tishachar has long ruled Dorez City, where do he need to burrow in the dark like a mouse?

“So now just pull 2 ​​Formal Level” good friends “groups to” open black “, and the rest … danger lurks within the riches and honour!”

Punk in the heart secretly made up his mind.

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