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The 5th meeting of the executives was over. After the “chairman” left the venue, the 5 executives naturally had nothing to discuss, so everyone also spilled their projections and disappeared in white. Venue space.

The same is true for the three ordinary Legends, as are the two Morningstar Class Holders, Punk and Kane, although in the discussion of this time, the swift and decisive Brilliant Sun throne has shown this kind of ambiguity for the first time. Mission objectives, but as a group of mercenaries who essentially use money to do things, everyone obviously has no reason to delve into the inherent meaning of the words and deeds of “employers.”

So with a lot of doubts and speculations, Punk thought from his Magic Tower lab.

“Tiamat, 10000 shrines, one chooses hostility but does not provoke, one casually provokes but does not count as hostility … really how to hear how weird development strategy, is it said that the” President “also plans to fight with 10000 shrines failed to achieve cooperation “?

Standing quietly on the dimly lit laboratory floor, feeling the warmth and comfort brought by the deep darkness, Punk’s eyes seemed more silent and cold.

The strategy under the crown of Brilliant Sun does sound a bit strange, but think about it … this kind of course of action seems to have no problem. After all, although the 10000 shrine always calls all Good Alignment exogenously, the gods work together sincerely. But in fact, people with good eyes know that the most mix-up God organization in this Multiverse is fighting all the time.

Struggle can bring gaps and hatred can create opportunities. The faction disputes of 10000 temples and the strict supervision of the “Divine Portfolio” doomed them to be the most easily used Legend-level organization. It is understandable that the guy turned his face completely.

What’s more, in this world of supremacy of interest, who dares to say that enemies who are still retaliating against each other in the previous second cannot shake hands and defend their foreign enemies in the next second?

“Forget it, don’t think about it so much. Anyway, this thing just needs to wait for the” President “‘s notice quietly. Then before the next task, I don’t know when it will come, I have to … ……… ”

After summarizing the contents of the meeting as usual, Punk, who never slacked off the Magic research, now turned around again while preparing the disturbing thoughts to prepare to enter the Magic Tower storage room to get the Morningstar materials in stock for the experiment.

But this time, the Morningstar Wizard, who just opened a Transmission Gate, was suddenly surprised and stunned …

As a cautious Spellcaster, “Whisper of Destruction” has a good habit of scanning the entire Magic Tower every 0.1% of the time when he is inside his Magic Tower. Every time he has to confirm the Magic Tower ’s A protection system can be stopped only when it is intact.

But generally speaking, the deterrent effect of a Morningstar tower is even enough to make the average Radiant Moon powerhouse feel handy, so Punk’s Magic Tower protection system has never experienced any abnormalities in the operation of 200,000 years.

But this record is destined to be broken, because just now … what did he discover when he released the Mental Power wave scan Magic Tower in 0.1% seconds on Punk? He was surprised to find that a light and thin card of the size of playing cards appeared on the outer wall of this Magic Tower, which is more than ten thousand meters high! That half-energy body crystal card with bright red brilliance, as if the blade was inserted into the cake, easily tilted obliquely into the Magic Tower Alchemy wall with Morningstar level tenacious hardness!

This is really outrageous! “Whisper of Destruction” is 100% sure that this thing did not exist in its Magic Tower before 1000 / 2th of a second. At that time, the Alchemy wall was smooth and perfectly comparable to the crust of a neutron star, but now … this ignores all of the Magic Tower. What are the gadgets that the defense system and the early warning system “out of thin air” plugged into their Magic Tower?

Alchemy bomb, positioning coordinates?

“Morningstar Level Conjuration Spell-Ultra Long Distance Transmission Gate”!

“Pale Scepter Attached Spell-Powerful Pause”!

No need to hesitate nor hesitate, the moment the anomaly was discovered, Punk immediately released the Radiant Moon Level protective spell on the pale scepter to prop up the strongest shield he currently has.

And taking advantage of the brief moment when the rule of the whole body Rule fluctuates calmly and undisturbed, the focused “Whisper of Destruction” has completed the release of the “ultra-long-distance Transmission Gate” in the laboratory with the fastest speed.

Drive carefully for 10000 years, even if it has become a “supernova Class Holder” that is famous in the Multiverse, but Punk will never reduce his vigilance. He knows that his strength is still far away. be called powerful, so in the face of any unexpected unknown threat, the first response strategy that “Whisper of Destruction” thinks of is necessarily only escape.

There must be only escape!

Only under the premise of confirming that he has the ability to escape, Spellcaster will have the intention to detect strange and dangerous sources. For example, Punk is now a little calm after opening a Transmission Gate to the Chaos Sea and stepping in half of the body. A little excitement.

The appearance of the mysterious crystal card is too weird. In the perception of “Whisper of Destruction”, this thing is completely out of thin air. The upper 100-level security system and permanent shield of Morningstar Magic Tower are like nothing in front of it!

But then again, it ’s been a while since this little card was inserted on the wall of Magic Tower. It also seems not at all to show any hostile or threatening meaning. Look at this thing from the outside. It’s really harmless to humans and animals.

So … in the face of such an unknown visitor full of mysterious colors, what kind of response should friends respond to?


“Pale Scepter Attached Spell-Power Suspension” × 2

After thinking for a while, the “Whisper of Destruction” that blessed the Attached Spell of the Pale Scepter all at once and raised its defensive power to the limit state had no good solution.

Such a weird thing can’t be thrown out and ignored? It’s not okay to run in front of the Transmission Gate if it’s not appropriate to run or not.

In the end, he had to use a little helpless Mental Power fluctuation to give orders to the construction housekeeper who routinely checked the Enchantment rune at the Magic Tower energy center:

“Lindon Hughes, a crimson’s half-energy crystal card appeared on the outer wall of Magic Tower, find it, take it back to me, and go!”

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