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Cascathe turned his head in horror. He was a Level 8 Novice Knight, but the owner of that hand could easily inject battle energy into his body arbitrarily. What powerhouse could be seen.

Cascathe almost jumped up in surprise. Turning his head, he saw a teenager with long brown hair and a pure white robe looking at him with a smile, his 2 eyes almost became 2 curved lashes.

The most important thing is that the other party is an out-of-the-box Formal Level powerhouse.

“It’s rude to be underneath, but sir, sir …”

Feeling the fluctuation of the friendly spirit from the boy on the opposite side, Cascathe still asked cautiously.

“I’m from” Creek of the Rock Rabbit “. I’m traveling now. When I came to this city, I found that it seems to be suffering from disasters, so I want to know the situation.”

Concay pats Knight’s long shoulders, and then the silhouette suddenly turned into a breeze-like afterimage. When he appeared again, he was already sitting on the chair opposite Cascathe.

Concay put his hands together, then smiled at the decadent Knight, and said softly:

“Thinking about issues is absolutely not extreme. I can see that you seem to have experienced something. If you don’t mind, you can tell me.”

“This … how dare you bother Sir …”

Cascathe subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he thought of the Formal Level strength of this young boy in front of him, and suddenly thought that the other party might give Dorez City some help in the crisis.

“Well, since Sir has time, I’ll talk about it carefully.”

Then, Cascathe told Concay who met for the first time about his recent series of “encounters.”

With that in mind, Knight couldn’t help but once again picked up a bottle of ale and swallowed it. In this situation, Cascathe had to admit that he had no choice.

After hearing Cascathe’s words, Concay pondered for a while with his hand on his chin, and finally some helplessly said:

“Mr. Knight, I am just a skillful Ranger. Although it is now 465 years old, it is still not a wise man with great wisdom, so I ca n’t think of a solution to the problem for a while, but I can tell you some My own life experience “.

Concay put his hand down on his chin and looked seriously at Cascathe’s eyes slowly, with a serious expression on his face.

“In the end, these all are things about Dorez City. It’s so sorry for Sir to laugh. If Sir has any enlightenment, he will listen carefully.”

Cascathe heard that Concay had some enlightenment, and quickly conquered all the decadence. Once again, he restored the image of Knight that was insulting and glorious.

“Don’t be so nervous, I just give you a little advice.”

“First: you don’t need to carry everything on your own. There are many things that are not your responsibility. Maybe you will be sad because you can’t help others, but you should not blame yourself for this”

“Second, those who are indifferent to the 2 surnames are not without good intentions, but have no power to take on goodness. They are not saved from death, but just unable to save.

“Third, tolerance should be a kind of human spirit, a kindness, a beauty; a kind of mind and dignity; more a realm.”

“How do you feel better?”

Looking at the decadent Cascathe, Concay also smiled again.

——–Dividing line——

Outside Dorez City, the time soon reached the evening of 2nd day. The refugees had been sleeping in this cold windy wasteland for 2 days, but they were not safe, although there was no sign of disease outbreak near Dorez City. , But the lives of refugees are still at stake under the threat of hunger.

Just as the sun was shining, three people in gray robes appeared in the refugee camp, and the last person led a carriage full of food bags.

“Eldest Miss, Eldest Miss, you have to think about it. If you do this, then …”

“But what about it? Offend all the nobility, hmph! Then how about, are we just watching these people being deceived by those Demon?”

The exquisite face was revealed under the leading gray robe. The dashing eyebrows set up with anger showed a heroic atmosphere. She was the girl who had become the leader of Minohorn Financial Group-Lutlan.

“Oh, my Eldest Miss—Mondo, you also advise Eldest Miss, our Minohorn Family is just getting started …”

The chatter along the way was Lutlan’s old steward. He couldn’t understand why his Eldest Miss not only refused to cooperate with those noble nobility to sell food, but rather offended all nobility to save those civilians.

But the assertive Lutlan refused to obey the words of old steward at all, and the next Knight Mondo also chose to be silent. In fact, since that time Punk saw through the strategy, old steward felt that Lutlan no longer listened to himself as before. .


Seeing Lutlan impatient running towards a campfire surrounded by refugees, old steward had no choice but to sigh and quickly followed along.

Seeing three strangers in their robes running towards themselves, the refugees beside the campfire were all alert. Now that some Hooligans have been ganging up to grab food, these refugees have to be alert.

Seeing the refugees unkempt, looking at themselves with suspicion, the woman holding the child quickly pulled a rag to cover the crying baby.

Lutlan saw such a scene, secretly sighed, and then took a few pieces of dry food from the package, and then handed it to an older middle age person.

“Remember to eat it quickly and give it to others.”

Lutlan whispered, and the man who had received the dry food was already grateful for crying.

A few yellow-skinned children saw Lutlan distributing food and quickly gathered around.

“Elder sister, elder sister, you are the most beautiful, give me a little food, OK”

“Pretty elder sister, my elder sister is so weak that she can’t move, she needs to eat.”

“You are lying, I saw your elder sister and a guard in a tent yesterday!”

“You … you talk nonsense”!

Seeing several children almost fight for more food, Lutlan quickly took out more food and gave all the children a portion of the food, the confusion subsided.

“What mistakes did the children make to endure the misery of hunger?”

Lutlan sent away the children in sorrow, and now mournfully mourn on the spot, the radiance of the sunset splashed on the Lutlan pink dress, and a long ribbon fluttered against the wind.

Just when Lutlan was about to turn around and left with confusion and sadness, she suddenly felt a gaze that had one’s hair stand on end falling on her back.

Resisting the nausea and discomfort that came out of his heart, and enduring the strange feeling like a maggot crawling on the skin, Lutlan turned slowly.

The girl who almost exclaimed saw that in the shadow of a corner, a man wearing a gray red robe and a spider-shaped badge glanced at his body with mad greed.

A deep fear continued to grow in Lutlan’s heart, until the loyal Knight’s big step was in front of the slightly trembling Lutlan, and the strange eyes were isolated, and Lutlan barely restrained the trembling of his legs.

“Eldest Miss, let’s go quickly and send out the grain before dark.”

Mondo was keenly aware of the unmasked maliciousness of the man in the shadow. He quickly pulled Lutlan, who was stunned in place, until the girl ’s back disappeared behind a tent, and there was no slight shift in her strange sight

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