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A golden light shining knight spear pierced the obstacles of the space fiercely poked on the body of a huge monster with ink blue armor, the galaxy giant beast walking like a moving hill in the snowstorm only had time to get heavy The sorrow of the sorrow fell sideways into a thick layer of snow, and the cold wind blew through the gap between its scales and gave out the sound of the cry of the dead soul crying, and quickly in its pupil The dim luster proves its death …

Here is one of the three moons in the sky of Faerun Plane-Ink Blue Moon Kar, and the giant beast that has fallen here is just a frost mammoth of Master Level. This kind of height is generally more than 3 meters. The giant magical creature that has Formal Level power from birth is the native species on Kar. Their living habits of eating crystals from low-temperature elements determine their characteristics of harmless to humans and animals.

But … “harmless to humans and animals” does not always mean that you can be safe. For example, the frost mammoth now lying on the ground is already the last dead member of their group, when its body is blasted When it collapsed, a whole trembling and collapsed snowy ground was almost covered with the bodies of this ice and snow giant beast.

All the mammoths falling here were easily killed on the spot by instant kills. It is hard to say whether they felt pain before they died, but at least they were all dead quietly.

Up to this moment, all the hands of a child sitting on a frost mammoth corpse can carefully wipe the shiny knight spear in their hands while listening to the howling of the wind.

“Hu, I’m so fed up ~ This World of Ice and Snow looks too monotonous and boring, all places are under blizzards, all places are gusty, there is only one guy walking on wasteland These slow stupid big fellows ………… Sure enough, those shrews described in Bard’s novel “Ice Maiden Xue Fairies living on Ink Blue Moon” are all deceptive! When this Lord returns, he will dare to dare What Bard of “Ice Snow Fairy” is all chopped into minced meat “!

Long-winded, while complaining about the monotonous scenery of the World of Ice and Snow, he held up a shield to repel every cold snowflake that landed on his side. He wore a pair of Knight with gold glitter armor and a luminous effect. Going up is like a nobility Young Master who loses his temper because of no encounters on the journey. His complaints are self-willed and unreasonable. Every cruel statement just seems to prove that the speaker’s heart is very uncomfortable.

Of course, I can use the frost mammoth corpse as a seat on the Ink Blue Moon where the temperature is as low as a few thousand degrees below zero (yes, the Multiverse ’s low temperature has no limit). Obviously what impossible is the young Lord, in fact, I ’m complaining about the scenery The monotonous Kim Shin-Knight who does n’t dance with beautiful women is the Morningstar Class Holder who is always mysterious and secretive—Kane Bezadas!

This cruel Evil Alignment Knight apparently not at all obeyed the command of the “president” as Punk imagined, obediently and honestly stayed in his golden palace, waiting for the “Whisper of Destruction” to complete the plan details and revenge the 10000 temple, In fact, the throne of the throne of the sun has just gone to the chaotic sea, and Kane who seized the opportunity came to the Ink Blue Moon Kar in the barren piece of since ancient times very secretly.

And the real purpose of his trip … that is quite unknown.

Anyway, “Instant Kill Gun” didn’t specifically come to slaughter a group of bad luck frost mammoths. His current atrocities are just to clean up the ground and relax and entertain him by the way.

After confirming that there is no longer anything alive in his battle energy perception range, Morningstar Knight with a crazy and arrogant smile is about to start the work he really cares about.

“hong long long”!

Raise the knight spear high in the hand, and then wave down fiercely on the ground, Kane’s battle energy erupted instantly blown away the flying snowflakes in the air, accompanied by the full launch of Morningstar Level Battle Skill, crazy Knight’s The attack even tore apart a piece of frozen land on the entire Ink Blue Moon. The scattered pieces of rock and the bodies of frost and mammoth were turned into powder during the explosion of the shock wave, and the deep giant pit basin also Immediately replaced the vast snow-covered ice sheet.

After this attack, a large piece of Ink Blue Moon’s surface soil was directly evaporated into Kar’s deep blue atmosphere. In front of Kane, a deep crater with a shiny blue luster appeared in front of him as he wished.

“Tsk tsk tsk, didn’t expect Old Eman ’s statement is not an exaggeration. Kar ’s crust is really all made up of solid water Element crystals ………… Even if this Lord has nothing to Element tectonics Research, but if you want to come to such a wonderful geological structure, it is not that magnificent and magical nature has the ability to shape it? It seems that this ancient blue moon and the Half-Mechanic Moon “Doroth’s Eye” over there are downright artificial creations. ” .

Shaking his head with knight spear tsk tsk feeling, Morningstar Knight looked towards the crystal pit with dim-blue rays of light flashing a expression of joy and surprise.

It must be admitted that Kar ’s geological structure is indeed very incredible. Perhaps many Legend Class Holders know that this ink blue moon with a diameter of up to 20,000,000 square kilometers has a large amount of water Element crystals on it. The reason why it can maintain its own temperature for another 1000 years There is also a large part of the reason below the Celsius degree because the materialized water Elemental Energy is so excessively deposited that it cancels out all the heat radiation radiated by Mira and Chicasa into Kar.

But in the whole Faerun Plane … No, it should be said that few people in the entire Multiverse know that the crystal of water Element produced on Ink Blue Moon is more than just a simple level of “more”, in fact the whole At least 99% of the material of the moon Kar itself is directly composed of very pure water Element crystal.

This mysterious moon simply is an extra large sphere solid water Element!

However, as Kane ridicules himself, even a Warrior who has little research on Element Geology is certainly not difficult to know. In the Rule-balanced Multiverse, it is natural that a “all substances are constructed by the crystallization of a single Element In the “small and medium-sized Plane”, Ink Blue Moon Kar can only be a product deliberately manufactured by a powerful Legend Class Holder.

So the most confusing question now is …… the creator of Kar has made such a big water Element crystal ball placed above Faerun Plane, what is the purpose of acting as the moon?

What is the reason why Kane is now slightly violating the “President” order and coming to the Ink Blue Moon with 1000 miles of wind and snow blowing “Hoe the Earth”?

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