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The beautiful girl has been with Walker all day long, so she knows how much her lover has suffered for this “waste” that she should not have suffered, but the more guilty she is, the more she is unable to break shackles. It is impossible to break shackles, the more guilty the heartache girl is.

Think about it for a long time, maybe from a long time ago, Seth’s character has been destined to become an excellent Class Holder …

And from the moment when the fact that Seth could not complete the breaking shackles was presented, Walker ’s sad life finally embarked on a path full of sadness and despair.

Legend’s promotion is urgent. Once Master Level’s soul enters the stage of aging, the so-called promotion will become a joke, so even if it is full, Walker can stay at Master Level realm to spend time with his lover. It is only 3000 years, waiting until 3000 years. When the deadline comes, a situation that can drive the future “dead wind lamp” crazy has surrounded the painful couple.

Walker’s own promotion success rate is not mentioned for the time being, but Setis’s success rate is infinitely close to zero.

The power derived from Bloodline is a kind of wealth, but this precious wealth is a cage made of gold. Setis, who has a Silver Dragon Bloodline, is tightly bound by the cage to her soul, and she ca n’t control Bloodline. If you try to advance to Legend, there is not much difference between this promotion and suicide.

In fact, until a period of time later, the anxious Mr. Zuo Fan has been desperate to give up his promotion, because in his imagination, since his love is destined not to be the Legendary Powerhouse to obtain an endless lifespan, then he simply has no choice Not to pursue any Legend, who can say that it is not a special happiness to accompany your beloved woman into death together? Who knows that the Peak alone is not a painful torture?

It must be admitted that even after being a Spellcaster for several thousand years, Walker’s thinking is still a stubborn Warrior. Since there is no room for “modification” in the future, he simply will not change.

However, when Walker’s lifespan was about to reach the “advancement boundary”, the determined Setis made a completely different decision.

She knew that her success probability was very low, but she still resolutely ignored the painful advice of the young Wizard and chose to insist on promotion.

This is not because of any greed or ignorance, but because Setis knew that she could only force Walker, who is trying to be older with Master Level realm, to move towards a brighter future. She thought that a girl like herself was worthless. It has dragged down the talented perfect boy all her life. She can’t allow Walker, who could have endless life, because her own burden stops at the Master Level stage.

So driven by such persistent love, Seth, who had learned some crappy Alchemy knowledge, made a beautiful and sharp Edge dagger for herself. She used the sharp edge of the dagger to resist her head, and then The helpless sweetheart said:

“The love we yearn for is eternal happiness, isn’t it? Let us advance together, we will all succeed, definitely!”

Walker couldn’t keep up with Satis’s perseverance. He was almost forced by this lovely girl to find a deserted little Plane, set up a hidden Magic Array, and drank precious potions that nourished his soul.

Then, with anticipation of “miracles” and “lucky”, the future “dead wind lamp” will tearfully and always keep a smile. Seth tightly hugs and lay down on the stone platform inscribed with rune. .

Strongly holding back the tears in his eyes, the teenage girl held her hands together gently, and the two Class Holders praising life for love were silently praying that their sweetheart could be promoted to success, if there is an opportunity to obtain eternal happiness , They are willing to pay any price for each other

Then, under such an atmosphere of affection, the birth journey of a Legend Class Holder began Formal …………

Yes, a Legend Class Holder, this brutal quantity is wrong with the word not at all.

Because after more than 3,200 years have passed, there is only one person who woke up from the stone platform with endless power-that is, the Walker-left fan who successfully obtained the 20th arcane magic level.

In front of him, there was only a handful of silent dust flashing a little silver on the broken and cracked empty stone platform. In the glimmer of the gloomy rune, there was only one hand-made by a beautiful girl. The humble dagger was lying quietly beside the silent ashes …

Seth’s promotion failed.


No one knows what this cruel ending means to a Legend Class Holder who woke up in a hurry to see a long-time lover, nor did he know the death of the sweetheart for Walker who loves Seth What does it stand for.

But at least when the Legendary Wizard, who claimed to be a “dead wind lamp”, walked out of a remote grotto while gently stroking an exquisite blade, the former left fan became a “past” that no longer exists. “Being reborn’s” dead wind lamp “is also destined to have only a stubborn and extreme thought.

That is to resurrect her beloved girl-Satis!

at all costs!

Perhaps at this time, Walker, who has just advanced to Legend, is actually crazy and not necessarily. After all, all his actions have been made to achieve this ridiculous desire.

The reason why he learned Alchemy’s spell is to make a perfect body for his lover. The reason why he strives to become stronger is to find more possibilities. The reason why he joined the red robe Wizard guild is to learn more Knowledge, the reason why he studied mind-affecting spell is to break the reality of “man cannot die” …

Yes, just to make his lover laugh again in front of himself, Walker will start the development of Mind Magic without the slightest hesitation involving “existence or nonexistence”, he is committed to making the fact of “existence” become “Existence” is dedicated to rewriting established philosophical concepts.

However, the more he studied Mind, the more he could not understand the meaning of “existence”, and the more he could not understand the meaning of “existence”, the more he understood the concept of “non-existence”.

The world of “existence” and “non-existence” is very far apart and integrated with each other. Existence is existence, non-existence is non-existence. Which level of knowledge can a Morningstar Class Holder understand? The so-called “resurrection of the dead” is nonsense. Even the “existence” at the Mind level is impossible to allow a “mind” that does not exist to return from the “existence”.

Surrounded by the concepts of “existence” and “non-existence”, Walker, who was immersed in the deepest sorrow step by step, was completely desperate, and the pain of losing his lover shattered his thinking. The magic research of “Mind transmission” was The irreversible trend destroyed his will.

So far, the once genius Wizard has disappeared forever. After exhausting Magic resources to transform the dagger left by Setis into a Morningstar Level magic equipment, the original “dead wind lamp” was finally Became the tragic look of this crazy …

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