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Odola Plane, Odola Empire, Honey City.

The pleasant climate, warm and comfortable Honey City is a very unremarkable small city of Empire in Odola. When a fine light rain fades the impetuous and sultry heat of the hot and sunny season, it seems that trifling the night has passed, the quiet and peaceful city is delicate The pen and ink add the color of the harvest season. In this golden autumn day, the weather is warm and fresh. On this spacious and clean street, crowds of horses and horses pass by from time to time. The spacious streets are green and green, and the golden chrysanthemum blooms with a smile Welcome.

Maybe it is because of a rain, even if the irritating sun season is just over, the honey city that is not big is not at all bleak. The yellow leaves scattered on the stone pavement are actually in the original A lot of chic charms have been added to the elegant foundation …………

Honey City is rich in honey as its name suggests, and delicious sweet honey is an essential ingredient for making soft glutinous bread, so in this not prosperous honey city, the bread workshop that will burn the smoke of cooking every morning It is one of the harmonious landscapes that complement each other with nectar.

This rare and tranquil atmosphere and scenery has always been the best condiment for enjoying food. After inheritance in the last ages, the beauty of flowers and cooking smoke has even become an indispensable part of Honey City.

And in a bakery on Honey Street in Honey City, such a complementary spirit of “food and beauty” is most fully reflected, because if someone can walk into this small box called “sweet” in the cold morning “Baker’s Workshop, then he will see a peaceful landscape full of life.

I saw a beautiful girl wearing a light green dress looking cautiously at a plate of fragrant bread. As the fire swayed, the white bread slowly bulging in the pottery stove changed under the high temperature. It’s golden and soft ………

I ’m afraid anyone will not think that this young girl who is cooking bread seriously and sniffing the fragrance of flour and twitching her nose is not an ordinary bakery owner, although in the honey city ’s bakery, she prefers others to call her It is “Lady Boss in a sweet box”, but if she puts on a robe and walks into the Multiverse, her other identity is a powerful Legend Class Holder!

That’s right, the girl who is baking bread at this moment is a member of Legend of Alliance of the Silencers and the leader of the third group of executives, “The Plague Box”-Kesha Noah! Odola Plane is her territory, and Odola Empire is also a country of peace that she has taken care of!

In the last 10000 years, although the “plague box” full of life interest has not improved even a Class Level, she has learned to make honey bread, sweet and sour jam, raisin tart, maple sugar donut and other traditional food Too.


“Kesha Noah Miss, Kesha Noah Miss, good morning, beautiful Kesha Noah Miss”!

The fresh fragrance of the loaves of bread permeates the clean and tidy workshop kitchen. A large plate of oval bread blanks is about to be baked. At this moment, two cute Little Brat suddenly got out of the shadow of the flame Came out, and they carried a large pot of golden-yellow sticky honey in their hands.

Those are 2 petite young shadow demon, they have snow-white skin and dark eyes and hair.

“Kesha Noah Miss, we brought the honey, but the changed Coin Coin has been used up.”

Blinking gently, a short-haired little demon said so with her smart voice.

Behind this very lively shadow demon, another little haired demon with a long hair somewhat helplessly takes the head.

“Kesha Noah Miss, not only the changed Coin Coin, but also the gold coins and Silver Coins we have prepared have been used up. After the bread operation in the past six months, we have successfully lost the cost of 2 stores. “!

Well, it seems that although the bread and pastry are perfectly made, as a Legendary Spellcaster, the “Plague Box” is not good at business.

Her bread workshop is beautiful, clean, neat and beautiful, and the bread made is delicious, but it does not have the “irrelevant” function of making money.

“The coins have been used up again? Is it so difficult to make money through serious earning? Fortunately, when I was in the Apprentice phase, I chose to be a bandit to converge gold coins …”

While complimenting his smart self, he gently reached out to catch the honey jar handed over by the little shadow demon. The slightly surprised voice in Kesha Noya’s mouth was as pleasant as the aura of the 100 spirit birds.

It can be seen that although the store has a serious loss and can’t earn a penny, the “plague box” that is not doing business is very happy. She is enjoying “using expensive nobility special for sweet flour to make gourmet food, and then almost free The price of “sell” to anyone who comes to buy food “happy.”

Perhaps in the recognition of the Legend Class Holder of wild ambition such as Punk or Kane, a ridiculous business game like Kesha Noah can only be called boring, but for the Wizard who has lived for more than a decade and 10000 years, In other words, this “boring” is already one of the few hobby that she still has so far.

Yeah, no resources, no knowledge, no allies, no enemies, the surging forward with great momentum of the outside world is totally irrelevant to oneself, the eyes of fate are still in the dark glare like a tiger watching his prey ——in this silent Legend island In the era, a Spellcaster who loves research but lacks strength may only be able to spend endless leisure time on these meaningless life games …

“Well, no gold coins and so on is not a problem. Just tell these nobles ministers to send more gold coins as soon as possible. Next, let ’s quickly try to make this latest type of honey bread, my personal I think lowering the temperature of the stove by 9 1 / 10000th may make the skin of the bread crispier. Nara, Nado, what do you think? “

Casually passing by the embarrassing fact of revenue loss, Kesha Noya, who didn’t care about the gold coin problem, quickly turned her attention back to the honey bread in front of her.

Along with the buzzing sound of the wood seal, the long black hair with ponytails in the “Plague Box” was also shaking slowly, and it seems that Kesha Noah today also has a very good mood, If she is not disturbed, she will be able to maintain her good mood.

Of course, “not being disturbed” is the most important prerequisite for “maintaining a good mood”.

Maybe the guests who walk into the bakery after early morning will not disturb the girl Wizard who is playing “Little Lady Boss”, but if there are uninvited guests who turn up without being invited before the bakery opens …

Then such a “surprise” is not considered an interruption, but it is not necessary.

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