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Although it has nothing to do with factors such as friendliness or interests, the medical environment that Dittben got here at Punk is indeed much better than the humble castle temporarily confiscated by the “Plague Box”.

For example, where he is now is Morningstar Magic Tower Magic Tower ’s No. 3 idle laboratory, where there is a metal experiment table made of Alchemy alloy, and there are a variety of Magic Array that can produce a variety of functions. The finely-divided Magic rune has spread from the floor to the ceiling, and the clean and bright spell lights can even disperse every shadow in the laboratory.

But the poor Mr. Thunderstorm now has no chance to appreciate what a truly powerful Wizard’s Laboratory looks like, because in the dim and chaotic darkness, Dieter Ben, who has sober time and diminishing days, has fallen asleep again.

“Okay,” The Plague Box “, then I have a few questions to ask you.”

Expressionless said so, but Punk’s movements did not stop. After adjusting the energy configuration of Magic Tower, he had placed one after another Alchemy tools on the metal tray next to the experimental table. The operation style of “professional” breath looks like a calm doctor with sufficient medical experience.

But at this moment, Kesha Noah, who was standing next to him watching the Spellcaster with admiration and curiosity, may not know that the Radiant Moon Wizard, which is so unscathed in front of her, is actually the first attempt to save people “Magic surgery.”

The reason why “Whisper of Destruction” is such a detailed inspection tool and array is not because of pure seriousness, a large part of it is because he is really unfounded about such things as “curing illnesses and saving people” …

When did “Thunderstorm” find you? Why would he know your residence? “

“Come on!”

Accompanied by a crisp sound of metal tremolo, the “soul scan array” on the experimental platform has been activated silently in the rush of liquid energy.

“Ditt Ben found me 3,200 a month and 36 days ago in 5, 2 years, and he knew the reason for my residence because I once told him that the sunlight in Odola Plane was milder than the XNUMX suns in Faerun … Do n’t laugh at me, I have now fully realized the fact that I am a stupid person who reveals intelligence. “

Answering Punk’s question a bit awkwardly, the expression of “The Plague Box” only had a helpless embarrassing smile.

As a semi-reclusive Spellcaster, Kesha Noah must admit that she always lacks the sensitivity of Legendary Powerhouse for many things. After all, she is only a Legendary Wizard in the end, not a politician. Her “a little silly” “But adorable” behavior is understandable even if it is ridiculed.

But in fact, the Spellcaster that is using the Magic probe to detect Dietbourne ’s soul may not at all be idle, or disdain to mock the “plague box” that has done stupid things, so even if I heard the girl Wizard “self mocking” The Radiant Moon Wizard that activated a “Mind detection array” by waving his hand continued to ask the girl Wizard standing behind him without any pause:

How was “Thunderstorm” injured when she just found you? I found traces of Magic surgery on his body. Was it the surgery you gave him? “

While asking questions, he glanced at the “plague box” with a stiff smile, and the cold tone of “Whisper of Destruction” instantly distracted a little attention from Kesha Noya’s expression.

During the detailed inspection just now, Punk, who is well versed in Alchemy School’s Magic knowledge, has discovered the abnormal condition of Ditben’s body. Now his inquiry about the “Plague Box” is just to confirm this fact.

Listening to the serious problems of the Radiant Moon Wizard, Kesha Noah, who did not dare to neglect, could only quickly replied:

When Mr. “Thunderstorm” arrived in Odola Plane, he was already in a state of serious soul damage. Although he had not yet entered the severity of this near-death at that time, the strange energy from the body and soul was After engulfing his life quickly, in order to be able to support him for a longer time, I had to use surgical cutting medical methods to help him remove the lesions and necrosis components in the body in an emergency. Is that ……… Is my surgery successful? ? “

Maybe it ’s self-feeling good. After answering Punk ’s question, the “Plague Box” has not forgotten to talk about his work. Compared with the worry about the safety of the thunderstorm, this young girl who is used to enjoying the “life process” is obviously Pay more attention to whether your medical effects are good enough.


Faced with Kesha Noah’s last rhetorical rhetorical question, Punk just ignored each other very casually.

From the perspective of a “professional” Alchemy Wizard, “Whisper of Destruction” can only be described as “don’t want to comment”.

What to say … Kesha Noah ’s “first aid measures” against the “thunderstorm” are indeed effective, and there is no doubt about this fact, otherwise Bad Luck ’s Dieter Ben is impossible and lives to this day with such serious injuries, but If she said that the medical standard of this half-barrel of water could enter Punk’s eyes … that would really be too much.

Perhaps it is because there is no aid of precision instruments. Legend Warlock ’s flesh tissues infected with divine spell energy have not been removed by the “Plague Box”. Now these residual “surplus poisons” have been fully integrated into Ditben after infiltration for more than 1000 years. In the depths of the flesh and blood, it is not easy to want to expel these things without further harming the life of the thunderstorm.

And it is worth mentioning that the term “lost soul recovery ability” as described by Dieter Ben Law is actually wrong, because what he lost is not the soul recovery ability, and the precise control of the soul is precisely because of the inability to With perfect control of his own soul, Warlock will have the illusion that his own soul will no longer recover from injury. In fact, his soul has been instinctively trying to repair the wound caused by divine spell energy.

It is a pity that unconscious self-healing and impossible make the miserable “thunderstorm” get better, it will instead cause the aggressive divine spell energy to be completely fuse with Legend Warlock’s soul, if not because it stimulates Legend Bloodline’s “sorrowful soul” “It is not a special infection that can be swallowed by Morningstar’s hierarchical means. I am afraid that Dieter’s self-consciousness will be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in the ebbing of time.

“It’s really a 1000 sore 100 holes, wind and rain ethereal soul, but speaking of which …………” Thunderstorm “this chaotic state provides me a rare opportunity to carefully observe the effective mechanism of” Sorrowful Soul ” Yeah. “

Gently put down the soul detection probe in his hand and glanced at the light with Kesha Noah who still maintained the stiff smile. Punk in the dark golden pupil suddenly had a little “bold” thought.

He was thinking-anyway, Legend Warlock of bad luck has become like this, can he do a little “top secret” experiment on the half-dead Dieter itself?

That ’s right, it ’s just a little “innocent experiment” that does n’t hurt.

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