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Dieter not at all refused Punk’s request, he said a lot of information about the attack 3000 years ago, although due to missing part of the memory, he used a black cloth to cover his eyes as a “blind” Legend Warlock can’t do anything and tell all what he sees and hears clearly, but through the description of the intermittent battle process in his mouth, Punk is still roughly some information of the understood 10000 temple.

For example … The person who attacked the “thunderstorm” should indeed be the priest of the 10000 temples, because 4 of the 2 Gods who followed the Morningstar Priest’s actions were the Good Alignment God.

You should know that due to the limitation of “Divine Portfolio”, God of Good Alignment impossible denigrates the “companion” who is also Good Alignment. They are impossible who are not members of the 10000 temple but act in the name of 10000 temple, so based on this fact It is enough to prove that the guy who attacked the “thunderstorm” really came from the 10000 temple … or more accurately, they are at least nominally members of the Legend of the 10000 temple.

And 80% of their “organized and planned” actions are indeed inspired by the 10000 shrines.

So now a new question that has caused Punk some doubts and upsets appears-when will Morningstar Priest of Evil Alignment join the 10000 shrine or even join a war led by Good Alignment God? When will the priest of Evil Alignment and Good Alignment’s God live together in harmony?

Before learning this news, Punk had never thought in his heart how difficult it was to accomplish the task of “revenge 10000 shrines” left by the “President”, after all, the big Good Alignment Gods could order There are only 7 or 8 of the Morningstar Priest at most, and Punk and Kane killed 6 full Morningstar in one breath during the battle of the Karams Empire.

In the case of Great Divine Power’s low-key hiding and Good Alignment God doing something to find the right reason, the manpower problem of the 10000 temple is not as tight as that of Zhentarim. It has even been promoted to Radiant Moon’s “Whisper of Destruction”. It is doubtful that the Morningstar priest that the Zealots can take is enough to kill themselves.

But after the “Thunderstorm” was attacked, the keenly aware Punk realized that the development of the situation seemed to be different from what he thought …

10000 Shrine. Is this opening the door to welcome Neutral Alignment God and even Evil Alignment? What reason did they find to convince their Divine Portfolio? Why did the gangs of Evil God and Neutral God obey the orders of 10000 temples? Would it be so easy to deal with the 10000 shrines that had a large amount of new blood injected and regained the fighting manpower?

These bad 7-8 bad things are rare and enough to make Punk a headache, but now the “President” is not here, he has the role of “temporary reviewer” not only to find the problem, but also to solve the problem !

But how to solve this damn problem?

Evil Alignment gods have always been low-key and gloomy. Gods of Neutral Alignment have never liked to open and aboveboard like good Gods to publish their strength everywhere, so today’s “Whisper of Destruction” does not even have much information about their enemies.

He did not know how many “unconventional” new members were absorbed by the 10000 shrine, and he did not know what level of strength those absorbed “new members” possessed.

In all the previous actions, Punk can obtain a lot of key information through the “president” of the “omniscience”, but it turns out that this time will not work! This time “Whisper of Destruction” must collect intelligence from scratch and rely on itself to make an action plan!

For the Radiant Moon Wizard at this moment, this is definitely a very troublesome big trouble. After all, he is a Wizard, not a tactician or strategist. Mr. Saian, who was not born in the nobility family, has not even experienced any. The most basic strategic layout practice, he does not understand any essentials of intelligence gathering.

Maybe there is some theoretical knowledge about battlefield tactics in Delacia’s memory? It is a pity that the Great Arcanist has only directed a sneak attack in his own life. Since then, Vedrasia, who thinks he has no commanding ability, has never formulated anything that can be called ” The strategic plan of “strategic layout”, and today’s “Whisper of Destruction” has to become a “theoretical Master” who will only talk on paper.

Theory is never equal to practice. Legend’s war is even more so. As a commander, if he only knows to line up based on “theory”, then he will definitely be beaten by any mother who has an IQ enemy!

Punk doesn’t understand tactics, but he has self-knowledge, he knows what he is good at and not good at.

He knows that he is not good at acting, so he has been using “expressionless” to deal with all conversations that need acting. Then after he knows he is not good at strategic layout, he has become a Radiant Moon Class Holder’s “Whisper of Destruction” “What method should be used to respond?”

“Anyway, let ’s inform this matter to Ms.” Yongmian Zhitong “and the crazy Knight who does n’t know that they are not promoted. They are important high-end battle strengths. My elegant and secretive elegant lady will be better at arranging strategy and tactics than my traditional Wizard.

Silently shook the head, Spellcaster immediately felt a little helpless thinking about the 2 helpers he could find-although as a commander, he was not good at making strategies, it was a bit shameful to say, but the act of slapping a swollen face and being fat was far more than asking for help Yu “professionals” are even more stupid.

Of course, I just found myself two helpers still not enough. After all, the zealot priests of the 2 shrines have already started to catch orders in the group, and it is very unsafe to let the “executors” members go out alone, including Pakistan. Beng and the “new members” on the “President” list may have become targets of being hunted.

So after sending 2 private letters to Kane and “Eternal Sleeping Eyes” through Magic Crystal Card, Punk did not forget to publicly release such a brand-new announcement as “Temporary Reviewer”:

“The attack from the enemy has already begun. I ’m afraid that the positions of the executives ca n’t be hidden enough, so now, I-Radiant Moon Wizard” Whisper of Destruction “Punk Saian with” Alliance of the Silencers interim reviewer ” The identity of all executive members who have received this message informs the following “suggestions” …… Please invite “comrades” who do not want to be divided and besieged by the hostile forces to come to the Hatak Great Plains of Faerun Plane to gather as soon as possible. Give you safe asylum for free, and then announce the next plan of “executors”, above “!

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