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Large Earth Vibration, plate displacement! In less than a second, Dieter Ben, who had fallen into a runaway state, fully aimed at Kesha Noah, who had fallen on the ground and lost the combat capability, launched more than 3900 full-strike attacks, each time the thunderstorm fist was accurate Hitting the head of the “Plague Box”, the attack density and attack strength are even enough to break a layer of Morningstar-level defensive shield, and a fate without any defense being attacked against the target is obviously conceivable!

So after Legend Warlock, who had no choice but to exhaust the last point of soul energy, broke out several roars of grief and turned into fly ash and dissipated in the wind, the poor girl Wizard finally failed to keep a complete corpse.

With the unforgettable aroma of wheat deep in the memory and the lingering bloody taste of Real World, poor Kesha Noah was still crushed by her “companion” to her head and soul, and her existence naturally disappeared in this forever. In the desperate World.

So far, the “Plague Box” is dead.

The “thunderstorm” that directly or indirectly killed his life saving benefactor also died.

These two ordinary Legend-level performers all fell on the wheat fragrance farm Plane far away from Faerun under the indifferent gaze of the “Whisper of Destruction” Radiant Moon Spellcaster.

After the last afterglow ignited when Ditben’s soul overflowed, the silent and cold night again enveloped this devastated and fragmented barren land without any surprise.

Night … came!

“It seems that the wastes that are in the way are no longer there, and now we can finally let go of the battle of the hands and feet. Isn’t it? Ms. God of Slaughter who has gained” new power “? Frankly, this is the first I have experienced in my life. Stage Radiant Moon level battle. “

Expressionless stared at the bloody corpses of his subordinates, the Radiant Moon Spellcaster without emotional emotion in the Mental Power fluctuations obviously had a very good mood and fighting desire.

Yes, as he said-the stumbling block no longer exists, and an exciting battle can be started.

“… Well, this mistress admits that this mistress did not expect such an accident to happen, but are we really necessary to fight, you and this mistress can completely exchange some more valuable information peacefully, right? Don’t you want to Do you know where the guy with “Blade Killer” ran? Quietly tell you that a shiny Knight has also entered the Radiant Moon Realm! “

While continuing to send Mental Power messages to try to stabilize the enemy, he took a very unnatural look and took a step back. The girl God, who had secretly put her finger on the waist handle, was still saying some ambiguous “custom” words, But the anxiety in her eyes had become more difficult to conceal.

After all, with the passage of a large amount of time, the dangerous breath released by the Punk still standing in the same place was not comparable to the period at the beginning of the conversation. Now it is burning with a pair of dark golden eyes “Whisper of Destruction” It looks like some kind of horrible beast showing its fangs in the dark and ready to go.

And facing such a terrifying enemy alone, “Smile” felt that her muscles were becoming a little bit stiff and heavy.

This is a symbol of fear and an expression of entanglement.

It must be admitted that Ms. God of Slaughter, who became God hundreds of thousands of years, has not felt such a deep-seated fear for a long time, and from the current situation, Mr. Saian, who has always responded quickly, seems to have seen a lot. Something …

Her mouth gun is about to expire.

“You are delaying time, smiling.”

Squinting slightly, staring at the adolescent God’s pair of amber crystal clear and near-transparent crimson pupils quietly, the keenly aware Punk almost saw the true purpose of smiling this remark.

“Whisper of Destruction” has always felt a little strange from the beginning of this conversation about captives. He always feels that the girl God in front of him seems to prefer to talk about a bunch of gorgeous looking but actually useless. Nonsense, at first, he thought it was because of smiles when Zealot was affected by Divine Portfolio for a long time, but now it seems …

Several minutes have passed unconsciously, the girl God is clearly trying to delay herself, and this kind of delay can still be delayed for a while, for a while, and for a while.

So what kind of strategic purpose is worth a selfish self-priest? Would you rather try to delay yourself in the face of a strong enemy?

Punk does not have any good strategic thinking, but this does not mean that he does not even have a basic strategic vision.

So just after thinking a little, Mu Ran thought of something Radiant Moon Wizard suddenly abandoned his original idea of ​​”neither fast nor slow slowly.”

He already realized that he was lucky!

“Smile! You and your men are in courting death! Today, the 10000 temple is about to lose a smart Div Divine Power idiot”!

“Radiant Moon Level Conjuration Spell-Destroy the Death Cone”!

There was no time to talk, no time to delay, and the “Whisper of Destruction”, whose face was instantly darkened, released the Radiant Moon Level spell at the head of the girl God without any hesitation to raise his hand.

in a flash, the sharp-minded Radiant Moon Wizard has realized what kind of abacus is being played with a sinister smile, and now in order to avoid the successful completion of the other party ’s calculation, there is no time to think about what intelligence information “Whisper of Destruction” must be as soon as possible It is only necessary to solve the enemy in front of you ………… Otherwise, it will be a major event if you drag it on again!


“Damn it, can’t it be sustained by bullshit?”


Although the mood is very helpless, but after a jump in shape, the girl who is almost close to the “Destroy Cone” killing the border and avoiding the attack God can only enter the highly tense fighting state immediately without the slightest hesitation.

I saw a lot of hot and bloody Slaughter Divine Power, which began to linger around the smile like a ribbon. Whenever a Radiant Moon Level spell bursting from the Tearing Space and Rule was about to penetrate her head, The blood glow of Divine Power will suddenly explode and increase the speed of the smile to avoid the attack.

So in the continuous “destruction cone” bombing like a black-gray laser torrential rain, God of Slaughter turned into a bloody shadow and flew through the violent gap between the shock wave and Rule torrent. stand up.

The facts will always prove time and time again-the limitations of language art are always inevitable, and there are always some so-called negotiations that can’t help but talk with fists.

For example, on this piece of peaceful farmland for 10,000,000 years, the battle between two Radiant Moon powerhouses suddenly broke out after trifling a “chat” talk.

Presumably, when the explosion of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, and the shadows of the wind and waves cover the sky, no matter what kind of perfect words are destined to become eclipsed.

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