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Aikal’s fruit pie is problematic, and it’s still a big problem!

After discovering this terrifying fact, both the “Candy Merchant” and the Devil Duke are completely stunned. They cannot understand why the “religious person” who is the priest of the life gods should be so mysterious and secretive to calculate his subjects. And they ca n’t guess why Radiant Moon Priest ’s actions were to be completed with his own hands.

But the secrets that are deeper and unpredictable are not important, are they? As a weak party that has no strength to resist at all, Mimibezi and Oaklis now need to consider the most urgent task as their own coping methods.

Pretend to know nothing and continue to complete the tasks assigned by Radiant Moon powerhouse? Or is it a stubborn choice to reject the enemy’s use?

In fact, this is a not at all necessary problem …

“No way, we have to continue our work. Here is the Eternal Forest. Here is under the eyelids of a Radiant Moon priest. At least here, we can’t disobey the abominable Priest now. In order to survive temporarily, Even if we know that we are being used by him, we have no choice, do we?

gnashing teeth spoke his own opinion, and Mimi Bezi, who secretly clenched his fist, quickly made the most wise and helpless judgment.

That ’s right, they ca n’t resist, at least not now, because the two invaders can now survive after being caught by Radiant Moon powerhouse because they have more or less use value, once this use value Suddenly lost … The “Candy Merchant” doesn’t think that the “religious man” who is planning the grand plan will care about the ransom that comes from Punk and doesn’t know if it is possible.

In fact, Aikal chose the right to use Legend ’s twin brothers because they were “greedy and afraid of death”.

Mimi Beizi is not sure that the other party has long expected that the “executors” will send people into the eternal forest, or for the opportunity to wait for the invasion of this forbidden place by a greedy, fearful death, and a long time. , But what she can be sure of is that now she and the younger brother are the “perfect” bad luck eggs that Alcal waited for.

From the moment they stepped into the emerald green leaf town, they were already butterflies falling into the cobweb.

“Ai, you’re right, elder sister, we don’t have the capital to rebel. The annoying Priest has already eaten us up. We still have to send the last 2 blocks to the fruit pie, then … Then He can only pray that Mr. Saian will come to save us before the other party “kills and kills the mouth”, right? “

Some fingers shook and put the each and everyone fruit baskets neatly. Oakley looked at the beautiful and fragrant tempting fruit pie in the basket.

Although as early as Radiant Moon Priest made this unreasonable request, he had expected that some inexplicable problems might be hidden in it, but now all doubts erupted together, and great fear and unrest were still surrounded. Legend’s heart.

You know, their Magic card has already been taken away by Aykal. How can their two ordinary Legends who are under house arrest in the Spirit King court contact the “Whisper of Destruction” far away on the Great Plains of Hatak?

What should they do if they cannot reach Radiant Moon Wizard or rescue from Punk?

Obediently waiting for the opponent to “kill and kill”?

Mimibez didn’t know what her most correct decision should be, but she understood that this was no time for self-disorder.

How do you say something? “There is no real despair in the world, there is a glimmer of survival for 10000 things and 10000 things.”

Although the authenticity of this sentence is yet to be verified, it does not prevent people in panic from taking it out and comforting themselves.

For example, after realizing the fear of the younger brother, the “candy merchant” who was also afraid of emotional upheaval resolutely suppressed the inner uneasiness and explained to Oakley:

“It’s okay, even if the” pious man “wants to kill people and kill the mouth, it shouldn’t be started immediately, we still have time, we have the opportunity to have time, not to mention … not to mention that now the life of Goddess who has quit the temple of 10000 is not necessarily willing Provoking Alliance of the Silencers, isn’t it? Maybe that Aikal will let us go after using us? We still have hope. “

Well, after being used, we will be let go, we still have hope, what a motivational word, it sounds exciting!

However, in fact, before the “Candy Merchant” finished all his words of encouragement, a fiery-red glow suddenly illuminated the hard wooden floor through the window of the small tree house.

It was a gorgeous firelight like a rose igniting, and a beautiful fireworks bursting out like fireworks. It was reflected in the firelight rising like the morning sun. For a time, Mimibez’s hair looked like a crystal. Clear and near-transparent scarlet.

Sure enough … It was a bit too whimsical to be let go by the enemy and so on …

“Elder sister, be careful”!

“hong long long”!

As night fell, the stars lit up, and in the corner of the quiet and silent city, a blast of flames rising from a huge mushroom cloud had suddenly shaken the entire moonlight capital, like the sudden rise of the little sun, the sky was embellished like a day, and it swept through. All the flames burned a large area of ​​lush and green trees and forests.

And under the scorching burning of the relentless flames, I saw a breath full of danger, and the angry leopard with the flame burning all over the body also sent a deafening roar and roared into the blazing fire. It seems that if she should not be accidental It was the initiator of the burning of flames, and now the flaming beast caught in anger is turning into a part of the fire of disaster and rushing to the enemy who has just been attacked.

And with this terrifying flame powerhouse’s full blow, the Mental Power roar, which has almost evolved into an angry entity, quickly transformed into a swirling scarlet whirlwind into the red and scary rolling smoke screen:

“Alien invaders! Despicable evil people! The cold-blooded men of” Whisper of Destruction “! See what you have done? Why do you use a cruel plague to kill Spirit King’s innocent people, and why do you use that? The insidious way hurts the subjects of the Lord Goddess of life! Have you dismissed the last bit of humanity in order to please your evil master? So now I will let you feel the anger from nature! “

“Legend Level natural divine spell-punisher’s flame”!

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