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It may be frustrating and annoying to say it, but anyone in this world has to admit that luck is always a very important factor. There are many times when pure luck is in the process of combat or mission execution All of them have powerful functions that are critical and even “decisive.”

But the most regrettable thing is that not everyone can have a good luck. For example, in today’s Alliance of the Silencers, the poor “plague box” and “thunderstorm” are bad luck, they are directly ” “Smile” stared, and then lost his last name. Apart from this, the collapse of “Bapon Moth” and the other 2 bad luck eggs were honestly the same. They did not escape bad luck in the end. Ending.

And compared to those who have lost their lives, the Legendary Gemini from Hell has obviously become synonymous with “lucky”, after all, it is at the crucial edge of the “Candy Merchant” head at the edge of Likhose At the moment, a powerful Spellcaster finally managed to save her life in time.

As for who could be the Class Holder who can “leave people under the knife” with such precision at this time ………… The answer is definitely out of the question.

That ’s right, the Spellcaster that easily blocked the Legend Ranger ’s blade trajectory is the Radiant Moon Wizard that just returned to Faerun Plane-“Whisper of Destruction” Punk Saian!

In fact, until the Spellcaster of the endured the hardships of a long journey rushed to the Eternal Forest, the Punk that once mastered the entire “executor” manpower soon became the most practical “general without an army”, after all, he at first Until now, only 8 of his 2 subordinates were left with Mimibezi and Oaklis, and the other 6 people all died without exception on the mission path of “probing intelligence” which seemed to be simple and practical.

Of course, the “Whisper of Destruction” who never refused to lose money could not be said to have done a pure loss business. After all, under his non-stop pursuit, the 10000 Morningstar Priest and 2 weak Divine Power sent by the 2 temple were all dead. In his hands, if the current Punk is “close to general without an army”, then “God of Slaughter” as spokesperson of 10000 shrines is a real “general without an army”.

Of course, how to modify and beautify the fighting method of perish together is very unacceptable, especially the capital used by Punk to exchange people’s head is actually a precious wealth that the “president” has worked hard to think about. It has just begun, and the staff of a temporary reviewer “borrowed” is almost dead. How can this fact be compared with the crown of Brilliant Sun in the future?

In fact, it is precisely because of the rare embarrassment that such a helpless, Radiant Moon Wizard who never cared about the so-called “companion” will be so timely when he rushed back to Faerun this time, because when he found his last two subordinates suddenly Immediately after no longer responding to any inquiries from him, Punk, who immediately realized that the “general without an army” crisis, could not even interrogate the newly captured captives and immediately teleported to the vicinity of the Eternal Forest.

And when his boots had just stepped on this vast land, the violent flames of Element Rule wave appeared at the same time in the perception of “Whisper of Destruction”.

Therefore, because of Punk ’s rare serious attitude and the rare good luck of Legend, the last two ordinary Legend members of the “executors” were able to save their lives under the blade of an elf Ranger, and the Radiant Moon Wizard was unhappy. Finally got rid of the result of the entire army annihilation.

Well, to be precise, “temporarily get rid of” the danger. After all, this is the site of the Eternal Forest and the Spirit King court. The small businessman and her younger brother haven’t had time to escape.


“I have a group of stupid and weak subordinates. This fact is really disappointing, but it does not matter. One of my enemies has no subordinates now, and my other enemy will soon lose his only 2 men … Do you know what I am talking about? Youngster “?

“Radiant Moon Level Conjuration Spell-Destruction Cone of Death”

Ruthless, unabashedly, Spellcaster, who is in a state of anger, directed a shot of Radiant Moon Level spell directly at the head of “Mist Mist”, and now the extremely unhappy Punk doesn’t want to waste time to interrogate any captives anymore. He just wanted to use his military force to help the enemies to solve all the enemies quickly, and then put the “wastes” that were only used as ornaments in his Magic Tower to protect them and wait for them to be returned to the “President”.

What is the rational use of subordinates, and what ca n’t be a leader as a leader … Now Punk is clear, the “President” and the old Eman have the ability to manipulate the ordinary Legend for benefits, and the premise of acting as a secret mastermind is that they have a A qualified commander’s mind, and this Spellcaster who only fights and studies is not good at this.

Do n’t mess around if you ’re not good at it. Obediently and honestly take the lead to take advantage of the fight that you are good at. Each and everyone is done. Let ’s look at the convenience and cheapness of coveting now. What is the result?

This is the first task. The few men who are few are about to die. If it is not good luck, even the last 2 “straws” can’t be kept. Heaven knows just 3 days ago. The “executors” are still not at all. In the lack of Legend organization, there is a lunatic “dead wind lamp” in the old Eman, who is very precious. If the “President” knows his original “sufficient manpower”, he will be exhausted in a blink of an eye. What does it look like?

The thought of these Punks made him angry. He was angry both for the disappointing of his helpers and for the disappointing he did not realize. The anger of a Radiant Moon Wizard needs to be vented, so now the angry “Whisper of Destruction “decided to kill Lichhols, and then toss the head of” Mist Mistral Wind “on the face of the so-called” God of Life “.

Very routine, very vulgar, but also very refreshing.

So just in a blink of an eye, a pitch black buzzing vertebral body quickly formed in front of Lichhose ’s eyes. Now only need to wait for a brief energy burst, the power of Radiant Moon Level spell will penetrate the Legend Ranger ’s head and tear To break his soul, such an attack would be completely inescapable for an ordinary Legend. In fact, the current “Mist Haze” does not even have the opportunity to retract the blade.

But ……… The phrase “retain people under the sword” has not always been a curse that relies on yelling, isn’t it?

If someone yells at Punk about “retaining people under the sword”, then the unhappy Radiant Moon Wizard will never pay more attention. He will only expresslessly watch his spell smash the enemy’s soul.

But in fact … The true way to save people with a powerful Class Holder is definitely more effective than any so-called “keep people under the knife”.

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