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Why did Big Vampire Trikland not eat his favorite flame cake? What happened to the Akitala family tradition? How could this question be answered by an ordinary nobility girl?

So after questioning crazy Knight with a serious expression, the incoherent Lynka’s sweat had wet her clothes in just a few seconds.

It ’s definitely not possible to not answer. After all, Jin Shengxuan Knight looks like it is not a flirtatious joke, but … but there is really no way to answer the question. What should I do if there is no answer?

Poor little girl really has no choice, she can only brace oneself and rack her brain to say the so-called answer:

“This … this Vampire tradition may … may need to be changed, right? It’s like … just like a fruit farmer who suddenly wants to cultivate a little wheat for taste when growing vegetables, right? After all, wheat does It ’s best to eat bread, that … that … so because the Akitala family changed their traditions, they may not have flame cakes in their kitchens, right? This … since there are no flame cakes, so … … So Mr. Trekland … ca n’t eat it? ”

Observing the terrifying look of the “blink killing gun” with a timid expression like a small animal, the girl with her hands clasped in her skirt only felt that her brain was filled with empty and broken blanks.

God, what are they messing up with? What wheat, what fruit farmer, is there any relationship between the flame cake and the kitchen? What is this and what? This incoherent answer must be unqualified?

Thinking of the three words “unqualified”, Linka’s eyelashes began to condense the tears of fear. She still remembered the terrifying scene of Kane fanning Mr. Zweig’s head while shouting “unqualified”. If your answer is not qualified now, then … Will you also get a miserable treatment of “head blooming”?

At this moment, the coldness in the spinal cord seemed to rush directly into the back of her mind from the back of the girl. From birth until today, she has not seen the blood nobility for the first time. Her own was so weak and fragile in the face of the threat of death. The huge fear even made her want to escape desperately.

If you give her another chance to choose, it must be that the girl who always naively holds adventure novels yearning for adventurous life will certainly feel how happy her nobility life is.


“Is such an answer? Really interesting, I thought you would compose a story as perfect as possible and explain it as reasonably as possible to trust others. It turns out that the answer you chose was to cover up the truth with ambiguity. … Well, this is indeed a way to deal with questions, and it is quite effective from my personal feeling. ”

Some unexpected girls, after listening to her incoherent answer, the last second of the gold face with a ferocious expression, Knight suddenly returned to the handsome image of the handsome big boy at first.

Obviously, Baron Bezadas from the very beginning who asked an unfathomable mystery question did not expect Linka, who knew nothing, to give himself a “correct answer”. On the contrary, what he needed was an “incorrect answer” Answer template!

All scammers will face a problem, that is, when faced with other people’s questions, what kind of answer can they use the false information to trust the other party?

at first According to Kane’s ideas, since you want to lie, you must compile a perfect story. A perfect lie is fabricated to even deceive yourself.

Of course, a lie is a lie, and a fake is a fake. Even for Legendary Powerhouse, it ’s almost impossible to block all loopholes in a lie so that the lie is no different from the truth, so standing on the border of Hatak Plain The Radiant Moon Knight was so exhausted that he lost his usual patience.

But at this moment … In the process of questioning the nobility girl in front of him, Kane found himself seemingly entering a dead end of thinking-why should he be obsessed with making others believe lies? Would n’t it be an option if we simply laid out the lies and then forced the deceived to find the so-called “truth” from the lies?

A large piece of flawless truth crystals and fragmented pieces of truth are put together. Which is the most credible for those who like to use conspiracy thinking to figure out World? A pile of ambiguous nonsense and a logical excuse can be used to pervert the truth?

The answer is always self-evident.

New ideas, new inspirations, Radiant Moon Knight, who was caught in a misunderstanding, quickly formulated a new plan based on the newly obtained ideas, so in this brief moment, the “Instant Kill Gun” bathed in the morning sunlight also quickly changed A bright smile representing a good mood.

Thanks to the blessing of this little girl by chance, Baron Bezadas already thinks he has mastered the unprecedented “great killing tool”, and the so-called winning tickets are already in full control!

“Yes, yes, your answer makes me very satisfied. I will give you the rewards you deserve. Don’t be polite. I am a gentleman-like nobility Knight.”

Inspiration is very precious. “Grateful and seeking to repay the kindness” Radiant Moon Knight soon decided to give someone who helped him a “deserved reward”. After all, he said before asking Linka As long as the girls can answer their own questions, they can give each other a “big gift.” As a Radiant Moon Class Holder with a head and a face, and a rich powerhouse style, can Kane eat it and be fat?

So the nobility girl who was trembling with fear could not speak any words of approval or disapproval. A delicate flower that seemed to be born from gold slowly blossomed from the palm of the “Instant Kill Gun” …………

What a delicate flower, the shiny and delicate handle holds 5 6 golden-bright and dazzling petals, and the branches are small and slender, trying to stretch out, and the star-like stamens seem to be connected by golden glow , The slightly rotating flower body traced through the hazy bright golden tracks in the air.

In fact, she hadn’t waited for the lingering Lynka to see the movement of Mad Knight. This magnificent flower like a work of art was already brought to her head with proper benefit.

“Thanks … Thank you Mr. Knight …”

“No need to thank you, this is the little gift you deserve. Well, under its decoration you will become very beautiful, very very beautiful”!

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