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Ink Blue Moon-Kar, Moon of Whirlwind-Thor, and Half-Mechanic Moon-Doroth’s Eye. These are the three moons orbiting Faerun, and also three special objects that are mysterious and secretive like Mira and Chicasa.

There are very few records and legends about them in the entire Faerun Plane. Even though there are some folk tales that mention the existence of these three moons, the guesses in those absurd novels are only a few mortals or The low-level Class Holder is unfounded speculation, and it is not enough to believe.

Especially Half-Mechanic Moon-Doroth’s Eye, although it is surrounded by Kar and Thor, although it has the smallest volume but the strongest gravitation, it is said that even the revolution trajectories of the two suns will be slightly shifted by its influence, people just say that Doroth’s Eye There is a prosperous architectural empire on it. A queen of architecture named “Ktaroland” loves every one of her people as she loves the pearls on her necklace ………

Yes, its mysterious is like a fire like light in the dark. It can always induce countless people who ca n’t see the curiosity that ca n’t be touched. Its legends are so hazy that people ca n’t distinguish between true and false. It exists and is there, full of unknown and magic.

At least in the history that Punk knows, there are really two-digit Legend Class Holder because of hearing some legends and rumors. From 2, Faerun Plane came from all corners of the Multiverse to try to explore the mysterious veil of the moon.

Unfortunately, none of these legends have an ending, because any creature that entered the gravitational range of Doroth’s Eye failed to return in the end …

In fact, according to Vedrasia’s memory, we can know that the peculiar Half-Mechanic Moon had been arrogantly suspended in the sky before Netheril ushered in the destruction, and even when Vedrasia was born, walking through tens of 100000000 million years The wave of genius in the age of the awakener, the low-key ease in the age of the quieter, the universe that swept through the Tide of Destiny … This beautiful and mysterious moon is like a real eye in the sky like a real eye. Overlooking the vast Faerun of the blue sea turned into mulberry fields.

What kind of secret is it, and what scenery does its secret represent?

Not only is Punk curious about it, but Brilliant Sun Class Holder will certainly feel itchy.

It’s just because its existence is too unimaginable, so no one can still glimpse the beautiful skirt of Half-Mechanic Moon that’s all until today.

But now Radiant Moon Knight, who suddenly appeared on the plains of Hatak, mentioned the mysterious Doroth’s Eye, which made it impossible for “Whisper of Destruction” to ignore Kane’s words.

Punk clearly remembered that he had been asked by the crazy Knight before taking the adventure with the “Blade Killer” before he advanced to Legend. That is whether there is real wisdom in the queen Khatarland on the Half-Mechanic Moon. He also received a Master Level Divine Spell Armguard that has been thrown in the corner of the storage room.

But because there is no relevant information even in Vedrasia’s memory, Punk’s answer at the time was just very straightforward 3 words-I don’t know!

Although from that time on, “Whisper of Destruction” was suspecting that the crazy Knight could find various reasons for magical adventure opportunities again and again, and mysterious Half-Mechanic Moon and even the legendary queen of construction have 1000 silks and 10000 strands. However, because no evidence was found or found to be useless, this matter was quickly left behind by the busy Spellcaster.

But now … the “Instant Kill Gun”, which has become Radiant Moon Class Holder, once again mentions Doroth’s Eye in the sky, and the guy bluntly stated that his chance came from this … This is too interesting Isn’t it?

So silently ordered Magic Tower to collect some of the array of lethal attacks aimed at the mad Knight soul, the serious-looking Radiant Moon Wizard is ready to listen to the story.


“Yes, you guessed it right. The chance of this Lord came from the beautiful moon … or more accurately from the queen of architecture named Ktaroland …”

Don’t continue to sell the key, normally hehe haha’s shining Knight is really so serious and serious.

In his calm, one-on-one narrative, the magical experience of a Radiant Moon Knight, which can be called the protagonist’s template, was finally talked about by Kane.

“You know this Lord was born as a nobility family when he was a child, and the ancestor’s once-prosperous family property was passed to my father’s generation, and there was only a small village of food in the generation. Even in that poor environment, even No matter how talented a child is, it is very difficult to become a powerful Class Holder, because the self-taught thing is too wasteful of time even if it is possible to succeed, not to mention that the secrets of this Lord family are just some rotten streets, Those sloppy things that don’t go smoothly will only make even the best children go astray and use the so-called “secret” for education. No wonder our family will fall to that point all the way. “

When it comes to his childhood environment, Kane’s plain expression has neither dissatisfaction nor unnecessary memory or emotions. It seems to him that the lost time is like dust blowing in the wind. .

But then, the words “Instant Kill Gun” made Punk squint slightly.

I saw Radiant Moon Knight shrugged at random and continued:

“This Lord used those broken secrets when he was a kid to practice himself. My father didn’t know it and thought his treasured son was a worthless waste like him. You see, the so-called genius and talent sometimes have nothing at all. Significance, good luck is the most indispensable to become a powerhouse ………… But fortunately, this Lord ’s luck is really good. One day this Lord was lucky enough to pick up a piece while helping his father to hoe the ground The ring made of gears and metal, so the perfect life of this Lord has been grandly opened since then! “

Solemnly emphasizing the four words “Grand Opening”, Kane did not forget to take out the ring he had picked up when he was a child and put it in the attached air for Punk to verify.

In fact, you do n’t need too much careful observation of Punk to confirm that what was taken out of the “Instant Kill Gun” at this time is definitely a very delicate mechanical ring. This ring is only inlaid with a gold glittering gear on the surface. Ordinary ring, but in fact, the visual observation of Radiant Moon powerhouse will find that each quark that constitutes the golden ring is actually a fine gear after another!

At this moment, these gears are slowly and evenly rotating in an orderly manner, and even the position is replaced. The rhythm that is unique to the machine shows the splendor and beauty of the order.

If what Kane said is true, then from the day he picked up the ring, it has been nearly 4 100,000 years until now, but the countless gears on this ring are still as tight and seamless as they were just made. sequence.

In this world, is there really anyone who can be called “smart work”? Punk felt that the ring he saw today was well deserved.

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