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“Allah Allah, it’s exposed, Saian, you guys still can’t act, as always, tsk tsk tsk, even such a not worth mentioning stupid can’t fool you.”

Radiant Moon Knight, who stood there for a long time because he had no culture, finally found an opportunity to intervene, so he had n’t waited until Kentianu ’s roaring roar sounded out, derived from the “Instant Kill Gun” ‘S taunt appeared one step ahead of “Whisper of Destruction”.

Okay, a gold glittering guy still serves as a beating and has nothing to do, but now Punk does n’t have time to fight with any baboon who ca n’t help himself. After all, for now, although he does n’t really disguise himself as “Carter” The governor of the “Larent Chamber”, but he has at least asked enough information.

Then next ……… It’s time to start a thoughtful action.

“Shut up your mouth Bezadas, you guys who don’t even collect the most basic information are not qualified to point fingers at others, we will go to meet the queen who builds next, if you don’t want to die too much, nothing Value, I suggest that you still use your ill-advised brain to think about whether you have missed anything else. The battle against the Brilliant Sun powerhouse cannot tolerate any carelessness! “

Eerie gazing at how to see how unreliable mad Knight, Punk’s eyes look as silent and gloomy as a deep fountain, because as little by little reveals the history and secrets that once happened to the semi-mechanical eye, be cautious The Radiant Moon Wizard always felt that Kataroland was not as easy to deal with as he thought.

Maybe the former queen was just a “little loli housekeeper” who had no combat capability and worked hard every day, but today she has already learned to hide secrets and use secrets. For the two who are not at the Radiant Moon level For the “challenger”, the enemies who were originally called “powerful” possessed a more unpredictable trump card, but it was a very disturbing thing.

Of course, Mr. Carefree’s “Instant Kill Gun” does not seem to be worried about the troubles before the war. In fact, in the face of Spellcaster’s serious questions, this guy is still interested in joking while carrying knight spear behind him.

I saw the finger pointing at the crazy Legend that was firmly pressed against the wall by the palm of light purple Magic. Radiant Moon Knight turned his head and then directly stated his thoughts:

“Ai, even if you ask this Lord this way, there is no way for this Lord? This Lord’s skills are limited in the end. What you don’t know is that you don’t know ……… In other words, are you planning to take part in the trial and meet Kataroland? ? What about this idiot guy? Leave it here? “

“After waiting to kill Ktaroland, we have time to take his soul out to search for memory, but let him stay here now, my” Arc Demon Hand “is fully capable of holding him firmly for about 3000 years, if If the battle with the Queen of the Future is smooth enough … 3000 years should be almost the same. “

“3000 years ………… It’s really a pitiful” Senior “, well, I heard, no, you idiot wants to be obediently and honestly brought here for at least 3000 years Oh, you have nothing else to go anyway, right? You? Lover and former Netheril Civilization are dead, and now you are just a homeless waste man and a lunatic. “

Kentianu, who kicked and sat down in the corner with 4 limbs weak, kicked in a funny way, and the brilliant smile of the “Instant Kill Gun” said the fact that the mad Legendary Wizard had escaped 6 million years without evasion.

Anyway, for Kane Heartless, the emotions and all beliefs of any humanity are just a bunch of self-deceiving jokes, so just to have some fun, before going to the central square of Doroth’s Eye “Gun” doesn’t mind looking at the suffering of a person who has lost everything to please himself.

Of course, the ridiculous Knight ’s ridicule must be able to get what he wants, when he knocked the facts that made Kentiannu unbearable with the most straightforward and sharp Mental Power fluctuations in the depth of one’s soul Afterwards, Kentianu, who punched blood in his fists, screamed wild beast-like hissing.

It was an extremely desperate hissing and an extremely sorrowful roar. In this brief moment, the legacy of the times of muddleheaded finally reluctantly embraced the most painful soberness, and then got the most thorough crazy …

“Stop playing, Kane, we have to contact Ktaroland to tell us the steps to participate in the trial.”

“This Lord is a drudgery life, okay, okay, here it is.”

The glory of Mira and Chicasa has gradually sunk into the shadow of Faerun, and Half-Mechanic Moon has finally ushered in the silence that belongs to it alone-I have to admit that the sound insulation of the mailing center building is really good, no matter how harsh. The sharp, agitated space sounds don’t want to go out here, don’t even think about it at all.


Punk and Kane, who had been deceived from Kentiannu ’s mouth, knew that there was a “trial device” that helped Great Arcanists screen Apprentice in the semi-mechanical eyes. As long as they could pass the trial, they could get Ktaroland ’s personal Even if you do n’t pass the trial, you wo n’t encounter any danger.

To know that this is a very important piece of information, but also a piece of information that needs to make a decision. After all, no one knows what kind of “trial” the Great Arcanist Parliament prepared for that year, waiting for its own “Apprentice”, which belongs to “Apprentice”. The high-end level of Divine Throne is inevitable and daunting.

Although several of the most powerful Spellcasters in the manifesto used the name of Netheril to ensure that this trial was safe and reliable, today ’s Divine Throne powerhouses have long since fallen, the “tool that has been idle for 6 million years “Can I still be” safe and credible “as always?

Well, for the time being, trust that Divine Throne ’s creations are strong enough to withstand the erosion of time. For the time being, trust the program written by Your Dorothy as the weapon authority in the “City of Sleepless Watchers” is as flawless as to allow you to use Helpless to build Ktaroland manager, but …

But now the two Class Holders who came to Doroth’s Eye to pursue wealth can really pass the trial? Is there really no need to make any more special preparations? Everyone has only one chance to participate in this trial. Is n’t it embarrassing if they fail to pass?

But at least the “Instant Kill Gun” and “Whisper of Destruction” are very clear. It is definitely the most convenient and feasible method to see the Queen of Construction hiding in the hub hall in this way. If they still want the wealth they are looking for, there is absolutely no reason to give up this trial.

Even a little adventure is inevitable, but … the necessary adventure is always necessary, isn’t it?

So with such a solemn mood, the two adventurers who left the mailing center indifferently walked towards the direction of Doroth’s Eye’s central square.

There, a Divine Throne Magic facility that has been sleeping for more than 100000000 million years is already waiting for long-lasting guests.

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