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“Defeat your fear” …………

The subject of the trial is unknown. In the end, this subject is nothing more than Kane’s guess, but at least the “Instant Kill Gun” feels that his guess should be correct. After all, his most feared monsters have already appeared in front of him, aren’t they?

So now that Punk Saian has clenched the pale scepter and staring at himself, what reason does Radiant Moon Knight, who has never flinched, have to refrain from fighting?

So he waved the knight spear in his hand, thinking hard about how to deal with the “wizard killing gun” of the fake Wizard in front of him, and rushed straight up.

“Fake, can you use that guy’s strength? Come and try it!”

“Radiant Moon Level Battle Skill-Poker’s Angry Strike”!

“Hong long”!

Radiant Moon Level Battle Skill erupted directly, and the violent battle energy fluctuations spewed out from the entire body of the mad Knight, turning into a polished long spear and directly pierced the head of “Punk”, in order to be able to pass the trial or recover as soon as possible Unable to restrain his irritable mood, Kane ’s this time attack does not have any meaning of show mercy at the forefront of his knight spear. At this moment, even the gentle flow of time is under the spur of showing off one ’s ability. There are cracks all over.

But in fact … Crazy Knight’s full attack did not at all mean anything.

Because just before the tip of his gun is about to touch the face of the fake Wizard, the silhouette wearing black robe and expressionless suddenly disappears!

Unlike the state when it appeared slowly, this sudden disappearance not only surprised but also made Kane feel a bit familiar.

Yes, of course, it will feel familiar, and it ’s strange to be unfamiliar, because this is the strangest Radiant Moon level spell that a bad luck Knight has seen with his own eyes and is the most feared in his heart! Just at the mailing center of the semi-mechanical eye, the “instant killing gun” fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth was almost startled by the Spellcaster that appeared behind him instantly.

“See Undead, isn’t this Punk’s indiscriminate displacement method? How can it be used for this thing? How should this method cope with it”!

With a terrified heart, he quickly turned his head to knight spear, and Kane, who was about to break, only felt that his spinal cord was faintly cold, because even if he had no time to use any perception ability to probe, he probably could guess that he suddenly disappeared in front of him. And where the fake Punk that escaped “Bokker’s angry blow” would go.

That’s right, just like when I was facing the real “Whisper of Destruction” before, “Whisper of Destruction” like a nightmare in the dark must be looking at myself with the same eyes on the back of the person … ………

“Damn it, don’t be arrogant, this Lord is super powerful, Saian you unfathomable mystery, don’t want to scare this Lord!”

The cold sweat on the forehead evaporates instantly, and Kane, whose battle energy is flashing in the eye pupils, is not slow, but in an instant, this guy ’s knight spear has shredded the space and crossed the once-round shiny trail Swept towards himself.

Even in the face of terrifying enemies, Crazy Knight ’s first thought will always only have the strongest counterattack!

But such a counterattack … does it really make sense?

“Hong long”!

The deafening sound was like a thunderbolt chopping on the ground. In this roar, the Radiant Moon Knight, whose knight spear had just waved halfway, flew out like a rag pocket thrown away. One layer after another of the battle energy shield was broken into debris one after another, and the back armor was dented with a large piece of “instant kill gun” that continued to “hit the ground again” like a stone used to float water. The process of “flying” flew a few hundred kilometers.

Obviously, his speed of shooting was too slow. He simply impossible slammed the knight spear on the opponent before the fake Punk who was already standing behind him, so he was now hit by the “unknown but powerful spell”. Kane became an “unsturdy sandbag”.

After only one attack, the skeleton and all the organs in his body were almost broken into scum.


“Unclear but inexplicable power spell”, “Fantastic means with no solution”, “Always watching your gloom behind your back” … Is this my biggest fear of that monster? It can be said that this trial brought out all my fears.

The spitting heart and lung lobes shattered into flesh, reaching out to deduct his own pair of bursting eyeballs crazy Knight while trying to stand up while helplessly taking the head.

This injury is insignificant to a Radiant Moon Class Holder. Kane ’s soul can easily destroy shattered and broken organs and create new lungs. Even if the battle energy shield is broken, it only takes more time to replenish. All in all, in fact, after slowly standing up, Warrior, who has already grown a new pair of eyeballs, has returned to the intact Peak state.

At this moment, the surging battle energy still roared in his soul, and the gold spangled knight spear still flickered in his hands.


“Hong long”!

At this time, I could n’t even see the shadow. The explosive power that came after me once again flew the Radiant Moon Knight that was just preparing to launch Battle Skill. So in this white and endless space, Bad luck ’s “Instant Kill” “Gun” repeated his “floating career” again.

He even flew farther than last time.

“See Undead’s … how to fight this? The attacking power is boundless and can suddenly appear in the back again and again and again? Is it true that Saian can be so powerful? It should … It shouldn’t be , But how did his weird displacement method do it? Damn aaahhhh. “

Flustered and exasperated directly pulled out a small dagger and stabbed it behind his back with feeling. Radiant Moon Knight with gnashing teeth only felt how to fight and suffocate his battle, and how to fight it was not right.

Since Divine Throne Great Arcanist has guaranteed that “the trial is absolutely safe and will not cause harm to Class Holder”, Kane does not worry about threats to his life, but the problem now is … that is like playing football. ” “Hanging” his “fake Punk” does not seem to mean the killer, it is always keeping the indifferent appearance of being silent behind him again and again, beating himself with unknown powers fly! The crazy Knight who looked at a bad luck again and again flustered and exasperated like a real baboon …………

This feeling is too irritating and helpless. As the battle continues, “Instant Kill Gun” even vaguely doubts his own strength. After all, the “fake Saian” that appears here today is just called repeated use. The mechanized two-stroke attack can beat you without any counterattack, so what kind of power will the real Punk have?

Maybe the opponent doesn’t have such an outrageous explosive attack force as fake Saian, but how should the “suddenly appear” behind him respond?

If you can’t deal with it, doesn’t it mean that in reality you will also be beaten by a cold monster as a sandbag?

If you can’t deal with it, doesn’t it mean that the power you get from the untold hardships is meaningless?

The so-called Heart Demon, the maggot of the tarsal bone, is born in one thought and moves with the heart.

Kane’s heart is a little messy at this moment, constantly repeating the desperate process of being defeated by “fear” without any counterattack.

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