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In the final analysis, human beings are very indifferent creatures. Most of the greetings of the same kind are just simple greetings. Even if the unfamiliar people encounter obvious difficulties and pains, how many people do n’t say come forward to help , Even a glance and a question may be superfluous, and this situation is common no matter at the nobility banquet or at the banquet of the poor. The noisy people will only consciously divide into 2 dials with the people who silently drink, they simply It doesn’t interfere with each other like creatures in different worlds ………

For example, this is the case with the low-key man who is alone in the tavern at this moment.

But there are always exceptions, right? In fact, even out of pure curiosity, there is still a rare girl who is willing to chat with those mature, handsome and handsome “weird people”, not to mention that once this chat is mixed with a little “sympathy”, the so-called “Caring” will not be difficult to exist.

Yes, sometimes a very simple inquiry can be called a “caring” performance, and the isolated world can also be opened. Now it is obviously not expected that a pub maid will ask himself “why not go home” The decadent youths apparently didn’t expect that they could get such a nostalgic “care” in this place where drunks are rampant. This is really ………

insignificant ah.

“My name is Ganatika. As you can see, I am just a homeless person, a loser who has nothing. The night of Winter is too lonely and cold, so I came to the tavern to find “The hustle and bustle” accompanies … Don’t worry about my body, beautiful Miss, a little liquor is nothing to me. “

Sure enough, the teenager who stayed in the corner of the ordinary person ’s tavern was to replace the dead Morningstar Wizard Walker to take over Modifik Plane ’s “Avenger” Ganatika. He has been following Punk ’s for more than ten thousand years. Order to take care of this fairly prosperous farmland, perform your duties, and follow Spellcaster’s orders.

But it may be because of the entanglement of deep in one’s heart. This low-key Legend Warrior not at all, like most ordinary Legends, directly lands on the harvest souls of World open and aboveboard, he just silently still in this area. The vast Plane wandered around in 4 places as civilians. At one time, she walked around with pure feeling. Other tasks such as collecting souls were not considered passive idlers, but they can’t be called how serious.

For example, now that Ganatika feels too cold and empty at night, he has found one of the most noisy places to drink wine-it must be admitted that because of some deep-rooted historical reasons, this poor man has been born until today Legend Warrior has always looked down on the so-called nobility banquet. In his opinion, the noisy slums are better than those of the Imperial Palace feast. I do n’t know how many times.

After all, only in such a place can the drunks really be like a bunch of “normal” drunks. They can also try their best to suppress the soul and fall into the memories of the past while pretending to be drunk ………

Of course, for now, Ganatika ’s memories are temporarily interrupted, because he rarely meets a person who is interested in actively chatting with himself, and he does n’t mind chatting with anyone casually, so even if Aina, who is asking herself, is just a young woman with exposed clothes, but the “teenager avenger” who has long been weathered is still very interested in lifting the head to ask:

“Do you think the bad guys are more despicable and evil than the bad guys’ teeth? If bad is a planner, and really” bad teeth “who really do bad things can really paralyze themselves by” following orders “? Who else does the blood belong to if he doesn’t belong to him? And is an idiot with a lot of blood on his hands eligible for redemption? “

It may be really “drunk”, Ganatika deliberately suppressing the soul to make him unconscious, forgetting that he is just talking with a normal little maid, watching at this moment. The oil lamp swaying on the wine table even suddenly reminded him of the battle he had experienced “shortly before”-a kind-hearted innocent girl fell under his knife, and even before the death, he was still thinking about hunger. Of the poor …

“Punk is an outright villain”!

The young Avengers always think so, he has always had a bad sense of a strong Archmage.

But is it not the “evil minions” who blindly obey the order after doing such a thing now? Isn’t he also a villain, a villain who betrayed his faith, betrayed Mind, and betrayed Pandora?

The young avengers who have been immersed in memories for years have been thinking about these things. He ca n’t think of an answer. He has n’t been able to count on a pub maid to give himself an answer. In fact, after saying a few words of “nonsense”, he shook the head Natika continued to look up and pour a glass of liquor into her stomach.

Alcohol is impossible and affects the Legend Class Holder. Drinking Legend has never been drinking, they are just tasting “sadness” that’s all.


“This gentleman, are you … are you a Class Holder”?

Speaking more cautiously, Aina stepped back almost 2 steps subconsciously.

It seems that this little maid is really scared. After all, Class Holder and so on is definitely hard to see for a lifetime like her for the poor, but now this handsome decadent man with a scarlet gem in his right eye But it is likely to be a “legendary” Class Holder, and the other party also asked himself a strange question …

It ’s definitely not OK not to answer, but how to answer such a queer question?

No way, Aina, who sweated slightly on her forehead, could only say as straight as possible with her own true thoughts:

“That … I think that the wicked minions and the wicked are a gang, then they should all be wicked, just like Hooligan on this street and his boss Fat Roca should be considered wicked. Well, they are all the kind of hopeless ……… But, if the “evil’s minions” and “evil” are not together, then a person who has no choice but to obey the order should be qualified to correct evil. After all, there is no source of evil, and the minions of wicked people do not need to continue to do bad things, and people who do not do bad things should not be considered wicked … right? “

The end of some of the answers was actually a question, it seems that Aina is actually quite confident in her own views.

But in the final analysis, she is just a poor girl who doesn’t even know the text. The 17-year-old World Outlook on Life hasn’t been finalized yet, and her understanding of “evil people” and “evil deeds” can only be so pure and It’s simple.

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