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Formal Level Conjuration Spell-Bondary Compression: Create a 500 cubic meter Energy Cage to wrap the enemy, and then quickly compress until the enemy’s body is completely smashed.

Note: Spellcaster needs to continuously output magic power during compression.

Lugworm’s head just submerged into the ground, and a gray-black energy box wrapped his neck and one third’s body. Before the lugworm reacted to the body’s abnormalities, the energy box began to flash with purple spots. Shrinkage, although every cell of lugworm is filled with energy, the compression speed of “Bondary Compression” is not fast, but it can still be clearly seen with naked eye on the macro level, gray and black on the body of lugworm The flesh and blood tissues with energy as the limit are torn apart, and the meat in the “grey-black energy box” is quickly shattered without exception.

“ao !!”

Feeling the threat of death on his body, Lugworm couldn’t care about continuing to dig into the cliff, it immediately concentrated all its power on the body to resist the high pressure of spell, and at the same time, the pale-yellow energy on the top of Lugworm’s head quickly condensed into numbers Ten mini-energy lugworm rushed towards the “grey-black box”.

It must be said that this Icefield Lugworm as a Formal Level creature relies not only on a huge body, it also has excellent enough energy utilization methods.

The body closed by the gray-black energy box was greatly strengthened by the convergence of pale-yellow energy. For a time, the effect of “Bondary Compression” was temporarily stopped.

Seeing this happening, Punk couldn’t help but slightly frowned, he increased the output of magic power, but the severely injured lugworm also squeezed the last point of energy in every cell of the body to stop the fragmentation of flesh and blood. Deadlock.

If the only person facing Lugworm is Punk at this time, this battle may indeed become a consumption battle, and because Icefield Lugworm adapts to the cold erosion mixed with the power of Legend, in the end, who loses and wins also said Not necessarily, after all, Punk can’t stand to stay in this strange and cold environment for a long time.

But now, this stalemate is destined not to last long.

Just after lugworm concentrated all the final energy on the body, Concay, Bahange and Punk’s Golem I all rushed towards the lugworm of unable to move even a little bit.

As the so-called slapping water dog, the current lugworm is fully resistant to the “Bondary Compression” attack, there is no supernatural energy defense all over the body, how can Bahange and the others miss such a good opportunity.

First, a “Steel Restraint” by Golem I further blocked the action of lugworm, then Bahange’s heavy hammer smashed the greasy smash of the only left eye of lugworm, and finally, Concay once again used his pride Formal Level Battle Skill-Wheel Saw.

As a result, there is no mystery. The lugworm once again attacked by 3 Formal Level powerhouse fires is really dead. Concay ’s dagger only took more than 3 seconds to cut off its head. Punk ’s ” “Bondary Compression” also unsurprisingly pressed the one third body of lugworm into a car-like mass of blood.

Tishachar’s little pet-Icefield Lugworm, the guide is over!

Three people and a Golem stood cautiously on the steep rock wall. The lugworm’s body of 3 knots slowly detached from the rock wall and then fell into the depth of the crack.

Although the carapace on this big guy includes blood is very valuable arcane magic material, but 3 people still have to move forward to face Tishachar, impossible with so many materials to act, of the 3 people, only Punk and Bahange own space ring It can’t hold so many things, so even if there is some pain, but they still can only let lugworm’s body fall Abyss.

“Oh, no, no no no, look at what you did, what did you all do? You actually killed my lovely pet, I want to peel your skin, crush your bones, and crush you Blood vessels are pulled out one by one, tearing your soul into pieces——ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! “

It was not only the Punk 3 who watched the lugworm’s corpse fall, but also the monster’s owner, Tishachar.

Witnessing that his servant died so miserable, Tishachar immediately went crazy. At this time, she rushed over without a joke just by a projection, but the words began to fly around in midair, shouting hysterically Yelling while threatening with various childish threats.

And maybe because this area is within the scope of her projection, even if the projection is broken, Tishachar will immediately create a new continuation of 1000 unanimous abuses.

Although this threat is just a joke for Punk, Concay can also be ignored with no difficulty, but only the irritable Dwarf Bahange is yelled by the angry, Concay has to pull him hard to stop the explosion. Dwarf is constantly attacking meaningless projections, Bahange clearly has difficulty controlling his emotions, which is not good news, at least not now.

Although Bahange concealed his identity in order to retain a trump card, but under the catalysis of Tishachar, people with clear eyes can see that this guy is a Berserker.

Realizing this fact, both Concay and Punk have a “god-like opponent, pig-like teammate” feeling.

“You are Berserker. You said it earlier. We are still a bit irritable when you come along this way.”

This is what Punk and Concay said at the moment.

You know, Berserker is a very troublesome profession, they usually don’t see any difference from those “temper tempers”, but once they are irritated, they can greatly enhance their own in a short time through “Berserk” power.

But this kind of Berserk’s ability is just like Warlock’s bloodline. If it does not go through “breaking shackles”, it will cause the user to temporarily lose his senses or even not recognizing one’s family after activation.

I have to say that Berserk is a very powerful trump card, but for Berserker’s teammates, there is nothing left except the two words of Shenkeng.

You know, a Berserker without “breaking shackles” is as unstable as a time bomb, which can kill both enemies and yourself.

“Bahange, I have to remind you that it took us 5 minutes to deal with that big insect. If we have n’t entered Tishachar ’s base within ten minutes, I think everyone can go back together if you If you want to be blown into ice in this valley, just keep on fooling around! “

At this time, there is nothing more to say. Concay can only stop Bahange who wants to chase Tishachar projection seriously and helplessly, and then put a serious truth to the truth, but also have to drastically avoid stimulating Bahange who is already on the verge of anger.

He was worried that the residents of Dorez City could not tolerate such a waste of time by Bahange, so as a believer of Obad-Hai, he believed that he was obliged to give his partners appropriate advice.

“Oh, okay, I think I’m too angry, I can’t control myself as soon as I get angry, but that guy is so annoying.”

Bahange somewhat understands the truth. He was annoyed and knocked his head twice with a hammer. With Dangdang 2 muffled sounds, his reason seemed to have returned a lot.

He didn’t realize how concealing the Trump card Berserk was for Punk and Concay. Facing the helpless Concay, Bahange said solemnly vowed:

“Okay, I think we can continue to rush him, rest assured, Old Bahange can control his own.”

Out of helpless trust, Concay nodded to Bahange. He continued to follow Punk’s footsteps, but he also paid attention to Bahange’s mental state from time to time.

Concay and Bahange’s dialogue naturally fell into Punk’s ears. Although Punk didn’t say much from beginning to end, in fact, Punk had begun to greet Bahange and his family in the heart.

“Meet your ghost Berserker, you add Tishachar’s poisonous tongue and a bomb is different from wool? You are Tishachar’s most loyal” little pet “!”

Regarding Bahange ’s control of himself, Punk said he did n’t believe a word, and every violent Berserker said that he could control himself, but judging from many tragic facts, there is nothing more unreliable than such blind confidence. Too.

Now Punk has to speed up further.

Tishachar’s ventilated verbal abuse played an unexpected effect. He did not fight with a Berserk Dwarf halfway.

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