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“Mullers, go and call your younger sister for dinner. Today your father has caught a gray rabbit. Let’s eat rabbit soup.”

Just as the young boy was writing information in the inferior diary, the voice from outside the door had already appeared—obviously, it was the voice of mother in Millers ’memory. In this Legend Archer ’s little At times, whenever a poor family has a rare opportunity to taste some “delicacies”, his kind mother will use this gentle voice to call his only child to eat out, and the fragrance that accompanies the food will spread throughout the small In the wood house, the young Millers will almost certainly run happily out of the room to celebrate the rare joy.

This can be said to be a very beautiful part of Millers ’childhood memory. Although Illusory World now has a slightly more abrupt” younger sister “, with the call of loved ones, Millers’ Mind ca n’t help but deep down A deep and calm subtle warmth appeared.

heaven knows In 10000 years of lonely travel, Millers, who has been walking in the world as a sedentary Legend Class Holder, actually missed the most sincere affection of his childhood, now because of a disaster dream Back to the World in memory, I heard the call of incomparably familiar and incomprehensible strangeness. The Legendary Powerhouse in a trance feels that the warmth he can feel now is so tempting and wonderful. In contrast, his boring Legend career seems As vague as a dream …

This is a very dangerous omen. Any Class Holder knows that he will lose his reason and judgment in battle, and Millers is certainly no exception.

But … but he couldn’t control his emotions, even if there was a voice in his deepest heart calling him that he must wake up quickly, but with the voice of mother stepping into the ear, with the aroma of the broth Soaked in his heart, a little stumbled boy walked out of the yard in a hurry.

Radiant Moon-level spell is not a common Legend Class Holder that can resist, nor can all Legend have the incredible power of will like Punk. In fact, as a little bit of time passes, Millers is probably unconsciously Has begun to take everything he sees now as reality.

“Lotari, don’t be playful, come over and eat quickly! Mother made rabbit soup for us.”

“Understood, big brother, I will come here.”

Like a bunch of flowers flying out of the corner of the small courtyard, the elf girl standing in the sun looks as beautiful and elegant as a dancing lightly and gracefully butterfly … Of course, if Millers ca n’t Breaking away from the cage of illusion, Lotharie, who is just a small Apprentice, is more impossible to distinguish between reality and dreams. Now she is really thinking of her own elf as a member of this family, as well as only Bibi The younger sister is one year younger.

Farm children can get meat but it is very rare. Rabbits running at amazing speeds are even harder to catch. So when I heard that the family made delicious rabbit soup, the little girl with a drool was running at the fastest speed without saying anything. Too.

“The rabbit must be delicious, big brother, let’s go home quickly.”


“You said father how he caught the rabbit, is he using a trap? Or a hoe? Hope to give us a delicious little bunny will not die too painful.”

“Well, little bunny’s spirit in heaven will be happy if he knows Lothar is so happy.”

“I can’t find my rag doll, can you help me find it”?

“Rag doll? Have we ever had a rag doll?”

Holding the little hand of “younger sister”, bathed in the warm sunset, and walked into a crooked little wood house, Millers suddenly found that his thinking could not catch up with this lively younger sister.

He was listening to the nonchalant Lotharie all the way and asked all kinds of questions. The little girl ’s thinking was a little too active, but in the process the little boy ’s own brain was like a rusty clockwork Slower and slower, until finally his answer began to show signs of unresponsiveness.

“There are so many ideas in my younger sister’s brain, I really can’t keep up with this … what is that word? Thinking speed? Right is thinking speed! I can’t keep up with his thinking speed anymore ………… “

Slightly stiff promised Lotharie “Go to help her find a” unicorn rag doll “tomorrow morning, and while enjoying the warm atmosphere, Millers sat at the table and didn’t know why it suddenly felt weird. of.

“Unicorn Ragdoll”? What is that thing? He knew that Ragdoll is a kind of toy that rich little girls like, but … what is a unicorn?

“Thinking and so on is so troublesome, it always feels weird but …”

“Big brother, hurry and eat.”

A fat rabbit leg was handed into Millers’ wooden bowl, and Lothari with a big smile looked like a Little Princess rewarding his Knight.

However, on the other hand, the little boy with a more dull expression, even if he got the rabbit meat sent by the younger sister, he was only slightly frowning and nodded, and then responded with some formulaic voice:

“Thank you younger sister, do n’t forget to also leave some rabbit meat to mother father, they work hard for a day …”

“No hard work, no hard work, you are still growing up. These rabbit meats are yours …”

“Eat slowly, don’t swallow, bones must be gnawed …”

Mechanized words can only be exchanged for mechanized responses. After Milles, who was dull in expression, finished his first “line”, his two parents were just 2-17 years old. The rest of the “reasonable statement” came out.

On the surface alone, this may be a very cozy scene for a family of 4 eating together?

But in fact, this scene at this moment in this small wood house is not only a little bit warm and even quite terrifying.

Because neither Millers nor the “father” and “mother” sitting at the dining table 2 have any idea when they lose their expression and intonation, and Qiangyan’s words have gradually become monotonous “lines” to swallow food. The movement also seemed as rigid as the mechanical operation. At this time, in fact, only Lothary can still speak, move, and taste food normally-of course, for now, she has not been aware of the “selected” Everything is wrong around her. After all, due to some “incognito” “hidden operations”, she has already been perfectly integrated into the special role of “younger sister”.

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