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Victor drenched with blood glanced silently at the ready-to-go Lady Boss, “Iron Tower” and Golem II, he tore off the armor “War Song” of the broken lysate, exposing the sturdy body of the leather shirt.

The large and small wounds of Vik not only did not weaken the slightest breath, but gave everyone a more dangerous feeling. In the past, Vik ’s goal has always been Princess Trelinka. From the beginning to the end, Vik has never thought about Punk and the others. Entangled.

But now, after the painful lesson, the first Sword Saint of the kingdom has realized that he does not have the ability to “cross the tower to kill”, and he finally aimed the killing intent at the three Formal Level powerhouses present.

Faced with Vik who was riddled with scars but killing intent, three people including Punk didn’t take the opportunity to attack, but they all chose the defensive wait and see.

In fact, everyone knows that taking advantage of the moment when Vik falls on the ground is the most correct response. Cautiously watching like this until the Sword Saint ’s slowing down is purely a waste of opportunity created by Punk spell .

However, no one present was willing to attack first, and the “Iron Tower” Warrior, which should assume the responsibility of meat shield, was even cautiously retreating.

Everyone knows that Vik at this time will inevitably choose and can only choose the “break through” tactics. The first attacker will inevitably face Sword Saint Vik howling wind and torrential rain.

The attack power of Sword Saint Vik is too terrifying, and the “Formal Level spell” attached by “Wind-Cleansing Discipliner” has become the Sword of Damocles above everyone’s head. If this is a Good Alignment team, then someone may choose Open the trump card and force out the enemy’s lore at the cost of serious injuries.

But the three people present were the Neutral Alignment or Evil Alignment of the highest interest. Let ’s not mention such sacrifices. No one was willing to do it, even if someone made it. Once he was seriously injured, after the battle, the other three “I am afraid that vicious and merciless will send the seriously wounded to” withdraw. “Anyway, one less person can get a spoils of war, and they can even plunder the wealth of this person. Why not do it?

Therefore, even the evil Chaotic Alignment’s “Iron Tower” will not be stupid enough to make self-denying actions, like Punk and Lady Boss, while they are ready to take a shot at the heart of their teammates anytime, anywhere, while staring at Blood Claw with the remaining light. action.

As a result, until Sword Saint Vik gasped for breath, the 3 people were still in the mutual thirth thug of big eyes staring at small eyes:

“You go first, I am very good”

“Dream, why don’t you go”

“You are skilled in defense, you withstand it”

“Do you think I am a fool, I will not go anywhere”!

Seeing that while waiting for Vik to run battle energy to recover from the injury, Punk was left full of speechless in his heart. The battle that could be solved in a few rounds turned out to be like this, 2 Level 13 and one Level 12 The Class Holder was eaten by a Level 14 Class Holder, everyone is saving their strength, everyone is calculating “teammates”, that is, no one is willing to use killing tricks, so it can really make Vik One person picked 3 and turned over.

“It’s a group of pig teammates. It seems that if you don’t play with one hand, don’t expect these guys to contribute.”

Punk glanced gloriously at Iron Tower and glanced at Lady Boss again. He decided to use a little “intellect” to help one of these 2 people make a “sacrifice”.

“Sure enough, it’s still good to deal with Lady Boss. The guy in Iron Tower is too defensive power. 10000 Vik did not kill him and it was too tricky to let him go crazy.”

Punk thought quietly in the heart.

“I said you must stare at each other and stare at each other. The three of you guys won’t be on it again, this bastard will have to start working on Laozi again. This time I will not accompany you, I can really turn around and run.”

Seeing Sword Saint Vik’s eyes faintly discernable faintly towards himself, Blood Claw’s face turned blue, because the princess with too much strength squeezed in pain and he didn’t notice it.

“Coward, if you dare to run Laozi, dig your heart out and feed it to the dog!”

Iron Tower looked towards Blood Claw, and the Lady Boss next to him seemed to say something to Blood Claw, but Blood Claw’s loud complaint seemed to become a fuse, and the stalemate on the battlefield was instantly lit.

“Storm Pierce”!

Sword Saint Vik yelled out suddenly, mixed with the hot and hot Wind Element battle energy instantly erupting at his feet.

But the trick he used was not Storm Pierce at all, but the most orthodox Warrior Battle Skill-Jump Slash.

When I heard Sword Saint Vik suddenly shouting the name of Battle Skill-“Storm Pierce”, Iron Tower was the first to calm down. Before attacking Vik, several people had a deep understanding of the information provided by “Silver Cane”. “Storm Pierce” is a move with strong defense ability, and the presence of defensive power strongest person is undoubtedly the “Iron Tower” wrapped in layers of onion armor. Sword Saint Vik suddenly shouted “Storm Pierce” “Iron Tower subconsciously thought that Sword Saint Vik had targeted himself.

As the kind of “true-instinct is faster than brain” Warrior, he almost instinctively rolls over sideways, and because he is avoiding the position of his teammates, so the huge onion iron ball of “Iron Tower” just blocked Golem II goes to the road beside Punk.

“Stupid pig, won’t you take a look? He yelled,” The end is coming. “Do you think he is going to put a ban on curse?

Seeing that “Iron Tower” is so “cooperative” and so “obsessive”, calming like Punk is also impossible to bear and scolded it out, although he knows that Warrior will always train some commonly used moves into physical instincts to facilitate making in combat Reaction, but in Punk’s view, this is really a silly behavior, the direct result is like “Iron Tower” without thinking about “instinctive” response.

This “instinct” may be nothing in heads-up combat, but it is really a pitman to pit teammates in group combat.

Punk was pitted once, and Vik, who jumped in the air, clearly placed his goal on the Wizard in the three-person team-that is, Punk.

Maybe it ’s because he thinks Punk is the most threatening. Maybe it ’s Vik ’s adhering to the excellent concept of “killing the wizard first”, “fighting can lose, Wizard must die”, Vik ’s attack is really sharper than when he just killed Blood Claw. Many, Vik jumping in midair even ignored the battle energy defense on the body, the fiery Fire Element battle energy was all converged on the double-flesh giant sword-“Wind-Cleansing Discipliner”, Master Level giant sword attached The 3 “Improved Diziness” technique is a “vertigo” 3 burst against Punk without money.

It is not difficult to see from Vik’s burning flames that Vik is bound to get an attack of this time!

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