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In this battle with Sword Saint Vik, the giant sword “Wind-Cleansing Discipliner” was destroyed!

The 30% “melting and strong acid” potion that originally relied on Lady Boss was not enough to destroy the “Wind-Cleansing Discipliner”, but the time when Lady Boss throws the potion is too precise.

At that time, Wind-Cleansing Discipliner was just right in the activation state of Master Level Conjuration Spell-“Annihilation”. The energy of the spell released by the activated array was suddenly invaded by external energy. Magic Array, which is not high in level, does not have the ability to isolate external energy. So while the exterior of the “Wind-Cleansing Discipliner” was destroyed by the “melting strong acid”, the internal Annihilation also exploded. Eventually, the energy of the internal and external explosions completely destroyed the Master Level giant sword.

“Wind-Cleansing Discipliner is scrapped”, the battle harvest is extremely limited. Only the “Tears of Spring Water” out of the 4 reserved spoils of war is in line with the income, and the other equipment ……… not to mention.

Although it was very unpleasant to knock down the boss hard but did not drop the costume, Punk did not have much disappointment.

This is a reality and not an online game. Boss has a good equipment. How can it not be used and return it to you as a spoils of war, not to mention that most enemies would rather destroy the treasure of the body than let it be given to the enemy. The odds are generally not more than 50%, and the loss from time to time is normal.

In battle, the trump card is used to kill the enemy, especially the one-time trump card speaking from a certain perspective. Just like doing business investment, how can there be justification for making no compensation.

So Punk has no regrets for this battle. If you choose it once, Punk will still participate without the slightest hesitation.

As a Spellcaster on the road to the powerhouse, Punk has his own choice criteria for “adventure”, and he always looks down on those who are afraid of being frightened.

Moving forward on the road of powerhouse requires massive training resources. The strong enemies who want these limited resources are innumerable. The resources themselves are even more impossible. They must come to the door by themselves.

If you want to gain something without risk, how can there be such a good thing under the sun?

So as long as the profit is proportional to the risk, and the success rate is 70%, Punk will never miss the opportunity.

“But anyway, I’m not willing to lose money. If Greenvine Family can’t show a little sincerity … anyway, there is also a” Heitzita Magic Box “shield, let’s see who the last bad luck is.”

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Punk’s eyes.

——–Dividing line——

In fact, when Punk, Iron Tower, and Blood Claw 3 people brought Princess Trelinka beautifully and cleanly (covered in dirt is not suitable during the battle) to Greenvine City in the main city of Greenvine Family territory and asked for 3 pieces When Master Level Equipment, they worry that the things that Greenvine Family played are not at all.

On the towering city wall, the middle age person who pretended to be calm but his hands were shaking said something like:

“Don’t hurt Her Highness the Princess, I’ll give you everything you want”, “When 3 treasures will be delivered immediately, 10000000 Don’t hurt Her Highness the Princess”, Punk knew that he was thinking too much.

He has been dealing with the guys in Evil Alignment again during this time. It is inevitable that he thinks everyone else is as outlaw as Blood Claw and Iron Tower are crazy enough to care nothing, but think carefully to know that Greenvine Family impossible will not save the princess from death. .

Even if they are not loyal, but in the “Army of Glory” uprising, in the presence of more than 10000 Army of Glory, in the presence of God of Nobles “honorary mid-daughter”, they made an oath of loyalty to Princess Trelinka .

Now that Greenvine Family sees that Princess Trelinka has failed, not only does it not benefit the family but also the family continues to lose money, they want to throw away Princess Trelinka ……… How can there be such a good thing, “Army of Glory” 100000 soldiers promised that the church of God of Nobles also promised impossible.

The Greenvine Family can flee to other countries under the pretext of “political asylum” after failure, but they cannot live while Princess Trelinka is still alive, and the “Army of Glory” revolution is also a blatant betrayal while the revolution continues. When nobility is over, Neutral Good’s God of Nobles impossible allows a blatant “evil nobility” to continue to have the identity of nobility.

So the Greenvine Family Patriarch at this time-Dolan Greenvine is bleeding in his heart, but if he does not want to be hunted down by the God of Nobles church, he can only choose the three ancestral Master Level treasures in exchange for the life of Princess Trelinka.

Now the only thing that Dolan Greenvine can’t understand is why these 3 “robbers” know so clearly that their family doesn’t have any more than 3 master level items.

In front of Greenvine City ’s city gate, a team composed entirely of Novice Level Class Holders came out of the city gate under the leadership of a Formal Level Warrior. Warrior old man, with a somber complexion, took out 3 pieces from the storage ring Item in a silk cloth bag, loudly said:

“Our Greenvine Family has made full sincerity, can you return Your Royal Highness Trelinka”.

“Hey, we are your princess’s life saving benefactor. Is this your attitude towards the benefactor? Does Greenvine Family have any basic education?”

Blood Claw didn’t let go of holding Princess Trelinka’s hand, even though Trelinka had already blushed with shame.

No one would be so stupid as obediently and honestly to conduct a “hostage exchange”, both sides are now confirming the authenticity of the exchange target.

Under the delay of Blood Claw, Punk is quickly analyzing the Master Level breath emitted by the three silk cloth bags, carefully confirming that the Master Level breath of the other party is not some special camouflage.

The old man on the other side knew that Blood Claw ’s ridicule was only a delay, but when he heard the words “basic upbringing”, the old nobility was still involuntarily raging, and the surging battle energy was even in his hands. Congeal and dance.

But in the end, the old noble Warrior still suppressed his anger. He fiercely glared at Blood Claw, and then took out three items from the silk cloth bag one by one.

The first item is a scroll, the second is an old parchment, and the third is a feather pen with a soft and lustrous glow.

Although it is not yet possible to judge whether the three Master Level items are as tasteless as the “Illumination of Dawn No. 3”, according to the Divination spell of Punk, this “Greenvine” Family without Wizard oversee above the Formal Level is really only These 214 Master Level items, so 3 people will not be greedy to persecute.

Soon, Punk verified that the 3 Master Level items on the opponent’s hand were all worthy of the name. At least Punk had used up all the inspection methods that can be used now. After finding the result of “no problem”, Punk was right Blood Claw and “Iron Tower” nodded.

“Very well, it seems that Greenvine Family has a little self-knowledge. There is no trick, Princess Trelinka will give it back to you. Next time it will be intercepted. Welcome to ask us to save.”

Blood Claw ridiculed while loosening the hand that firmly embraced Princess Trelinka. Of course, he did not forget to tear off the “Tears of Spring Water” carried on Trelinka’s jade neck.

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