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On the main road of Kingdom of Dylan, 4 pure-blooded white horses decorated with golden tassels are pulling a golden dyed carriage all the way to Greenvine City in an almost completely uniform state, around the carriage There is a team of well-dressed, at first glance, the elite soldiers are closely protected, and the leader of the soldiers is a Level 10 Formal Level Warrior.

If it is just these, then they are not enough to attract Punk’s eyes, but the two flags standing tall on the top of the carriage are different.

Even if they are far away, Punk can clearly see that the flag at the top of the carriage is one big and one small. An abstract black eagle is drawn on the big flag, and a gray machete is drawn on the smaller flag. What is special is that this scimitar is carefully drawn with a circle of shiny gold edges.

Punk recognized it at a glance. The big flag was the flag of Kingdom of Kamos, and the smaller flag should belong to a marquis of Kingdom of Kamos. That circle of Phnom Penh is a symbol of nobility at Kingdom of Kamos, if it is Earl The drawing will be silver borders, if it is Baron, it will be copper strokes.

In the lower right corner of the two flags, the golden tulip flower is attached to the fair and right. According to the customs of the Exuberant Forest this generation country, do n’t put a tulip flower to mean friendship and exchange. If it is a war, do n’t go Will be a black rose.

Therefore, in summary, anyone can see at a glance that this team is an envoy team from the Kingdom of Kamos, and it is still an envoy group led by a core member of the Marquis family-according to customs, this is very condescending The symbol of speaking from a certain perspective, the country ’s mission is led by the family of the Marquis of Real Power represents that this team of envoys is inevitable for their dominant position.

“It’s really weird. What does Kingdom of Kamos want to do with Kingdom of Dylan at this time?”

Punk said that he was very strange about this team’s luxurious envoy team. After all, he wasn’t a resourceful man. He didn’t know anything about politics, so Punk couldn’t think of Kingdom of Kamos and suddenly sent Kingdom of Dylan. What is the purpose of.

“According to the current situation of Kingdom of Dylan, Kingdom of Kamos may choose to go to war. Even if he wants to go to war, the” Prince William “who has become King will not be stupid enough to send envoys to inform the enemy?”

Punk was sitting on a tall treetop thinking a bit ridiculously. Of course, he did n’t think that the envoy team was running over 1000 miles to declare war. In this World, the lighting war that was suddenly attacked was the mainstream of the war. The Prince William, no, now it should be King William and impossible, noble, you have to inform the level before hitting someone!

“But this envoy is not like a team with friendly exchange purpose!”

The more Punk looks at this strange envoy, the more it feels wrong. This envoy feels too strong. How can a friendly envoy make a whole pair of elite soldiers out of the country and even lead the team? A solid Formal Level powerhouse.

This is like on Earth, in one country sending a mission to another country, the diplomat not only has a group of special soldiers holding ak47 and carrying an explosive bag as bodyguards, he also has an extra large size that can be exploded with the push of a button Missile-except for the name of a diplomat, the other configuration is totally terrorist, okay?

If it was n’t for the Divination spell to clearly show that the envoy was indeed officially authorized by Kingdom of Kamos, Punk had to think that this was a group of crappy robbers disguised as envoys and prepared to do a hard job.

In view of the fact that this team of envoys is really strange, Punk plans to follow and take a look. He decides to pay attention to the situation of Kingdom of Dylan and Kingdom of Kamos. If there is a war, there will be a lot of benefits.

“It seems that the Warrior of the Formal Level has just been promoted soon, and it should not be exposed as long as he follows a little further.”

Punk used the system to carefully analyze Warrior, who seemed to be proud to lead the team once, and came to the conclusion that the Warrior of the Formal Level had not even learned to restrain his own Formal Level battle energy fluctuations. At first glance, it was that kind of rookie. Rookie.

With a distance of about 500 meters from Kamos envoy, Punk carefully released a spell to himself and the Golem II next to him.

“Formal Level Conjuration Spell-Concealing Aura”: Create a layer of energy film to cover the life energy of the subject, magic power, battle energy, Shadow Energy …… and other energy fluctuations, duration 30 hours.

Note: This energy film is extremely fragile and cannot withstand excessive energy shocks, so the release or attack of the subject in this state will destroy this spell effect.

With a refreshing sensation flicking across the body, all the energy of Punk’s body including heat and magnetism is completely isolated. The current Punk is similar to a stone in breath. If the enemy does not have a sensitive sensitivity ability, the absolute Don’t think of Punk.

So, with the breath shield spell blessing, Punk began to follow the envoy team to go to Greenvine City.

——Dividing line——

Laira Family is one of the only 2 real power marquis families in Kingdom of Dylan, and Cullen — Laila is the first heir to Laira Family and the only heir. It may not have been before, but Cullen put his own younger brother poison to After death, he became the only heir.

Now this Laira Family’s heart-heaven Heaven’s Chosen Child is sitting on a velvet-covered carriage complaining, both complaining that he ran 3 cities in vain before he learned from Magic’s letter that Princess Trelinka had just arrived in Greenvine City, and why I did not expect to take a few beautiful little maids to pass the boring time.

That ’s right, Cullen is the ambassador of Kingdom of Kamos at this time-the person responsible for negotiating Kingdom of Dylan and the leader of “Army of Glory”-Princess Trelinka!

The original ambassador was certainly not a pampered young master such as Cullen’s arrogant and domineering, but he rarely volunteered at this time and made a strong request.

Maybe it was King William who wanted to help Princess Trelinka with the help of this flamboyant Cullen. Maybe it was because Laira Family wanted to add a glory to this only heir, so Cullen really fulfilled his wish to become the “Kingdom of Kamos of this time ambassador”.

For his safety, Laira Family privately arranged him with such a group of elite soldiers who were completely out of compliance, and also sent a loyal servant of the family who was recently promoted to Formal Level Warrior for protection, and King William also acquiesced for some purpose. This act of Laira Family.

Although Cullen, who now rides in a luxurious carriage, got his wish, he did not feel happy. In fact, on the fifth day of the carriage, the petite “Eldest Miss” began to become more and more unbearable. 5 The reason why he didn’t start the habitual picking out the beats was because he also knew that this mission was ordered to be with King William and could not tolerate any trouble.

Furthermore, Cullen’s desires or desires are instigating this guy.

“Princess Trelinka, I will see you soon, don’t you know if you are as beautiful as the rumors?”

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