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Punk drank the entire “Focus Potion” in one sip, the powerful medical power quickly dissipated in the mouth, a cool feeling quickly diffused in his mind, Punk’s thinking began to slowly sober, in his senses, the air In Breeze, the dust has become very clear.

Without wasting time, Punk immediately closed his eyes and began to recall the memory that lasted for about 5 seconds.

“Command 3 head demon wolf to intercept Blood Claw ………… No problem, demon wolf’s response is very clear, the command is fully executed, Blood Claw was successfully intercepted …… No problem.

In this process, there is no abnormal Magic wave, Blood Claw does not use any special ability ………… A Fireball is crossed in the sky ………… No problem …

The high temperature of the Fireball evaporates the water mist in the air, and the whole battlefield illuminated by the violent brilliance … This is not something worth noting … not something meaningful, not something … “

“Not a fart”! !

Suddenly, Punk’s abrupt eyes opened. He only felt that the haze in his brain was torn in an instant, and all memories were renewed in his mind.

“Damn it, how could it not be worth noting that the freshman Fireball flew past suddenly, who gave Laozi the” Suggestion Spell “!

Punk immediately launched a “Kinetic Energy Explosion” next to him, and a demon wolf that was about to end in Summoning time was directly blown out. Punk is extremely rare in the large number of Kinetic Energy Fragmentation’s rumbling sound that hits its own protection spell. Some scolded.

“Damn, Master Level mind-affecting spell-Suggestion Spell? Or” Group Suggestion “with lower power? If it weren’t for this Focus Potion, estimate that Laozi would have to think about going next year.”

Punk only felt that there was a layer of cold sweat all over him, even the Master Group’s “Group Suggestion”, so as to cover up such a conspicuous thing as before, he could not get rid of the hint within a few minutes, and even the weak Blood Claw did not have any A special feeling, which undoubtedly proves how powerful it is to release this spell powerhouse.

Obviously, the effect of this “Group Suggestion” must be to allow all creatures below Master Level to subconsciously ignore the unusually large Fireball flying in the sky. Under the influence of spell, all creatures with insufficient soul level will Ignore the Fireball that can be called the “sun in the middle of the night” as the gravel on the roadside, and the unremarkable things such as the fine grass in the wilderness. The thinking of all creatures that perceive Fireball are already at the same time as they perceive Fireball He was affected, even if Punk was paying attention to all changes in the battlefield. All he could do was to feel abnormal in his thinking.

“What the hell is going on, can’t the big Fireball hide any secrets, but Master Level powerhouse simply can’t use such an inefficient and unstable way to pass on secrets?”

After removing the suggestive effect of terrifying, Punk began to think about what a big Fireball represented by a “Group Suggestion” that released all the creatures on the way.

“First of all, it can be determined that the master level wizard without that neuropathy will deliver the letter in this way. The time that the big Fireball flies in the sky is not two minutes or two hours, and the distance it traverses is unknown It ’s long, so it ’s been a long time to keep the release of “Group Suggestion”. It absolutely needs a sufficiently stable magic power source and a strong arcane magic ability. It is not the highest Master Level Alchemy Creation. Impossible to do it, no Master Level will let such precious Things are flying all over the sky. “

Punk quickly ruled out the probability of accidents, and he began to try to think about the circumstances under which a Master Level powerhouse would do such a thing.

“Fireball’s direction is … to the east, isn’t there the Kingdom of Dylan’s most prosperous city group? It seems that Royal City Horizon City is also to the east, and the direction of Fireball’s flight … is to the west, except for Greenvine City Except for the Exuberant Forest where no margin is visible … “

Suddenly, Punk seemed to remember something. He quickly took out the “Nightwalker Alliance” black card that he hadn’t looked at for a long time and put it in his hand.

The black card that originally had a dark gloss appeared to be ordinary at this time. The hot silver handwriting that once shone with crystal gloss did not know when it was disappeared. There was only a little magic power fluctuation between the textures after one after another. What Punk values ​​is …

“Sure enough, the magic power mark of Silver Cane is gone”!

Punk narrowed his eyes slightly, and he threw away the “black card” that had become an ordinary black piece of paper. Watching the black piece of paper flip up and down in the wind, a lot of clues were connected in Punk’s mind. Regarding that nonsense big Fireball finally got enough conclusions.

“It seems that” Silver Cane “really is the” sockpuppet “of Kingdom Guardian Archmage Sangers. Although I do n’t know why he used this identity to publish the mission to the highly unstable” Nightwalker “, but now … the mark of” Silver Cane “disappears. It means that Sangers has given up control of the black card … and the biggest reason why he suddenly gave up control is ……… he is dead!

“Kingdom of Dylan ’s known Master Level powerhouse is only Sangers, and the Fireball that obviously carries Master Level power is flying from the direction of Horizon City, but Kingdom Guardian Archmage is usually in Horizon City Imperial Palace oversee, if not out. Unexpectedly ……… The origin of this Fireball is almost ready. “

“The death of Sangers can be basically equivalent to the declaration of the disaster of Horizon City. At the same time, the members of the Kingdom of Dylan Royal Family who live with Sangers and Royal Palace are probably not spared. In this case, the direction of Fireball’s flight is facing Greenvine. City, and Greenvine City only Princess Trelinka has the identity of Kingdom of Dylan Royal Family … “

Thinking of this, Punk’s pupil flashed lightly.

“Inheritance, treasure, or heritage … I don’t believe you released a big Fireball and spent a lot of time using” Group Suggestion “to cover up half of the Kingdom of Dylan 1000 and went to find Princess Trelinka. There is nothing valuable” gift”.

The gloomy weather did not affect Punk’s joy, he almost immediately determined to see what moths there were in that big Fireball. Under the influence of “Group Suggestion”, I am afraid that no one can be like Punk in such a short time. Perceived the existence of the Big Fireball, that is to say, there will be few competitors in the “exploration” of this time, and 9% of the Big Fireball may be passed to Trelinka’s “Hardness the Princess”. .

Moreover, although Punk is a little weak right now, he has the “soul cultivation spell” of “Heitzita Magic Box”, and he can return to the Peak state one day later. When the time comes Magic item recharge will also be completed, which is to attack Greenvine City. He is also at least 70% sure. After all, the only Formal Level powerhouse in Greenvine City is an Old Warrior of about eleven.

“Sangers, Sangers, the beautiful” Group Suggestion “is really amazing, but it’s a pity ……… I was discovered after all.”

The magic power vortex in Punk’s eyes slowly spins once again. He is not a splendid Spellcaster. This kind of adventure that is not dangerous and may have huge profits will never be missed!

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