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“Is there any other choice I have until now?”

After receiving the message left by Sangers, Trelinka’s face dropped a row of crystal tears.

Obviously, Sangers did n’t even know what the state of Kingdom of Dylan has been corrupted to now, nor did they know that Trelinka, the “last member of the Kingdom of Dylan Royal Family” has become a prisoner of the ranks, not only being unilaterally deprived of the princess status, but even To be given to the Church of Dawn by the once-trusted Greenvine Family as a “vote”.

Sangers ’plan is not a failure to describe at all, speaking from a certain perspective. He has been confused in a peaceful political struggle, and now the power of Church of Dawn has given him a head start, and the“ Nightwalker ”he used is fiercely. His high hope for Princess Trelinka is the last cut.

Trelinka didn’t wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes. She gently picked up the Alchemy scroll floating next to the sphere of light. Her slender fingers became whiter and brighter under the light of the broad mantle radiated by the scroll.

This mysterious Alchemy reel has an obvious metallic feel. The energy on the reel constitutes each and everyone. The mysterious rune is so complicated that it makes people dizzy. The most magical thing is that the moment the reel is in contact, the reel is still towards Trelinka. Passing this strange energy, under the infiltration of this energy, the seal battle energy in her soul instantly dissipated.

But Trelinka not at all feels any joy, for her, her strength is completely irrelevant. It can neither save the country nor the life of the “Army of Glory” soldier, at least for the old Warrior Biglen. , Even if the power of Novice Level is unlocked again, it is still an insignificant ant ………

“Will this thing bring terror? It doesn’t matter … If it really brings disaster ……… Let me destroy this dying country …”

Trelinka said lightly to herself, she stared at the scroll in her hand with silence, and slowly opened it …

With the extraordinary vision provided by “Far-Sight”, Punk can easily see every rune on the scroll. The text of each and everyone Magic in Trelinka, whose soul level is not high enough, seems to be more complicated. But when it reaches Level 14 Formal Wizard Punk seemed to be completely dizzy.

Even with the help of the system, Punk still cannot receive the impact of this “rune information”. Without him, the amount of information is too large and completely beyond the scope of Punk’s understanding. The level of these information has reached the torrent of information alone. It can cause a mental shock level, and the only result of hasty perception is to cause great harm to the soul.

Punk’s perception is much stronger than Trelinka, so he received much more information than Trelinka, a large amount of unintelligible information suddenly poured into his mind and even made Punk have a kind of defense-free state and received a “Improved Diziness” Illusion.

“Legend, no more than Legend, at least the Magic Rune of the Legend level is also impossible. It can cause a killing level with only a little information revealed!”

Punk quickly came to his own conclusion, so he had to quickly give up and continue to perceive the mysterious scroll.

However, although the perception time is very short, Punk still found a lot of information from the scrolls. The most important thing is that Punk has determined that the purpose of the scroll is to be torn apart.

Because almost every inch of the reel has dozens of layers of super-enchantment that cannot be understood by Punk’s knowledge level, the reel is indestructible, but only at the position of the “middle line” of the reel, no reinforcement Magic is added at all. Any sturdy ordinary person can tear it apart.

The facts are also exactly similar to what Punk thought …


A very simple voice seemed to tell Trelinka’s determination, as if announcing the opening of “unknown”, Trelinka, who had restored the strength of Novice Level Knight, even tore up the scroll in half without much effort.

From the time Trelinka got the scroll to the decision to tear the scroll, she hardly experienced any psychological struggle between them. She didn’t even tremble with her fingers and directly tore the scroll along the “middle line”.

Trelinka is tearing off, Punk was shocked.

He originally planned to rush up to grab the reel regardless of the actual situation, but due to the information impact of the reel rune just received, Punk was dizzy for a time of about 2 seconds. Just at this time, Trelinka was very determined. Tear off the scroll!

It’s a pity that after Punk broke away from the dizziness state, Trelinka had torn the mysterious scroll, and Punk could only choose to stay inactive temporarily, watching the next magical scene.

At the moment when the scroll was torn apart, a Transmission Gate flashing with 9-color light spots suddenly appeared in the small cell. The appearance of the Transmission Gate is silent, not only without any sound and light effects, but even a little bit. The energy fluctuations did not come out, as if the Transmission Gate had originally stood in the cell, low-key, but mysterious!

But the debut of Transmission Gate is shocking!

Shocked to make the Punk next to him stunned, shocked ……… More than ten gods on the throne suddenly awakened, so shocked that many Legend Old Monsters were suddenly shocked by the level.

To put it bluntly, the moment the Transmission Gate appeared, the Peak Powerhouse of the entire Faerun Plane immediately paid attention.

Divine Kingdom in Morninglord, Divine Kingdom in God of Justice Tyr, Divine Kingdom in God of Guardians Helm, Divine Kingdom in Prince of Lies Cyric, Divine Kingdom in Mistress of the Night Shar, Divine Kingdom in Queen of Spiders Lolth Kingdom ………… In almost all Divine Kingdoms of God above Mid Divine Power, the gods on the throne opened their eyes at the same time.

Their usual extremely cold God suddenly lowered the divine sense unexpectedly at this time. All divine senses are madly scanning this small country on the border of Faerun Plane unremarkable. Peak powerhouses of all churches are also engraved indirectly to Oracle. , And set off for a border kingdom that I had never heard of.

At the same time, in the dark city wandering in the nether shadow world, a silhouette wearing a black robe suddenly stopped to look thoughtful looking towards somewhere.

In the underground of the boundless Desert, a thin old man slowly stood up.

In the mountain range of Bodean, a deep and strange eye suddenly opened …

In this brief moment, the entire Kingdom of Dylan has unprecedentedly become the focus of many super powerhouses. A deep and mysterious name is solemnly spoken in the mouth of many powerhouses in Faerun Plane. Their words are hoarse and weird, and some are clear and clear. Their tone was unusually angry, and some were very expectant, but at this moment they all said the same name:

“Netheril …………”

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