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“Yes, this is the remains of Netheril Civilization, which is where Netheril Inheritance is carried. Before” Final War “, the Great Arcanists of” Avengers “had understood failure. Therefore, in order to inherit Netheril Civilization as much as possible, A total of 700 100000000 million such relics have been established in the hidden corners of the Multiverse. Each relic has distributed at least 700 100000000 million “keys”, but it is not known how much is left. “

The sound of projection echoed empty in a small room. Although the cool narrative tells about the great feat that Netheril Civilization had left in order to preserve the inheritance at the time, the sound of the projection was too mechanical. There was no humiliation at all. Robots are as boring as they read history books, and the great great man Albert Forcibly becomes a robot storyteller.

But Punk is not a person who will let go of any information because the other party is awkward. So far, he has judged that 80% of the words of this projection are true, because he is a Formal Level little Wizard who can say completely in front of Legendary Powerhouse Looking down on the eyes, the other party does not need to spend time and energy to calculate themselves.

For Netheril Civilization, 700 to 100000000 million remains were left, and each relic was issued with a “key” of more than 100 to 100000000 million. In the end, Trelinka got what kind of scroll is also based on theory.

At that time, the ancient generation of Gods did have a crazy period of time to launch “Holy War”, and searched for and destroyed some “no records allowed” in 4 places. Now it seems that the Gods at that time should be surrounded by Netheril Civilization. The ruins and “keys” came down.

But even though the gods have not relaxed their search for all “Netheril Civilization Vestige” (it can be seen from the arrival of Divine Punishment in 2 seconds), there are too many relics left by Netheril Civilization, and the hiding power is really name is not In vain, it’s not surprising to avoid one or two searches after 10,000,000 years.

“Well, since I am already a successor of” Lucky or Unlucky “, then tell me how to get the legacy of the great Netheril Civilization!”

Punk also asked the projection in a way of thinking, and praised Netheril Civilization quietly.

But projection has nothing to say about this. It seems that this guy really has no emotion at all, but it is just a high-level program that can be called “artificial intelligence” that’s all:

“Netheril Civilization values ​​the 4” attributes “of a creature most, namely will, wisdom, intelligence, and curiosity! So you need to pass 4 retrials to prove that you have these qualities, and the inheritance of Netheril Civilization will be open to you like you. Build my Great Arcanist-Migz Unozen is very certain that only these 4 creatures with good qualities can rejuvenate a great Nese-year-old civilization instead of divulging precious knowledge to the cowardly God! “

“Frankly speaking, it is another kind of secrecy that is more flexible, right?”

Punk asked.

“Yes, you can understand it that way.”

projection’s answer is also very simple.

“Okay, it seems that if I want to gain knowledge, I must pass those 4 trials, right?”

“Accurately, you have passed the first trial, Great Arcanist Migz Unozen is very certain-the courage to dare to connect your magic power and the lifeform of the unknown Legend creation must pass.”

projection resolute and decisive said.

“You mentioned Great Arcanist Migz Unozen many times. Was this ruin built by the Great Arcanist Lord?”

Punk slightly frowned asked, how did he feel that this Great Arcanist is a bit unreliable, the Great Arcanist’s indoctrination of this projection is too self-centered, and his own knowledge of resolute and decisive, almost reached Paranoid level.

“Yes, Your Excellency Great Arcanist Migz Unozen is one of the 70000 ruins builders. He himself is responsible for the construction of 1000 ruins including this ruin.”

The answer of projection is very natural and ordinary, but it sounds a little speechless in Punk.

Great Arcanist sounds different. Building their own Inheritance Vestige has its own style. Even if there is a problem with this Great Arcanist architectural style, what else can you do to show yourself an unreliable Great Arcanist “Lord”.

Punk is an adventurous Spellcaster. It’s not false, as can be seen from his “confusing” Alignment.

However, as a sensible Wizard, Punk sincerely felt that he should not be greedy for wealth to continue to deepen. After all, the builder of this ruin is no longer a bad taste to describe. The ghost knows how “standard” he sets The harshness can be felt by Punk in the 3 words and 2 languages ​​of the projection-the paranoid and neurotic style is hardly disguised!

So, Punk asked the projection without thinking much:

“So … if, I mean, if there is a” successor “in your mouth that is not strong, what should I do if it is not suitable to inherit the knowledge of the great” Netheril Civilization “?”

“Relax, successor, Netheril Civilization’s trials have nothing to do with the successor’s strength, and knowledge impossible carries on inheritance through persecution, and the creatures under persecution also burst out with the potential for accurate information, so if you don’t want to inherit, no one will persecute. you”!

The projection produced by Great Arcanist Migz Unozen is obviously highly intelligent, and it immediately understood Punk ’s thoughts, seeing Punk ’s projection not at all. The roaring rage is not persuaded by bitterness, and it only uses the same mechanical sound. Stated Great Arcanist’s answer.

But Punk not at all therefore relaxed, because he now vaguely feels that there is a hint of turmoil in the projection … Even though system analysis is used, the projection’s words are not at all different from the previous mechanical sounds.

Intuition told Punk that the projection was not finished, so he did not ask impatient how to get out, but stood expressionless and continued to wait for the projection to speak.

Punk’s intuition is still very reliable, the projection just paused a little, and then spoke again:

“But … unfortunately, for the sake of confidentiality of the ruins, the only exit here is in the” inheritance zone “. Since you are not willing to inherit the heritage of civilization, I naturally cannot bring you into the” inheritance zone “. , So … I’m afraid you have to leave this room by yourself! “

Having said that, the projection also mechanically put a shrug shape under Punk’s stunned gaze. Although Punk knew that the movements of this projection were mostly set in the program, he did not have any emotional color, but at this time he still Feel a “deeply malicious” assaults the senses from 1000 10,000 years ago:

“This is what you call non-persecution? Where have all the good morals gone?”

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