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Punk is now constantly avoiding Soul Shepherd’s attacks, and he must seriously think about the theoretical victory. Soul Shepherd’s “Negative Energy Finger” does not stop at all. Even if there is a system to help Punk analyze Soul Shepherd’s strange attacks, he It is inevitable to appear batteryd and exhausted.

However, in just a few seconds of escape, Punk also found some details!

For example, Soul Shepherd ’s attack is quite monotonous, the attack power of “Negative Energy Finger” is indeed very high, as long as it encounters Punk, it is definitely a proper instant kill, but Punk ’s speed has always been a little faster than Soul Shepherd ’s aiming. If you did n’t make any mistakes, in theory all Soul Shepherd’s “Negative Energy Finger” would only fly past Punk.

But Soul Shepherd standing in the middle of the field seems to be completely unaware of this. He seems to be only going to do a “Negative Energy Finger”, and he didn’t change the idea of ​​Innate Spell to try it, even if one by one. “Negative Energy Finger” has nothing to do except to reduce the temperature of the “trial field” to minus 100 degrees.

In fact, as long as Soul Shepherd uses any large-scale AoEspell, Punk thinks that the current method of escaping everywhere is meaningless.

Because Punk’s strength is fundamentally impossible to resist the 3 range-shaped Master Level spell, as long as Soul Shepherd uses AOE, Punk will definitely survive.

But Soul Shepherd, as an intelligent creature with an IQ that is not inferior to humans, seems to have completely forgotten his “Negative Energy Impact”, “Corrosion of Darkness”, “Death Extension” these large-scale attack Innate Spell, it recognized “Negative Energy Finger” is not released continuously, but only once every second.

According to Soul Shepherd’s performance, Punk can basically determine two intelligences:

“First, Soul Shepherd can’t use AOE Spell, otherwise he only needs 2 AOEs to end the fight immediately, and he doesn’t need to hit a spell for a long time like this now and can’t hit it.

But Soul Shepherd is definitely not AOE Spell. If the Master Level Warlock who lives in Undead Plane will not use AOE Spell, then it will have been killed by endless Undead, so … 80% of it cannot use AOE Spell, this relic of Netheril Civilization limits it “.

“Second: Soul Shepherd can only use” Negative Energy Finger “as a spell, and this spell cannot be used continuously. Otherwise, as long as this guy suddenly changes his moves, he will send 2 2” Negative Energy Finger, “or “With an Innate Spell attack similar to” Negative Energy Garrote “, Claw of Bones”, Punk will definitely crash when he dances on the tip of the knife like this. After all, as a Level 3 Formal Level Spellcaster, Punk’s reaction ability is much worse than Soul Shepherd at Level 14 Master Level “

“However, the successes left by Netheril Civilization are almost absolutely impossible. There are only these two types. After all, even if the enemy can only use a” Negative Energy Finger “, the successor can always hide in the thrill. If you fall into a pro-consumption battle situation, the successor will be mortal. The consumption of Formal Level creatures does not consume Master Level creatures at all, so there must be more restrictions on this guy.

Punk clenched his fists secretly, and he already knew where his “theoretical” chance of winning was. Because the enemy was too strong, Punk was absolutely impossible to rely on the hard bar to win, so it was the only restriction on the enemy that was discovered and used by Netheril Civilization remains The chance of victory!

Thinking of this, Punk only felt that his eyes were suddenly bright. He quickly analyzed all the seemingly meaningless details that he had seen since arriving at the trial site. Punk was convinced that the key information must be hidden in these details.

Soul Shepherd is not stupid. It is a smart creature. As a Master Level powerhouse, its observation ability is only stronger than Punk, not weaker than Punk. He knows that he is limited to death by this strange place, although when fighting Punk, he has The powerful Soul Shepherd can still have the absolute upper hand, but it is very clear that when Punk understands the hidden limitations and help, his situation is really dangerous.

So Soul Shepherd does not want to give the enemy the opportunity to think:

“Kill the enemy with the fastest speed, can’t let him have enough thinking time”!

This is the conclusion that Soul Shepherd got!

Soul Shepherd knows that Punk’s evasion speed can always be faster than the “Negative Energy Finger” it uses. Every time the terrifying negative energy beam will wipe Punk flying past, seemingly thrilling, but there will be nothing Effectiveness.

He really wants to consume it like Punk. After all, as a Master Level creature, even if he has just advanced, he still only has Level 15. Its magic power measurement is enough to consume ten Level 14 Formal Level Wizards like Punk. Not adulterated at all.

But he seems to have no choice!

“It’s okay, as long as it can stop this” loach “, even if he finds nothing, he is not afraid.”

With this self-consolation psychology, Soul Shepherd temporarily reluctantly stopped the offense. He gave up the must-have attrition battle very reluctantly and began to release his other Innate Spell under the control of the Netheril Civilization ruins — —Master Level Conjuration spell —— “Sharp Fangs Wraith Summon” (Innate Spell version).

After a few seconds, with the weird incantation quickly ending singing, 2 phantom humanoids with translucent white bodies appeared beside Soul Shepherd. The mouths of these 2 monsters were almost all densely packed sharp teeth , And these teeth are also the only opaque parts of Wraith’s body!

The 2 Wraiths that just appeared seem to be suffering from huge pains. They not only twisted their face looks sinister, but also began to scream and wail as soon as they appeared. The huge sound almost turned into substantial fluctuations and filled the entire trial field.

“Hiss! This guy actually recruited younger brothers … But are these two younger brothers a hidden helper? Is Soul Shepherd really giving up the must-win battle for do it quickly?”

Seeing the appearance of the two Wraiths, Punk was faintly aware of some things. From the situation so far, Soul Shepherd should belong to the type of enemy that is steadily playing. It must understand that in this ruins that have various restrictions on it. ” The more you do, the more mistakes you make! ” But at this time Soul Shepherd was suddenly radical Summoning 2 Wraith came out a little bit thought-provoking!

However, Punk has no time to combine the appearance of the two Wraiths and analyze all the details since the beginning of the battle, because the two Wraiths have rushed towards themselves like crazy, and Punk can only use the 2 and magic power pins condensed on his fingers immediately Directly pierced his eardrum-although Punk recognized that the Wraith of Soul Shepherd Summoning would not be attacked by any Illusion Spell, the ordinary super loud roar of Wraith of Master Level spell Summoning was enough to make Punk ’s eardrum painful. Tormenting your ears with that kind of sound consumes precious energy, it is better to solve the trouble of the sound by yourself!

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