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Now that we are about to enter the territory of Harpy Tribe, in order to prevent the Formal Level Priestess from being scared away after sensing his strength, Punk had to choose to hide his breath.

In fact, under normal circumstances, no matter whether strolling in the wilderness or walking in the city, Punk never hides his Master Level strength, it is not that he will not use hidden means, have a “Hitraz Magic Box” and inherit With all the knowledge of Great Arcanist Vedrasia, Punk can hide himself as an ordinary person without any magic power fluctuations, not Legendary Powerhouse. Do n’t even think about it.

But Punk never did that unless it was a very last resort.

The reason is also very simple, because he likes a clean environment.

Whether in the wilderness of the wilderness or in the bustling city, Punk hates the noisy wild beast and the crowd, every time he sees the uncivilized medieval poor who is noisy and even drowning everywhere will be unable to bear There was an urge to hit the ball with Fireball.

The most intolerable thing for Punk is to waste precious time on pickpockets and Hooligan who like to find faults everywhere in the city. What’s more, the crowded crowd represents an immeasurable and huge risk. No one can guarantee that the beggar thief who looks humble and lowly is a Master Level Stalker who is very good at disguising.

Punk ’s most valuable experience learned from Vedrasia ’s battlefield memory is that must without the slightest hesitation attacks and defends against any material, energy, or anything unknown to him, because the danger is always hidden in the details of the unremarkable.

For these reasons, Punk will always spread the coercion of his Master Level unscrupulously, and then enjoy the quiet environment where no matter where and where you can smell the needle, no matter when and where there are no creatures around.

but now…………

Punk suppressed the impatience in his heart and endured a few Harpy young children playing around the edge of the territory to make noise and noise.

“Go go go, leave quickly”.

Harpy, who led the way in front of Punk, sent the chirp chirp twitter twitter children, and then took Punk to the gate of the territory quickly.

Like many orc tribes, Harpy has a custom of sacrificing its ancestors. They like to engrave the ancestor ’s name as a Totem column at the entrance of the tribe with blood-soaked wooden stakes, and then place some rare prey skulls next to the Totem column to worship the ancestors The more powerful tribes have many skulls piled up next to the Totem column, and some orc tribes will use various magic beast skulls to pile up hills.

The Totem column of this Harpy Tribe is very general. Only a few Novice Level Class Holder skulls are a bit powerful. The others are nothing but the skulls of some beasts that’s all.

Following the leading Harpy, Punk bypassed the plain Totem column and entered the tribe. The two tall Harpy guarded the door and saw the gesture of the leading man secretly beating their hostility, the expression on his face also became mocking and taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

“Hired thug? Looks like I’m not stupid at home yet.”

Punk looked a little funny at the three Harpy gestures with his secret gestures to communicate with each other. He could speculate that the meaning of these exchanges should be to bring himself to see what “Lady Priestress”.

A glance at the two Harpy’s faces at the door looked ridiculous, Punk indifferently shook the head, he had secretly put his hands on the “Green Staff” behind him, and now as soon as the arrogant Priestess appeared, Punk could be the fastest Speed ​​gives her a ruthless one!

But Priestess not at all appeared immediately as Punk thought. This Priestess seemed to be a big shelf. She did n’t come out like a leader of a small tribe to console the “warriors” who were injured in hunting. The lead Harpy only really strong. Punk went to smile. Sit at her house.

It’s no problem to sit down. Although the Priestess is called a priest, it doesn’t seem to be a Spellcaster at all. There is no Magic fluctuation in the whole camp, and Punk is not worried about any traps. So he agreed with Harpy’s “invitation”.

Seeing that Punk agreed indifferently, the Harpy seemed to be sighed in relief. She quickly took Punk to a huge tree house, and then arranged for an elderly Harpy to entertain with “the best” and hurriedly left.

“Did you report to the Priestess, and after listening to her description, the Priestess should come in a hurry!”

Punk speculates on Priestess’s reaction after receiving an unknown person into the tribe, and feels that he is the best choice to stay here and wait for the rabbit.

So Punk was not anxious. He slowly floated on the tree house built with green leaves as the roof, and then looked at a younger Harpy to serve a very rich food in this barren tribe. .

Harpy, who serves food, is a timid male. In the matriarchal society of Harpy, the status of men is very low, and they generally act as servants.

Punk estimated that it would take some time for the Priestess to come over after listening to the report. At this time, it is better to look at the flavors of this tribe. After all … these flavors will completely disappear after today!

The richness of the food on the plate is relatively speaking. The dishes are just some fruit and vegetable salads without any spices. The main food is a clear broth mixed with a little bone marrow, which is definitely not comparable to the banquet of human nobility, but Punk is more Like this light food, Punk with Ancient Elf Bloodline actually dislikes the greasy big fish and meat at the nobility banquet.

Punk gently used a wooden fork to fork a piece of meat into his mouth, and said to himself a little vaguely:

“Well, the taste is good. The meat of the Modi Lizard is stewed just right. There is not much salt in it. The toothpaste is put in to neutralize the bloody smell in the meat block. A plum petal is added to increase the aroma … Say, if you remove those bitter bittersweet powder, it is perfect. “

At the end, Punk slowly lowered his fork, staring at the little Harpy who was stunned beside him.

Punk has no research on food, but the system scan still detected all the accessories in this food, and the part of the Gatherer Mushroom powder that was apparent at a glance in Punk’s view is the outside world version. Special effects Mongolian medicine.

“It’s a pity child, I’m not afraid of this stuff, but I don’t blame you for not knowing that M. garneri does have a strong nerve palsy effect. You must stun those Novice Level magic beasts with M. gerberi. Yes, but I ’m afraid you have never used this thing with Formal powerhouse, otherwise you will know … “

After using Wizard, Punk stood directly holding the head of Little Harpy. His voice was very cold although it was playful, just like it came from Hell in 9 spectacles.

“This kind of poison without magical energy can’t affect more than the Formal Level powerhouse. For me, this is just a blind condiment that’s all!”

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