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Although the reception used Golem’s style to make Punk want to vomit, he still listened carefully to Golem’s explanation of the exchange rules. After all, Golem will only talk about this information once. Punk can’t even set up a “Advanced Tutor”. What privileges does Golem who has set the program get here.

The fully energetic “Void Soul Floating Statue” pointed the information on the projection template with a finger and said:

“This exchange section is divided into” headquarters section “and” division section “. All Truth’s Thinking Tutors can put the resources they want to sell on the section, but the information placed cannot be revoked. If a buyer arrives but If the seller is unable to provide the corresponding resources, he will face the punishment of credit rating reduction and fine.

Among them, the “Branch column” shows the resources owned by the Gray Rain Kingdom Truth’s Thinking branch. After the buyer only needs to pay a sufficient number of trade points, Golem, who is responsible for transporting the item, will move the goods outside the buyer’s residence. .

In addition to paying the buyer ’s trade point, the resources of the “headquarters column” also need to pay the necessary fees for delivery. The delivery fee changes according to the energy level of the delivery item and the distance between the buyer and the seller. Please purchase the special note”.

After Golem’s words were finished, he stayed there for a while.

“The rules are fairly simple. I hope that the charges for sending items from the headquarters should not be too ridiculous, otherwise all the resources of this branch will not be too much.”

Punk slightly frowned opened the column table.

Needless to say, the resource item in the headquarter column is almost terrifying. The sea and the sky are all inclusive. Whether it is a deserted tree in the endless desert, or a Murray fish special for the Chaos Sea, it is only in Divine Kingdom. Only the flowers of Huiying produced are displayed.

Of course, these resources don’t talk about their expensive value first, even if they are too far away, Punk can’t afford the transmission cost.

In the end, Punk gave up the dazzling exploration of these precious materials that could not be seen, and concentrated on searching for the materials he needed.

Fortunately, the creator of the projection panel should have considered the question of whether the search is convenient. There is a search option on this simple projection panel. Punk does not need each and everyone to find in the huge information library, he only You need to belong to the keyword vocabulary to get the information you want. This Magic application of Truth’s Thinking is not worse than the 100-degree Google and so on on Earth.

Punk first searched for the information of Oak Fire Rock Crystal.

Fortunately, the Oak Fire Rock crystal is not in this Truth’s Thinking branch of Gray Rain Kingdom. This kind of Fire Rock crystal is only produced in areas where Fire Element is very condensed, such as a Moser next to the volcano The Kingdom Division has the sale of Oak Fire Rock Crystals.

“At least some are good enough”!

This was Punk’s first idea, and then … When he saw the selling price, the idea immediately changed.

I saw on the panel showing the price of Huoyan crystal:

“Ok flammite crystals with a purity of more than 95%, the selling price is 7 trade points

Delivery cost: 20 trade points!

Punk looked at this data and felt that he was no longer in a good mood. Although he thought that even if Legend established a Transmission Formation that bypassed the unstable area of ​​the space, it would consume a lot of resources, and the charges would definitely not be as low as Earth Express.

But what Punk did not expect was that the charging price was so high, and the cost of transmission was actually more expensive than the thunder-fire rock crystal itself.

Punk has scanned other commodities, and found that this kind of transmission price generally has this situation. In the end, he can only helplessly sigh:

“What else can I do, buy it, even if the cost of transmission is ridiculously better than it can’t be bought, so it is already a blessing to be able to buy precious resources.”

Punk handed the identity card to Golem while feeling helpless.

Golem didn’t take the card. It just tapped the finger on the edge of the card and turned his head to say to Punk:

“Dear Punk Saian Master, you have completed the purchase procedure. Now please collect your cards. The 95% or more purity okite crystal will be delivered to your Magic Tower within 3 days.”

“Okay, next I want to inquire about the information of Minison alloy”.

“Okay, according to the results of the review, Minison Alloy has sufficient reserves in the Gray Rain Kingdom division. According to the seller’s wishes, the grade is 2 trade point 1000 grams. Do you decide to buy it?”

“Oh? Is it available in this branch? It seems that it can save a lot of money.”

Hearing Golem saying that there is a Minneson alloy in this branch, Punk could not help being sighed in relief. He is now poor and poor. If you buy these metals that need to be used in large quantities, you need to pay high scary delivery costs. You can only temporarily give up the production of Golem.

But now that the branch has reserves, things are much easier to handle.

Punk immediately asked Golem:

“That’s good, I will buy 30 1000 grams now.”

Half-Elemental Golem is a light-weight Golem, and even considering waste materials, 30 1000 grams of metal is enough.

Punk planned to leave after shopping. Truth’s Thinking’s item transportation needs to take the goods away from the seller, so it takes about a day from the door of the Magic Tower to Punk’s Magic Tower.

“Please wait, Mr. Punk Saian”!

Just when Punk had crossed the door of the “Pyramid” exchange, Golem, who had already turned to the reception counter, suddenly opened his mouth to stop Punk:

“Brachel Nokan Master, the seller of Minneson alloy, has sent a message, please receive it from Punk Saian Master”

Golem’s voice is not loud, but Punk can hear clearly.

“Brachel Nokan Master”?

Punk felt a little strange. He knew that this Brachel Master was one of the 6 Master Level Spellcasters in Gray Rain Kingdom Truth’s Thinking Division, but he didn’t know this guy. Does the seller have to meet the buyer?

Punk returned to the projection panel with some doubt, and then opened the letter sent by Brachel Nokan Master.

The projection handwriting of the letter is the handwriting directly displayed. I can see that it is written in neat common language in dark green handwriting:

“Hello, Mr. Saian, I happen to have Minison alloy stored in the Magic Tower warehouse. If you do n’t mind, I hope to invite you to come to my Magic Tower as a guest. As a hospitable Wizard, I sincerely look forward to Your arrival —— Brachel Nokan ”.

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